Exemple #1
        private void AddObstacles(float minDepth)
            //add the right number of obstacles
            int numberToAdd = (int)((RoadSize / car.Diameter - 1) / 2.0f);
            //get the min space between obstacles in this section
            float minSize = ((RoadSize / numberToAdd) - car.Diameter) / 2.0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberToAdd; i++)
                //get a random number in the min size range
                float depth = minDepth - ((float)Utility.Rnd.NextDouble() * minSize);
                //make sure its in the right range
                depth -= (i * (car.Diameter * 2));

                //pick right or left side of road
                float location = (Utility.Rnd.Next(50) > 25) ? RoadLocationLeft : RoadLocationRight;

                //add the obstacle
                obstacles.Add(new Obstacle(device, location, obstacleHeight, depth));
Exemple #2
        private void OnFrameUpdate()
            if ((isGameOver) || (!hasGameStarted))

            // First, get the elapsed time
            elapsedTime = Utility.Timer(DirectXTimer.GetElapsedTime);

            RoadDepth0 += (RoadSpeed * elapsedTime);
            RoadDepth1 += (RoadSpeed * elapsedTime);

            // We have two "roads" here a top and bottom, check to see where they are located and if
            //they exceed their bounds, then swap them.
            if (RoadDepth0 > 75.0f)
                RoadDepth0 = RoadDepth1 - 100.0f;

            if (RoadDepth1 > 75.0f)
                RoadDepth1 = RoadDepth0 - 100.0f;

            // Remove any obstacles that are past the car
            // Increase the score for each one, and also increase
            // the road speed to make the game harder.
            Obstacles removeObstacles = new Obstacles();

            foreach (Obstacle o in obstacles)
                if (o.Depth > car.Diameter - (Car.Depth * 2))
                    // Add this obstacle to our list to remove
                    // Increase roadspeed
                    RoadSpeed += RoadSpeedIncrement;

                    // Make sure the road speed stays below max
                    if (RoadSpeed >= MaximumRoadSpeed)
                        RoadSpeed = MaximumRoadSpeed;

                    // Increase the car speed as well

                    // Add the new score
                    score += (int)(RoadSpeed * (RoadSpeed / car.Speed));
            // Remove the obstacles in the list
            foreach (Obstacle o in removeObstacles)
                // May as well dispose it as well

            // Move our obstacles
            foreach (Obstacle o in obstacles)
                // Update the obstacle, check to see if it hits the car
                o.Update(elapsedTime, RoadSpeed);
                if (o.IsHittingCar(car.Location, car.Diameter))
                    // If it does hit the car, the game is over.
                    isGameOver   = true;
                    gameOverTick = System.Environment.TickCount;
                    // Stop our timer
                    // Check to see if we want to add this to our high scores list