Exemple #1
 public int[] SetStep(Map m, Token.PlayerColor color, int[] p, int check, Control contrl, List<int[]> taken)
     int[] pos = ChooseToken(m, color, taken);
     int[,] help;
     if (m.Field[pos[0], pos[1]].Tok == "stone"){
         Token.PlayerColor c = m.Field[pos[0], pos[1]].Color;
         help = new Stone(c).nextStep(m, pos);//field of information where you can move, or have to move a stone
         Token.PlayerColor c = m.Field[pos[0], pos[1]].Color;
         help = new Draught(c).nextStep(m, pos);//field of information where you can move, or have to move a draught
     return new int[]{-1,-1};
Exemple #2
        public World(int priority, int size, Draught.Control control, Map map)
            : base(priority)
            this.control = control;
            this.map = map;

            tokens = new Token[size, size];
            board = new Board3D(boardBase, size);

            atMouse = Token.empty;
            atMousePos[0] = -1;
            atMousePos[1] = -1;

Exemple #3
 public int[] ChooseToken(Map m, Token.PlayerColor color, List<int[]> taken)
     return new int[]{-1,-1}; //TODO aus der GUI die gewählte Figur des Spielers holen
Exemple #4
        //returns the field the Player wants to visit
        public int[] SetStep(Map m, Token.PlayerColor color, int[] pos, int check, Control contrl, List<int[]> taken)
            int[,] help;
            Random r = new Random();
            int r1;
            List<int[]> priority = new List<int[]>();
            List<int[]> visitable = new List<int[]>();

            if (m.Field[pos[0], pos[1]].Tok == "stone")
                Token.PlayerColor c = m.Field[pos[0], pos[1]].Color;
                help = new Stone(c).nextStep(m, pos);//field of information where you can move, or have to move a stone
                Token.PlayerColor c = m.Field[pos[0], pos[1]].Color;
                help = new Draught(c).nextStep(m, pos);//field of information where you can move, or have to move a draught

            for (int a = 0; a < help.GetLength(1); ++a)
                for (int b = 0; b < help.GetLength(1); ++b)
                    if (help[a, b] == 1) priority.Add(new int[] { a, b }); //builds a list of field with priority
                    if (help[a, b] == 0) visitable.Add(new int[] { a, b });//builds a list of field which are visitable
            int[] temp;
            Token[,] field = m.Field;
            if (priority.Count != 0)
            {//if there are fields with higher priority
                for(int i=0; i<priority.Count; i++)
                    temp = new int[] { priority[i][0], priority[i][1] };
                    contrl.temp = new int[] { pos[0], pos[1], temp[0], temp[1] };
                    return temp;
                for(int i=0; i<visitable.Count; i++)
                    temp = new int[] { visitable[i][0], visitable[i][1] };
                    if (!removeTokens(field, color, temp, m))
                        contrl.temp = new int[] { pos[0], pos[1], temp[0], temp[1] };
                        return temp;
            if (check < 80)
                return SetStep(m, color, ChooseToken(m, color, taken), check + 1, contrl, taken);
                if (priority.Count != 0)
                {//if there are fields with higher priority
                    r1 = r.Next(0, priority.Count);
                    temp = new int[] { priority[r1][0], priority[r1][1] };//choose a random field
                    r1 = r.Next(0, visitable.Count);
                    temp = new int[] { visitable[r1][0], visitable[r1][1] };//choose a random field
                contrl.temp = new int[] { pos[0], pos[1], temp[0], temp[1] };
                return temp;
Exemple #5
 public bool removeTokens(Token[,] field, Token.PlayerColor color, int [] pos, Map m)
     Token temp = null;
     int[] posN;
     for (int j = 0; j < field.GetLength(0); j++)
         for (int k = 0; k < field.GetLength(1); k++)
             if (field[j, k] == null)
             else if (field[j, k].Color != color)
                 temp = field[j, k];
                 posN = new int[]{ j, k };
                 int[,] possible = temp.nextStep(m, posN);
                 for (int l = 0; l < possible.GetLength(0); l++)
                     for (int n = 0; n < possible.GetLength(1); n++)
                         if (possible[l, n] > -1)
                             if (isInDistance(posN, new int[] { l, n }, pos))
                                 return true;
     return false;
Exemple #6
 public int[] ChooseToken(Map m, Token.PlayerColor color, List<int[]> taken)
     List<int[]> tokens = new List<int[]>();
     List<int[]> priorityTokens = new List<int[]>();
     List<int[]> prioOutOfway = new List<int[]>();
     Random r = new Random();
     int[,] compare = new int[m.Field.GetLength(1), m.Field.GetLength(1)];
     for (int i = 0; i < m.Field.GetLength(1); i++){//build a list off all tokens with a specific color
         for (int j = 0; j < m.Field.GetLength(1); j++)
             if (m.Field[i, j] != null && m.Field[i, j].Color == color){
                 int[,] tmp = m.getToken(new int[] { i, j }).nextStep(m, new int[] { i, j });
                 bool moveable = false;
                 for (int a = 0; a < tmp.GetLength(1); a++){
                     for (int b = 0; b < tmp.GetLength(1); b++){
                         if (tmp[a, b] != -1)
                         {//if any turns are possible
                             moveable = true;
                 if (moveable == true)
                     tokens.Add(new int[] { i, j });
     int count = 0;
     List<int> deleteList = new List<int>();
     for (int n = 0; n < tokens.Count; ++n)
     { //checks if there are any priority turns
         int[,] help = m.Field[tokens[n][0], tokens[n][1]].nextStep(m, new int[] { tokens[n][0], tokens[n][1] });
         for (int a = 0; a < help.GetLength(1); ++a)
             for (int b = 0; b < help.GetLength(1); ++b)
                 int iil = isInList(new int[] { tokens[n][0], tokens[n][1] }, taken, tokens);
                 if (help[a, b] == 1)
                     priorityTokens.Add(new int[] { tokens[n][0], tokens[n][1] });
                 else if (iil > -1 && tokens.Count > 1)
     if (count == 0)
     {//there are no priority turns
         for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Count; ++i)//if AI can get a Draugt it should get it
             if (deleteList.Contains(i))
             if (color == Token.PlayerColor.Black &&tokens[i][1] == m.Field.GetLength(1)-2&&m.Field[tokens[i][0],tokens[i][1]].Tok=="stone")
                 return new int[] { tokens[i][0], tokens[i][1] };
             if (color == Token.PlayerColor.White && tokens[i][1] == 1 && m.Field[tokens[i][0], tokens[i][1]].Tok == "stone")
                 return new int[] { tokens[i][0], tokens[i][1] };
         int r1 = r.Next(0, tokens.Count);
         return new int[] { tokens[r1][0], tokens[r1][1] };
     {//there are priority turns
         for (int i = 0; i < priorityTokens.Count; ++i)
             if (color == Token.PlayerColor.Black && priorityTokens[i][1] == m.Field.GetLength(1) - 3 && m.Field[tokens[i][0], tokens[i][1]].Tok == "stone")
                 return new int[] { priorityTokens[i][0], priorityTokens[i][1] };
             else if (color == Token.PlayerColor.White && priorityTokens[i][1] == 2 && m.Field[tokens[i][0], tokens[i][1]].Tok == "stone")
                 return new int[] { priorityTokens[i][0], priorityTokens[i][1] };
         int r1 = r.Next(0, priorityTokens.Count);
         return new int[] { priorityTokens[r1][0], priorityTokens[r1][1] };
Exemple #7
 public void AddToken(int[] pos, Token t)
         field[pos[0],pos[1]] = t;
Exemple #8
 public void setToken(int posX, int posY, Token t)
     if ((posX < 0 || posX > tokens.Length) || (posY < 0 || posY > tokens.Length)) {
         throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
     tokens[posX, posY] = t;
     Console.WriteLine(tokens[posX, posY]);
Exemple #9
        public void mouseClicked(MouseEventArgs e)
            Vector3D pos3D = Vector3D.ISOToVector3D(e.Location);

            if (board.isInside(pos3D)) {

                int posX = board.getFieldX(pos3D);
                int posY = board.getFieldY(pos3D);

                if (atMouse == Token.empty) {
                    if (tokens[posX, posY] != Token.BlackDraugthGhost || tokens[posX, posY] != Token.WhiteDraugthGhost || tokens[posX, posY] != Token.BlackGhost || tokens[posX, posY] != Token.WhiteGhost) {
                        atMouse = tokens[posX, posY];
                        atMousePos[0] = posX;
                        atMousePos[1] = posY;

                } else {
                    int[] mousePos = {posX, posY};
                    control.checkTurn(atMousePos, mousePos, false);
                    atMouse = Token.empty;
Exemple #10
 // Methode zum ausfuehren genehmigter Spielzuege
 public void doTurn(int[] posN, int[] posO, Token t, bool beaten)
     // Pruefe zunaechst, in welche Richtung die Figur bewegt werden soll
     int[] direct = new int[2];
     if (posN[0] < posO[0])
         direct[0] = -1;
         if (posN[1] < posO[1]) //TopLeft
             direct[1] = -1;
         else //TopRight
             direct[1] = 1;
         direct[0] = 1;
         if (posN[1] < posO[1]) //BottomLeft
             direct[1] = -1;
         else //BottomRight
             direct[1] = 1;
     int diff = Math.Abs(posN[0]-posO[0])+1;
     // Gehe mit Hilfe der Richtung den diagonalen Weg zum Zielfeld und entferne ggf. dort stehende Steine
     List<int[]> removeList = new List<int[]>();
     for (int i = 1; i < diff; i++)
         removeList.Add(new int[]{posO[0]+(i*direct[0]), posO[1]+(i*direct[1])});
     // Fuehre die eigentliche Bewegung in der Map aus
     // Importiere die moeglichen naechsten Schritte zur Ueberpruefung, ob das Spiel fortgesetzt werden kann
     // Wenn letzte Reihe, dann wird Stein zur Dame
     bool draught = false;
     if (((!isBlack(act) && posN[1] == 0) || (isBlack(act) && posN[1] == m.Field.GetLength(0)-1)) && t.Tok=="stone")
         draught = true;
         Draught d = new Draught(t.Color);
         m.AddToken(posN, d);
         t = d;
         //Naechste Schritte der Dame sind andere als eines Steins
     m.AddToken(posN, t);
     int[,] possNext = t.nextStep(m, posN);
     if (beaten) temp = null;
     if (beaten&&!draught)
         for (int i = 0; i < possNext.GetLength(0); i++)
             for (int j = 0; j < possNext.GetLength(1); j++)
                 if (possNext[i, j] == 1)
                     if (!isHuman(act))
     // Weiter zum naechsten Spieler
     act = changeIndex();
     // Wenn naechster Spieler keine Figuren oder moegliche zuege mehr hat, dann ist das Spiel beendet.
     if (!hasStones(act)||!hasTurns(act,false))
         msg = true;
         wait = true;
     if (!isHuman(act))
     else {
         if (act.Color == Intelligence.eColor.white) {
             errorMessage("Spieler 2 ist am Zug!", false);
         } else {
             errorMessage("Spieler 1 ist am Zug!", false);
     // BEI AI WARTE AUF AUFRUF VON AI_NEXT(), sonst warte auf Aufruf von checkTurn bei Klick von Benutzer