Exemple #1
        public static AsyncTransformExpression <TSource, TOuter> Then <TOuter>(AsyncTransformExpression <TSource, TResult> left, AsyncTransformExpression <TResult, TOuter> right)
            Contract.NotNull(left, nameof(left));
            Contract.NotNull(right, nameof(right));

            if (left.IsIdentity())
            {             // we can optimize the left expression away, since we know that TSource == TResult !
                //note: fool the compiler into believing that TSource == TResult
                return((AsyncTransformExpression <TSource, TOuter>)(object) right);

            if (right.IsIdentity())
            {             // we can optimize the right expression away, since we know that TResult == TOuter !
                return((AsyncTransformExpression <TSource, TOuter>)(object) left);

            if (left.m_transform != null)
                var f = left.m_transform;
                Contract.Assert(f != null);
                if (right.m_transform != null)
                    var g = right.m_transform;
                    Contract.Assert(g != null);
                    return(new AsyncTransformExpression <TSource, TOuter>((x) => g(f(x))));
                    var g = right.m_asyncTransform;
                    Contract.Assert(g != null);
                    return(new AsyncTransformExpression <TSource, TOuter>((x, ct) => g(f(x), ct)));
                var f = left.m_asyncTransform;
                Contract.Assert(f != null);
                if (right.m_asyncTransform != null)
                    var g = right.m_asyncTransform;
                    Contract.Assert(g != null);
                    return(new AsyncTransformExpression <TSource, TOuter>(async(x, ct) => await g(await f(x, ct).ConfigureAwait(false), ct).ConfigureAwait(false)));
                    var g = right.m_transform;
                    Contract.Assert(g != null);
                    return(new AsyncTransformExpression <TSource, TOuter>(async(x, ct) => g(await f(x, ct).ConfigureAwait(false))));
Exemple #2
 public AsyncTransformExpression <TSource, TOuter> Then <TOuter>(AsyncTransformExpression <TResult, TOuter> expr)
     return(Then <TOuter>(this, expr));