Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the Batch part info in memory, in a SyncTable
        /// </summary>
        internal virtual Task <(SyncContext context, SyncTable syncTable)> InternalLoadTableFromBatchInfoAsync(
            SyncContext context, BatchInfo batchInfo, string tableName, string schemaName = default, DataRowState?dataRowState = default)
            if (batchInfo == null || batchInfo.SanitizedSchema == null)
                return(Task.FromResult <(SyncContext, SyncTable)>((context, null)));

            // get the sanitazed table (without any readonly / non updatable columns) from batchinfo
            var schemaTable = batchInfo.SanitizedSchema.Tables[tableName, schemaName];
            var table       = schemaTable.Clone();

            var localSerializer = new LocalJsonSerializer();

            var interceptorsReading = this.interceptors.GetInterceptors <DeserializingRowArgs>();

            if (interceptorsReading.Count > 0)
                localSerializer.OnReadingRow(async(schemaTable, rowString) =>
                    var args = new DeserializingRowArgs(context, schemaTable, rowString);
                    await this.InterceptAsync(args).ConfigureAwait(false);
            // Gets all BPI containing this table
            foreach (var bpi in batchInfo.GetBatchPartsInfo(tableName, schemaName))
                // Get full path of my batchpartinfo
                var fullPath = batchInfo.GetBatchPartInfoPath(bpi).FullPath;

                if (!File.Exists(fullPath))

                if (bpi.Tables == null || bpi.Tables.Count() < 1)
                    return(Task.FromResult <(SyncContext, SyncTable)>((context, null)));

                foreach (var syncRow in localSerializer.ReadRowsFromFile(fullPath, schemaTable))
                    if (!dataRowState.HasValue || dataRowState == default || syncRow.RowState == dataRowState)

            return(Task.FromResult((context, table)));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the Batch part info in memory, in a SyncTable
        /// </summary>
        internal Task <SyncTable> InternalLoadTableFromBatchPartInfoAsync(SyncContext context, BatchInfo batchInfo, BatchPartInfo batchPartInfo, DataRowState?dataRowState = default)
            if (batchInfo == null || batchInfo.SanitizedSchema == null)
                return(Task.FromResult <SyncTable>(null));

            var localSerializer = new LocalJsonSerializer();

            // Get full path of my batchpartinfo
            var fullPath = batchInfo.GetBatchPartInfoPath(batchPartInfo).FullPath;

            if (!File.Exists(fullPath))
                return(Task.FromResult <SyncTable>(null));

            if (batchPartInfo.Tables == null || batchPartInfo.Tables.Count() < 1)
                return(Task.FromResult <SyncTable>(null));

            var schemaTable = batchInfo.SanitizedSchema.Tables[batchPartInfo.Tables[0].TableName, batchPartInfo.Tables[0].SchemaName];

            var table = schemaTable.Clone();

            var interceptorsReading = this.interceptors.GetInterceptors <DeserializingRowArgs>();

            if (interceptorsReading.Count > 0)
                localSerializer.OnReadingRow(async(schemaTable, rowString) =>
                    var args = new DeserializingRowArgs(context, schemaTable, rowString);
                    await this.InterceptAsync(args).ConfigureAwait(false);

            foreach (var syncRow in localSerializer.ReadRowsFromFile(fullPath, schemaTable))
                if (!dataRowState.HasValue || dataRowState == default || syncRow.RowState == dataRowState)

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply changes internal method for one type of query: Insert, Update or Delete for every batch from a table
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <SyncContext> InternalApplyTableChangesAsync(IScopeInfo scopeInfo, SyncContext context, SyncTable schemaTable, MessageApplyChanges message,
                                                                        DbConnection connection, DbTransaction transaction, DataRowState applyType, DatabaseChangesApplied changesApplied,
                                                                        CancellationToken cancellationToken, IProgress <ProgressArgs> progress)
            if (this.Provider == null)

            context.SyncStage = SyncStage.ChangesApplying;

            var setupTable = scopeInfo.Setup.Tables[schemaTable.TableName, schemaTable.SchemaName];

            if (setupTable == null)

            // Only table schema is replicated, no datas are applied
            if (setupTable.SyncDirection == SyncDirection.None)

            // if we are in upload stage, so check if table is not download only
            if (context.SyncWay == SyncWay.Upload && setupTable.SyncDirection == SyncDirection.DownloadOnly)

            // if we are in download stage, so check if table is not download only
            if (context.SyncWay == SyncWay.Download && setupTable.SyncDirection == SyncDirection.UploadOnly)

            var hasChanges = message.BatchInfo.HasData(schemaTable.TableName, schemaTable.SchemaName);

            // Each table in the messages contains scope columns. Don't forget it
            if (!hasChanges)

            // what kind of command to execute
            var           init          = message.IsNew || context.SyncType != SyncType.Normal;
            DbCommandType dbCommandType = applyType == DataRowState.Deleted ? DbCommandType.DeleteRows : (init ? DbCommandType.InsertRows : DbCommandType.UpdateRows);

            // tmp sync table with only writable columns
            var changesSet         = schemaTable.Schema.Clone(false);
            var schemaChangesTable = DbSyncAdapter.CreateChangesTable(schemaTable, changesSet);

            // get executioning adapter
            var syncAdapter = this.GetSyncAdapter(schemaChangesTable, scopeInfo);

            syncAdapter.ApplyType = applyType;

            // Get command
            var(command, isBatch) = await syncAdapter.GetCommandAsync(dbCommandType, connection, transaction);

            if (command == null)

            var bpiTables = message.BatchInfo.GetBatchPartsInfo(schemaTable);

            // launch interceptor if any
            var args = new TableChangesApplyingArgs(context, message.BatchInfo, bpiTables, schemaTable, applyType, command, connection, transaction);

            await this.InterceptAsync(args, progress, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (args.Cancel || args.Command == null)

            command = args.Command;
            var cmdText = command.CommandText;

            TableChangesApplied tableChangesApplied = null;

            // Conflicts occured when trying to apply rows
            var conflictRows = new List <SyncRow>();

            var localSerializer = new LocalJsonSerializer();

            // If someone has an interceptor on deserializing, we read the row and intercept
            var interceptorsReading = this.interceptors.GetInterceptors <DeserializingRowArgs>();

            if (interceptorsReading.Count > 0)
                localSerializer.OnReadingRow(async(schemaTable, rowString) =>
                    var args = new DeserializingRowArgs(context, schemaTable, rowString);
                    await this.InterceptAsync(args, progress, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // I've got all files for my table
            // applied rows for this bpi
            foreach (var batchPartInfo in bpiTables)
                // Applied row for this particular BPI
                var appliedRowsTmp = 0;
                // Rows fetch (either of the good state or not) from the BPI
                var rowsFetched = 0;

                // Get full path of my batchpartinfo
                var fullPath = message.BatchInfo.GetBatchPartInfoPath(batchPartInfo).FullPath;

                // accumulating rows
                var batchRows = new List <SyncRow>();

                if (isBatch)
                    foreach (var syncRow in localSerializer.ReadRowsFromFile(fullPath, schemaChangesTable))

                        // Adding rows to the batch rows
                        if (batchRows.Count < this.Provider.BulkBatchMaxLinesCount)
                            if (syncRow.RowState == applyType)

                            if (rowsFetched < batchPartInfo.RowsCount && batchRows.Count < this.Provider.BulkBatchMaxLinesCount)
                        if (batchRows.Count <= 0)

                        var failedRows = schemaChangesTable.Schema.Clone().Tables[schemaChangesTable.TableName, schemaChangesTable.SchemaName];

                        command.CommandText = cmdText;
                        var batchArgs = new RowsChangesApplyingArgs(context, message.BatchInfo, batchRows, schemaChangesTable, applyType, command, connection, transaction);
                        await this.InterceptAsync(batchArgs, progress, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (batchArgs.Cancel || batchArgs.Command == null || batchArgs.SyncRows == null || batchArgs.SyncRows.Count <= 0)

                        // get the correct pointer to the command from the interceptor in case user change the whole instance
                        command = batchArgs.Command;

                        await this.InterceptAsync(new DbCommandArgs(context, command, connection, transaction), progress, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        // execute the batch, through the provider
                        await syncAdapter.ExecuteBatchCommandAsync(command, message.SenderScopeId, batchArgs.SyncRows, schemaChangesTable, failedRows, message.LastTimestamp, connection, transaction).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        foreach (var failedRow in failedRows.Rows)

                        //rows minus failed rows
                        appliedRowsTmp += batchRows.Count - failedRows.Rows.Count;
                    foreach (var syncRow in localSerializer.ReadRowsFromFile(fullPath, schemaChangesTable))

                        if (syncRow.RowState != applyType)

                        command.CommandText = cmdText;
                        var batchArgs = new RowsChangesApplyingArgs(context, message.BatchInfo, new List <SyncRow> {
                        }, schemaChangesTable, applyType, command, connection, transaction);
                        await this.InterceptAsync(batchArgs, progress, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (batchArgs.Cancel || batchArgs.Command == null || batchArgs.SyncRows == null || batchArgs.SyncRows.Count() <= 0)

                        // get the correct pointer to the command from the interceptor in case user change the whole instance
                        command = batchArgs.Command;

                        // Set the parameters value from row
                        syncAdapter.SetColumnParametersValues(command, batchArgs.SyncRows.First());

                        // Set the special parameters for update
                        syncAdapter.AddScopeParametersValues(command, message.SenderScopeId, message.LastTimestamp, applyType == DataRowState.Deleted, false);

                        await this.InterceptAsync(new DbCommandArgs(context, command, connection, transaction), progress, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        var rowAppliedCount = await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                        // Check if we have a return value instead
                        var syncRowCountParam = DbSyncAdapter.GetParameter(command, "sync_row_count");

                        if (syncRowCountParam != null)
                            rowAppliedCount = (int)syncRowCountParam.Value;

                        if (rowAppliedCount > 0)

                // conflict rows applied
                int rowsAppliedCount = 0;
                // conflict resolved count
                int conflictsResolvedCount = 0;

                // If conflicts occured
                if (conflictRows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var conflictRow in conflictRows)
                        int     conflictResolvedCount;
                        SyncRow resolvedRow;
                        int     rowAppliedCount;
                        (context, conflictResolvedCount, resolvedRow, rowAppliedCount) =
                            await this.HandleConflictAsync(scopeInfo, context, message.LocalScopeId, message.SenderScopeId, syncAdapter, conflictRow, schemaChangesTable,
                                                           message.Policy, message.LastTimestamp, connection, transaction, cancellationToken, progress).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        conflictsResolvedCount += conflictResolvedCount;
                        rowsAppliedCount       += rowAppliedCount;

                    // add rows with resolved conflicts
                    appliedRowsTmp += rowsAppliedCount;

                // Any failure ?
                var changedFailed = rowsFetched - conflictsResolvedCount - appliedRowsTmp;

                // Only Upsert DatabaseChangesApplied if we make an upsert/ delete from the batch or resolved any conflict
                if (appliedRowsTmp > 0 || conflictsResolvedCount > 0)
                    // We may have multiple batch files, so we can have multipe sync tables with the same name
                    // We can say that a syncTable may be contained in several files
                    // That's why we should get an applied changes instance if already exists from a previous batch file
                    tableChangesApplied = changesApplied.TableChangesApplied.FirstOrDefault(tca =>
                        var sc = SyncGlobalization.DataSourceStringComparison;

                        var sn      = tca.SchemaName == null ? string.Empty : tca.SchemaName;
                        var otherSn = schemaTable.SchemaName == null ? string.Empty : schemaTable.SchemaName;

                        return(tca.TableName.Equals(schemaTable.TableName, sc) &&
                               sn.Equals(otherSn, sc) &&
                               tca.State == applyType);

                    if (tableChangesApplied == null)
                        tableChangesApplied = new TableChangesApplied
                            TableName         = schemaTable.TableName,
                            SchemaName        = schemaTable.SchemaName,
                            Applied           = appliedRowsTmp,
                            ResolvedConflicts = conflictsResolvedCount,
                            Failed            = changedFailed,
                            State             = applyType,
                            TotalRowsCount    = message.BatchInfo.RowsCount,
                            TotalAppliedCount = changesApplied.TotalAppliedChanges + appliedRowsTmp
                        tableChangesApplied.Applied           += appliedRowsTmp;
                        tableChangesApplied.TotalAppliedCount  = changesApplied.TotalAppliedChanges;
                        tableChangesApplied.ResolvedConflicts += conflictsResolvedCount;
                        tableChangesApplied.Failed            += changedFailed;

                    // we've got 0.25% to fill here
                    var progresspct = appliedRowsTmp * 0.25d / tableChangesApplied.TotalRowsCount;
                    context.ProgressPercentage += progresspct;

            schemaChangesTable = null;
            changesSet = null;

            // Report the overall changes applied for the current table
            if (tableChangesApplied != null)
                var tableChangesAppliedArgs = new TableChangesAppliedArgs(context, tableChangesApplied, connection, transaction);
                // We don't report progress if we do not have applied any changes on the table, to limit verbosity of Progress
                await this.InterceptAsync(tableChangesAppliedArgs, progress, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (command != null)
