public void schreibDiskussion(string _text)
     Page p = new Page(site, "Benutzer Diskussion:" + name);
 /// <summary>Gets page titles for this PageList from all links in some wiki page. All links
 /// will be retrieved, from all standard namespaces, except interwiki links to other
 /// sites. Use FillFromPageLinks function instead to filter namespaces automatically.</summary>
 /// <param name="pageTitle">Page title as string.</param>
 /// <example><code>pageList.FillFromAllPages("Art", 0, true, 100);</code></example>
 public void FillFromAllPageLinks(string pageTitle)
     string[] ns = new string[50];
     site.namespaces.Values.CopyTo(ns, 0);
     Site.wikiNSpaces.Values.CopyTo(ns, site.namespaces.Count);
     string nsRE = String.Join("|", ns).Trim("|".ToCharArray());
     Regex wikiLinkRE = new Regex(@"\[\[(((" + nsRE + @"):)?([^\:\|\]]+?))(]]|\|)");
     Page page = new Page(site, pageTitle);
     MatchCollection matches = wikiLinkRE.Matches(page.text);
     foreach (Match match in matches)
         pages.Add(new Page(site, match.Groups[1].Value));
     Console.WriteLine("PageList filled with links, found in \"" +
         pageTitle + "\".");