/// <Summary>
 /// Gets the index in the collection of the specified ,
 /// if it exists in the collection.
 /// </Summary>
 /// <Param name="value">The  to locate in the collection.</Param>
 /// <Returns>
 /// The index in the collection of the specified object, if found; otherwise, -1.
 /// </Returns>
 public int IndexOf( WizardPage value )
     return this.List.IndexOf( value );
 /// <Summary>
 /// Add an element of the specified  to the end of the collection.
 /// </Summary>
 /// <Param name="title">
 /// This is the title that will be displayed for this action
 /// </Param>
 /// <Param name="icon">This is the identifier to use for this action.</Param>
 /// <Param name="ctl">The Control Assocaited with the Page</Param>
 /// <Param name="help">The Help text for the  Page</Param>
 /// <Returns>The index of the newly added</Returns>
 public WizardPage Add( string title, string icon, Control ctl, string help )
     WizardPage page = new WizardPage(title, icon, ctl, help);
     return page;
 /// <Summary>
 /// Gets a value indicating whether the collection contains the specified .
 /// </Summary>
 /// <Param name="value">The  to search for in the collection.</Param>
 /// <Returns>
 /// true if the collection contains the specified object; otherwise, false.
 /// </Returns>
 public bool Contains( WizardPage value )
     // If value is not of type WizardPage, this will return false.
     return List.Contains(value);
 /// <Summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the
 /// class containing the specified array of  objects.
 /// </Summary>
 /// <Param name="value">
 /// An array of  objects with which to initialize the collection.
 /// </Param>
 public WizardPageCollection( WizardPage[] value )
     this.AddRange( value );
 /// <Summary>
 /// Add an element of the specified  to the end of the collection.
 /// </Summary>
 /// <Param name="value">An object of type  to add to the collection.</Param>
 /// <Returns>The index of the newly added</Returns>
 public int Add( WizardPage value )
     return this.List.Add( value );
 /// <Summary>
 /// Add an element of the specified  to the collection at the designated index.
 /// </Summary>
 /// <Param name="index">
 /// An Integer to indicate the location to add the object to the collection.
 /// </Param>
 /// <Param name="value">An object of type  to add to the collection.</Param>
 public void Insert( int index, WizardPage value )
     this.List.Insert( index, value );
 /// <Summary>Remove the specified object of type  from the collection.</Summary>
 /// <Param name="value">
 /// An object of type  to remove from the collection.
 /// </Param>
 public void Remove( WizardPage value )
     this.List.Remove( value );
 /// <Summary>
 /// Copies the elements of the specified array to the end of the collection.
 /// </Summary>
 /// <Param name="value">
 /// An array of type containing the objects to add to the collection.
 /// </Param>
 public void AddRange( WizardPage[] value )
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i <= value.Length - 1; i++)
        /// <Summary>DisplaySuccessPage displays the Wizards success page</Summary>
        public void DisplaySuccessPage( string message )
            //First determine if a custom SuccessPage has been set, and load the default
            //if not
            if (m_SuccessPage == null)
                WizardSuccess ctlSuccess = (WizardSuccess)this.LoadControl("~/admin/Wizards/Success.ascx");
                ctlSuccess.Message = message;
                //get Wizard Body
                HtmlTableCell WizardBody = (HtmlTableCell)this.FindControl("WizardBody");
                m_SuccessPage = new WizardPage("Congratulations", "", ctlSuccess, WizardPageType.Success);

            DisplayPage(-1, m_SuccessPage, false, false, false);

            //Hide any Help that might be visible

            //Disable Cancel to prevent ViewState issues
            cmdCancel.Enabled = true;
            cmdCancelIcon.Enabled = true;
        /// <Summary>DisplayPage displays a specific Page</Summary>
        /// <Param name="wizPage">The Page to display</Param>
        public void DisplayPage( int pageNo, WizardPage wizPage, bool ShowBack, bool ShowNext, bool ShowFinish )
            int iPage;
            Control ctl;

            if (wizPage == null)
                wizPage = new WizardPage();

            //Set the Wizard Body
            for (iPage = 0; iPage <= Pages.Count - 1; iPage++)
                WizardPage pge = Pages[iPage];
                ctl = pge.Control;
                ctl.Visible = false;
            ctl = wizPage.Control;
            ctl.Visible = true;

            //Set the Icons ImageUrl
            if (wizPage.Icon == "")
                imgIcon.ImageUrl = "~/images/1x1.gif";
                imgIcon.ImageUrl = wizPage.Icon;

            //Set the Titles Text and Style
            lblTitle.Text = wizPage.Title;

            //Show/Hide the Back/Next/Finish Buttons
            if ((CurrentPage > 0) && ShowBack)
                cmdBack.Enabled = true;
                cmdBackIcon.Enabled = true;
                cmdBack.Enabled = false;
                cmdBackIcon.Enabled = false;
            if ((CurrentPage < m_Pages.Count - 1) && ShowNext)
                cmdNext.Enabled = true;
                cmdNextIcon.Enabled = true;
                cmdNext.Enabled = false;
                cmdNextIcon.Enabled = false;
            if ((CurrentPage >= FinishPage) && ShowFinish)
                cmdFinish.Enabled = true;
                cmdFinishIcon.Enabled = true;
                cmdFinish.Enabled = false;
                cmdFinishIcon.Enabled = false;

            //Set the Help
            if (wizPage.Help == "")
                cmdHelp.Enabled = false;
                cmdHelpIcon.Enabled = false;
                cmdHelp.Enabled = true;
                cmdHelpIcon.Enabled = true;

            //Set the Pages
            lblPages.Text = string.Format(Localization.Localization.GetString("Pages"), CurrentPage + 1, Pages.Count);
        /// <Summary>DisplayFailurePage displays the Wizards failure page</Summary>
        public void DisplayFailurePage( string message )
            //First determine if a custom FailurePage has been set, and load the default
            //if not
            if (m_FailurePage == null)
                WizardSuccess ctlSuccess = (WizardSuccess)this.LoadControl("~/admin/Wizards/Success.ascx");
                ctlSuccess.Message = message;
                ctlSuccess.Type = false;
                //get Wizard Body
                HtmlTableCell WizardBody = (HtmlTableCell)this.FindControl("WizardBody");
                m_FailurePage = new WizardPage("Wizard Error", "", ctlSuccess, WizardPageType.Failure);

            DisplayPage(-1, m_FailurePage, false, false, false);
        /// <Summary>AddPage adds a Wizard Page to the Control</Summary>
        /// <Param name="title">The Page's Title</Param>
        /// <Param name="icon">The Page's Icon</Param>
        /// <Param name="ctl">The Page's Control</Param>
        /// <Param name="type">The type of the Wizard Page</Param>
        /// <Param name="help">The Page's Help Text</Param>
        public void AddPage( string title, string icon, Control ctl, WizardPageType type, string help )
            switch (type)
                case WizardPageType.Content:

                    this.Pages.Add(title, icon, ctl, help);
                case WizardPageType.Failure:

                    m_FailurePage = new WizardPage(title, icon, ctl, type, help);
                case WizardPageType.Success:

                    m_SuccessPage = new WizardPage(title, icon, ctl, type, help);