Exemple #1
 public static string EncryptParameter( string Value )
     PortalSettings _portalSettings = PortalController.GetCurrentPortalSettings();
     string strKey = _portalSettings.GUID.ToString(); // restrict the key to 6 characters to conserve space
     PortalSecurity objSecurity = new PortalSecurity();
     return HttpUtility.UrlEncode( objSecurity.Encrypt( strKey, Value ) );
Exemple #2
        public static string EncryptParameter(string value, string encryptionKey)
            var objSecurity = new PortalSecurity();
            string strParameter = objSecurity.Encrypt(encryptionKey, value);

            //[DNN-8257] - Can't do URLEncode/URLDecode as it introduces issues on decryption (with / = %2f), so we use a modifed Base64
            strParameter = strParameter.Replace("/", "_");
            strParameter = strParameter.Replace("+", "-");
            strParameter = strParameter.Replace("=", "%3d");
            return strParameter;
        public bool SendMessage( EventMessage message, string eventName, bool encryptMessage )
            //set the sent date if it wasn't set by the sender
            if( message.SentDate == DateTime.MinValue )
                message.SentDate = DateTime.Now;

            string[] subscribers = new string[0];
            if( EventQueueConfiguration.GetConfig().PublishedEvents[eventName] != null )
                subscribers = EventQueueConfiguration.GetConfig().PublishedEvents[eventName].Subscribers.Split( ";".ToCharArray() );
                subscribers[0] = "";
            //send a message for each subscriber of the specified event
            for( int indx = 0; indx <= subscribers.Length - 1; indx++ )
                StreamWriter oStream = File.CreateText( m_messagePath + MessageName( eventName, subscribers[indx], message.ID ) );
                string messageString = message.Serialize();
                if( encryptMessage )
                    PortalSecurity oPortalSecurity = new PortalSecurity();
                    messageString = oPortalSecurity.Encrypt( EventQueueConfiguration.GetConfig().EventQueueSubscribers[subscribers[indx]].PrivateKey, messageString );
                oStream.WriteLine( messageString );

            return true;
Exemple #4
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //link for the Chat Archives
                //hlArchive.NavigateUrl = EditUrl("Archive",);

                StartMessage = Settings.Contains("StartMessage") ? Settings["StartMessage"].ToString() : Localization.GetString("DefaultStartMessage", LocalResourceFile);

                DefaultAvatarUrl = Settings.Contains("DefaultAvatarUrl") ? Settings["DefaultAvatarUrl"].ToString() : Localization.GetString("DefaultAvatarUrl", LocalResourceFile);

                var directRoom = string.Empty;

                var qs = Request.QueryString["rmid"];
                if (qs != null)
                    directRoom = qs.ToString();}

                if (Settings.Contains("DefaultRoomId") && directRoom == string.Empty)
                    DefaultRoomId = Settings["DefaultRoomId"].ToString();
                else if (directRoom != string.Empty)
                { //if a guid came in, let's put the user in that room.
                    DefaultRoomId = directRoom;
                    //if we don't have a setting. go get the default room from the database.
                    var rc = new RoomController();
                    var r = rc.GetRoom("Lobby");
                    if (r == null || (r.ModuleId > 0 && r.ModuleId != ModuleId))
                        //todo: if there isn't a room we need display a message about creating one
                        //if the default room doesn't have a moduleid on it, set the module id
                        if (r.ModuleId < 0)
                            r.ModuleId = ModuleId;
                    if (r != null) DefaultRoomId = r.RoomId.ToString();

                //encrypt the user's roles so we can ensure security
                var curRoles = UserInfo.Roles;

                var section = (MachineKeySection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.web/machineKey");

                var pc = new PortalSecurity();
                foreach (var c in curRoles)
                    EncryptedRoles += pc.Encrypt(section.ValidationKey, c) + ",";
                if (UserInfo.IsSuperUser)
                    EncryptedRoles += pc.Encrypt(section.ValidationKey, "SuperUser");
            catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load
                Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// AddPortal manages the Installation of a new DotNetNuke Portal
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// </remarks>
        public static int AddPortal(XmlNode node, bool status, int indent)
                int intPortalId;
                string strHostPath = Globals.HostMapPath;
                string strChildPath = "";
                string strDomain = "";

                if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                    strDomain = Globals.GetDomainName(HttpContext.Current.Request, true).Replace("/Install", "");

                string strPortalName = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node, "portalname", "");
                if (status)
                    HtmlUtils.WriteFeedback(HttpContext.Current.Response, indent, "Creating Portal: " + strPortalName + "<br>");

                PortalController objPortalController = new PortalController();
                PortalSecurity objSecurity = new PortalSecurity();
                XmlNode adminNode = node.SelectSingleNode("administrator");
                string strFirstName = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(adminNode, "firstname", "");
                string strLastName = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(adminNode, "lastname", "");
                string strUserName = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(adminNode, "username", "");
                string strPassword = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(adminNode, "password", "");
                string strEmail = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(adminNode, "email", "");
                string strDescription = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node, "description", "");
                string strKeyWords = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node, "keywords", "");
                string strTemplate = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node, "templatefile", "");
                string strServerPath = Globals.ApplicationMapPath + "\\";
                bool isChild = bool.Parse(XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node, "ischild", ""));
                string strHomeDirectory = XmlUtils.GetNodeValue(node, "homedirectory", "");

                //Get the Portal Alias
                XmlNodeList portalAliases = node.SelectNodes("portalaliases/portalalias");
                string strPortalAlias = strDomain;
                if (portalAliases.Count > 0)
                    if (portalAliases[0].InnerText != "")
                        strPortalAlias = portalAliases[0].InnerText;

                //Create default email
                if (strEmail == "")
                    strEmail = "admin@" + strDomain.Replace("www.", "");
                    //Remove any domain subfolder information ( if it exists )
                    if (strEmail.IndexOf("/") != -1)
                        strEmail = strEmail.Substring(0, strEmail.IndexOf("/"));

                if (isChild)

                    strChildPath = strPortalAlias.Substring(strPortalAlias.LastIndexOf("/") + 1 - 1);

                //Create Portal
                intPortalId = objPortalController.CreatePortal(strPortalName, strFirstName, strLastName, strUserName, objSecurity.Encrypt(Convert.ToString(Globals.HostSettings["EncryptionKey"]), strPassword), strEmail, strDescription, strKeyWords, strHostPath, strTemplate, strHomeDirectory, strPortalAlias, strServerPath, strServerPath + strChildPath, isChild);

                if (intPortalId > -1)
                    //Add Extra Aliases
                    foreach (XmlNode portalAlias in portalAliases)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(portalAlias.InnerText))
                            if (status)
                                HtmlUtils.WriteFeedback(HttpContext.Current.Response, indent, "Creating Portal Alias: " + portalAlias.InnerText + "<br>");
                            objPortalController.AddPortalAlias(intPortalId, portalAlias.InnerText);

                return intPortalId;
            catch (Exception ex)
                HtmlUtils.WriteFeedback(HttpContext.Current.Response, indent, "<font color='red'>Error: " + ex.Message + "</font><br>");                
                return -1; // failure
        /// <summary>
        /// cmdUpdate_Click runs when the Update button is clicked
        /// </summary>
        /// <history>
        /// 	[cnurse]	5/10/2004	Updated to reflect design changes for Help, 508 support
        ///                       and localisation
        /// </history>
        protected void cmdUpdate_Click( Object sender, EventArgs e )
            if( Page.IsValid )
                    bool blnChild;
                    string strMessage = String.Empty;
                    string strPortalAlias;
                    int intCounter;
                    string strServerPath;
                    string strChildPath = String.Empty;

                    PortalController objPortalController = new PortalController();
                    PortalSecurity objSecurity = new PortalSecurity();

                    // check template validity
                    ArrayList messages = new ArrayList();
                    string schemaFilename = Server.MapPath( "admin/Portal/portal.template.xsd" );
                    string xmlFilename = Globals.HostMapPath + cboTemplate.SelectedItem.Text + ".template";
                    PortalTemplateValidator xval = new PortalTemplateValidator();
                    if( ! xval.Validate( xmlFilename, schemaFilename ) )
                        strMessage = Localization.GetString( "InvalidTemplate", this.LocalResourceFile );
                        lblMessage.Text = string.Format( strMessage, cboTemplate.SelectedItem.Text + ".template" );
                        messages.AddRange( xval.Errors );
                        lstResults.Visible = true;
                        lstResults.DataSource = messages;

                    //Set Portal Name
                    txtPortalName.Text = txtPortalName.Text.ToLower();
                    txtPortalName.Text = txtPortalName.Text.Replace("http://", "");

                    //Validate Portal Name
                    if( PortalSettings.ActiveTab.ParentId != PortalSettings.SuperTabId )
                        blnChild = true;

                        // child portal
                        for( intCounter = 1; intCounter <= txtPortalName.Text.Length; intCounter++ )
                            if( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-".IndexOf(txtPortalName.Text.Substring(intCounter, 1 )) == 0 )
                                strMessage += "<br>" + Localization.GetString( "InvalidName", this.LocalResourceFile );

                        strPortalAlias = txtPortalName.Text;
                        blnChild = optType.SelectedValue == "C";

                        if( blnChild )
                            strPortalAlias = txtPortalName.Text.Substring(txtPortalName.Text.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
                            strPortalAlias = txtPortalName.Text;

                        string strValidChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-";
                        if( ! blnChild )
                            strValidChars += "./:";

                        for( intCounter = 1; intCounter <= strPortalAlias.Length; intCounter++ )
                            if (strValidChars.IndexOf(strPortalAlias.Substring(intCounter - 1, 1)) == 0)
                                strMessage += "<br>" + Localization.GetString( "InvalidName", this.LocalResourceFile );

                    //Validate Password
                    if( txtPassword.Text != txtConfirm.Text )
                        strMessage += "<br>" + Localization.GetString( "InvalidPassword", this.LocalResourceFile );

                    strServerPath = Globals.GetAbsoluteServerPath( Request );

                    //Set Portal Alias for Child Portals
                    if( strMessage == "" )
                        if( blnChild )
                            strChildPath = strServerPath + strPortalAlias;

                            if( Directory.Exists( strChildPath ) )
                                strMessage = Localization.GetString( "ChildExists", this.LocalResourceFile );
                                if( PortalSettings.ActiveTab.ParentId != PortalSettings.SuperTabId )
                                    strPortalAlias = Globals.GetDomainName( Request ) + "/" + strPortalAlias;
                                    strPortalAlias = txtPortalName.Text;

                    //Get Home Directory
                    string HomeDir;
                    if( txtHomeDirectory.Text != "Portals/[PortalID]" )
                        HomeDir = txtHomeDirectory.Text;
                        HomeDir = "";

                    //Create Portal
                    if( strMessage == "" )
                        string strTemplateFile = cboTemplate.SelectedItem.Text + ".template";

                        //Attempt to create the portal
                        int intPortalId;
                            intPortalId = objPortalController.CreatePortal( txtTitle.Text, txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text, txtUsername.Text, objSecurity.Encrypt( Convert.ToString( Globals.HostSettings["EncryptionKey"] ), txtPassword.Text ), txtEmail.Text, txtDescription.Text, txtKeyWords.Text, Globals.HostMapPath, strTemplateFile, HomeDir, strPortalAlias, strServerPath, strChildPath, blnChild );
                        catch( Exception ex )
                            intPortalId = Null.NullInteger;
                            strMessage = ex.Message;

                        if( intPortalId != - 1 )
                            // notification
                            UserInfo objUser = UserController.GetUserByName( intPortalId, txtUsername.Text, false );

                            //Create a Portal Settings object for the new Portal
                            PortalSettings newSettings = new PortalSettings();
                            newSettings.PortalAlias = new PortalAliasInfo();
                            newSettings.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias = strPortalAlias;
                            newSettings.PortalId = intPortalId;
                            string webUrl = Globals.AddHTTP( strPortalAlias );

                                if( PortalSettings.ActiveTab.ParentId != PortalSettings.SuperTabId )
                                    Mail.SendMail( PortalSettings.Email, txtEmail.Text, PortalSettings.Email + ";" + Convert.ToString( PortalSettings.HostSettings["HostEmail"] ), Localization.GetSystemMessage( newSettings, "EMAIL_PORTAL_SIGNUP_SUBJECT", objUser ), Localization.GetSystemMessage( newSettings, "EMAIL_PORTAL_SIGNUP_BODY", objUser ), "", "", "", "", "", "" );
                                    Mail.SendMail( Convert.ToString( PortalSettings.HostSettings["HostEmail"] ), txtEmail.Text, Convert.ToString( PortalSettings.HostSettings["HostEmail"] ), Localization.GetSystemMessage( newSettings, "EMAIL_PORTAL_SIGNUP_SUBJECT", objUser ), Localization.GetSystemMessage( newSettings, "EMAIL_PORTAL_SIGNUP_BODY", objUser ), "", "", "", "", "", "" );
                            catch( Exception )
                                strMessage = string.Format( Localization.GetString( "SendMail.Error", this.LocalResourceFile ), webUrl, null );

                            EventLogController objEventLog = new EventLogController();
                            objEventLog.AddLog( objPortalController.GetPortal( intPortalId ), PortalSettings, UserId, "", EventLogController.EventLogType.PORTAL_CREATED );

                            // Redirect to this new site
                            if( strMessage == Null.NullString )
                                Response.Redirect( webUrl, true );

                    lblMessage.Text = "<br>" + strMessage + "<br><br>";
                catch( Exception exc ) //Module failed to load
                    Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException( this, exc );