Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Send a DDM packet to the client.
        /// Ideally, we can do this with a single channel write.  If that doesn't
        /// happen, we have to prevent anybody else from writing to the channel
        /// until this packet completes, so we synchronize on the channel.
        /// Another goal is to avoid unnecessary buffer copies, so we write
        /// directly out of the JdwpPacket's ByteBuffer.
        /// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: void sendAndConsume(JdwpPacket packet, ChunkHandler replyHandler) throws java.io.IOException
        internal virtual void sendAndConsume(JdwpPacket packet, ChunkHandler replyHandler)
            if (mChan == null)
                // can happen for e.g. THST packets
                Log.v("ddms", "Not sending packet -- client is closed");

            if (replyHandler != null)
                 * Add the ID to the list of outstanding requests.  We have to do
                 * this before sending the packet, in case the response comes back
                 * before our thread returns from the packet-send function.
                addRequestId(packet.id, replyHandler);

            lock (mChan)
                catch (IOException ioe)
                    throw ioe;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiate the JDWP handshake.
        /// On failure, closes the socket and returns false.
        /// </summary>
        internal virtual bool sendHandshake()
            Debug.Assert(mWriteBuffer.position == 0);

                // assume write buffer can hold 14 bytes
                int expectedLen = mWriteBuffer.position;
                if (mChan.write(mWriteBuffer) != expectedLen)
                    throw new IOException("partial handshake write");
            catch (IOException ioe)
                Log.e("ddms-client", "IO error during handshake: " + ioe.Message);
                mConnState = ST_ERROR;
                close(true);                 // notify

            mConnState = ST_AWAIT_SHAKE;

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Send the handshake to the debugger.  We also send along any packets
        /// we already received from the client (usually just a VM_START event,
        /// if anything at all).
        /// </summary>
        private /*synchronized*/ void sendHandshake()
            ByteBuffer tempBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(JdwpPacket.HANDSHAKE_LEN);

            int expectedLength = tempBuffer.position;

            if (mChannel.write(tempBuffer) != expectedLength)
                throw new IOException("partial handshake write");

            expectedLength = mPreDataBuffer.position;
            if (expectedLength > 0)
                Log.d("ddms", "Sending " + mPreDataBuffer.position + " bytes of saved data");
                if (mChannel.write(mPreDataBuffer) != expectedLength)
                    throw new IOException("partial pre-data write");
Exemple #4
         * We have incoming data from the debugger. Forward it to the client.
        private void processDebuggerData(SelectionKey key)
            Debugger dbg = (Debugger)key.attachment();

                 * Read pending data.

                 * See if we have a full packet in the buffer. It's possible we have
                 * more than one packet, so we have to loop.
                JdwpPacket packet = dbg.jdwpPacket;
                while (packet != null)
                    Log.v("ddms", "Forwarding dbg req 0x" + packet.id.toHexString() + " to " + dbg.client);


                    packet = dbg.jdwpPacket;
            catch (IOException)
                 * Close data connection; automatically un-registers dbg from
                 * selector. The failure could be caused by the debugger going away,
                 * or by the client going away and failing to accept our data.
                 * Either way, the debugger connection does not need to exist any
                 * longer. We also need to recycle the connection to the client, so
                 * that the VM sees the debugger disconnect. For a DDM-aware client
                 * this won't be necessary, and we can just send a "debugger
                 * disconnected" message.
                Log.d("ddms", "Closing connection to debugger " + dbg);
                Client client = dbg.client;
                if (client.ddmAware)
                    // TODO: soft-disconnect DDM-aware clients
                    Log.d("ddms", " (recycling client connection as well)");

                    // we should drop the client, but also attempt to reopen it.
                    // This is done by the DeviceMonitor.
                    client.deviceImpl.monitor.addClientToDropAndReopen(client, DebugPortManager.DebugPortProvider.NO_STATIC_PORT);
                    Log.d("ddms", " (recycling client connection as well)");
                    // we should drop the client, but also attempt to reopen it.
                    // This is done by the DeviceMonitor.
                    client.deviceImpl.monitor.addClientToDropAndReopen(client, DebugPortManager.DebugPortProvider.NO_STATIC_PORT);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the chunk header at the start of the chunk.
        /// Pass in the byte buffer returned by JdwpPacket.getPayload().
        /// </summary>
        internal static void finishChunkPacket(JdwpPacket packet, int type, int chunkLen)
            ByteBuffer buf = packet.payload;

            buf.putInt(0x00, type);
            buf.putInt(0x04, chunkLen);

            packet.finishPacket(CHUNK_HEADER_LEN + chunkLen);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends an HPDS request to the client.
        /// We will get an HPDS response when the heap dump has completed.  On
        /// failure we get a generic failure response.
        /// This is more expensive for the device than HPDU, because the entire
        /// heap dump is held in RAM instead of spooled out to a temp file.  On
        /// the other hand, permission to write to /sdcard is not required.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"> name of output file (on device) </param>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendHPDS(Client client) throws java.io.IOException
        public static void sendHPDS(Client client)
            ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(0);
            JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
            ByteBuffer buf    = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

            finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_HPDS, buf.position);
            Log.d("ddm-heap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_HPDS));
            client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #7
		/// <summary>
		/// Send an EXIT request to the client.
		/// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendEXIT(Client client, int status) throws java.io.IOException
		public static void sendEXIT(Client client, int status)
			ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(4);
			JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
			ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);


			finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_EXIT, buf.position);
			Log.d("ddm-exit", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_EXIT) + ": " + status);
			client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Send a MPRQ (Method PRofiling Query) request to the client.
        /// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendMPRQ(Client client) throws java.io.IOException
        public static void sendMPRQ(Client client)
            ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(0);
            JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
            ByteBuffer buf    = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

            // no data

            finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_MPRQ, buf.position);
            Log.d("ddm-prof", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_MPRQ));
            client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Send a HELO request to the client.
        /// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendHELO(Client client, int serverProtocolVersion) throws java.io.IOException
        public static void sendHELO(Client client, int serverProtocolVersion)
            ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(4);
            JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
            ByteBuffer buf    = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);


            finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_HELO, buf.position);
            Log.d("ddm-hello", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_HELO) + " ID=0x" + packet.id.toHexString());
            client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Send an EXIT request to the client.
        /// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendEXIT(Client client, int status) throws java.io.IOException
        public static void sendEXIT(Client client, int status)
            ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(4);
            JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
            ByteBuffer buf    = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);


            finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_EXIT, buf.position);
            Log.d("ddm-exit", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_EXIT) + ": " + status);
            client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Send an HPIF (HeaP InFo) request to the client.
        /// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendHPIF(Client client, int when) throws java.io.IOException
        public static void sendHPIF(Client client, int when)
            ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(1);
            JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
            ByteBuffer buf    = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);


            finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_HPIF, buf.position);
            Log.d("ddm-heap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_HPIF) + ": when=" + when);
            client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// An earlier request resulted in a failure.  This is the expected
 /// response to a HELO message when talking to a non-DDM client.
 /// </summary>
 internal virtual void packetFailed(JdwpPacket reply)
     if (mConnState == ST_NEED_DDM_PKT)
         Log.d("ddms", "Marking " + this + " as non-DDM client");
         mConnState = ST_NOT_DDM;
     else if (mConnState != ST_NOT_DDM)
         Log.w("ddms", "WEIRD: got JDWP failure packet on DDM req");
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a REAE (REcent Allocation Enable) request to the client.
        /// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendREAE(Client client, boolean enable) throws java.io.IOException
        public static void sendREAE(Client client, bool enable)
            ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(1);
            JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
            ByteBuffer buf    = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

            buf.put((byte)(enable ? 1 : 0));

            finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_REAE, buf.position);
            Log.d("ddm-heap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_REAE) + ": " + enable);
            client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the JDWP packet at the start of "buf".  The start is known,
        /// but the length has to be parsed out.
        /// On entry, the packet data in "buf" must start at offset 0 and end
        /// at "position".  "limit" should be set to the buffer capacity.  This
        /// method does not alter "buf"s attributes.
        /// Returns a new JdwpPacket if a full one is found in the buffer.  If
        /// not, returns null.  Throws an exception if the data doesn't look like
        /// a valid JDWP packet.
        /// </summary>
        internal static JdwpPacket findPacket(ByteBuffer buf)
            int count = buf.position;
            int length, id, flags, cmdSet, cmd;

            if (count < JDWP_HEADER_LEN)

            ByteOrder oldOrder = buf.order;

            buf.order = (ChunkHandler.CHUNK_ORDER);

            length = buf.getInt(0x00);
            id     = buf.getInt(0x04);
            flags  = buf.get(0x08) & 0xff;
            cmdSet = buf.get(0x09) & 0xff;
            cmd    = buf.get(0x0a) & 0xff;

            buf.order = oldOrder;

            if (length < JDWP_HEADER_LEN)
                throw new BadPacketException();
            if (count < length)

            JdwpPacket pkt = new JdwpPacket(buf);

            //pkt.mBuffer = buf;
            pkt.mLength = length;
            pkt.mId     = id;
            pkt.mFlags  = flags;

            if ((flags & REPLY_PACKET) == 0)
                pkt.mCmdSet  = cmdSet;
                pkt.mCmd     = cmd;
                pkt.mErrCode = -1;
                pkt.mCmdSet  = -1;
                pkt.mCmd     = -1;
                pkt.mErrCode = cmdSet | (cmd << 8);

Exemple #15
         * Send a THST request to the specified client.
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private static void sendTHST(Client client) throws java.io.IOException
        private static void sendTHST(Client client)
            ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(0);
            JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
            ByteBuffer buf    = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

            // nothing much to say

            finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_THST, buf.position);
            Log.d("ddm-thread", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_THST));
            client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends an HPDU request to the client.
        /// We will get an HPDU response when the heap dump has completed.  On
        /// failure we get a generic failure response.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"> name of output file (on device) </param>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendHPDU(Client client, String fileName) throws java.io.IOException
        public static void sendHPDU(Client client, string fileName)
            ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(4 + fileName.Length * 2);
            JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
            ByteBuffer buf    = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

            putString(buf, fileName);

            finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_HPDU, buf.position);
            Log.d("ddm-heap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_HPDU) + " '" + fileName + "'");
            client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
            client.clientData.pendingHprofDump = fileName;
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Forward the packet to the debugger (if still connected to one).
        /// Consumes the packet.
        /// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: void forwardPacketToDebugger(JdwpPacket packet) throws java.io.IOException
        internal virtual void forwardPacketToDebugger(JdwpPacket packet)
            Debugger dbg = mDebugger;

            if (dbg == null)
                Log.d("ddms", "Discarding packet");
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Send a MPSS (Method Profiling Streaming Start) request to the client.
        /// The arguments to this method will eventually be passed to
        /// android.os.Debug.startMethodTracing() on the device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bufferSize"> is the desired buffer size in bytes (8MB is good) </param>
        /// <param name="flags"> see startMethodTracing() docs; use 0 for default behavior </param>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendMPSS(Client client, int bufferSize, int flags) throws java.io.IOException
        public static void sendMPSS(Client client, int bufferSize, int flags)
            ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(2 * 4);
            JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
            ByteBuffer buf    = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);


            finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_MPSS, buf.position);
            Log.d("ddm-prof", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_MPSS) + "', size=" + bufferSize + ", flags=" + flags);
            client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);

            // send a status query. this ensure that the status is properly updated if for some
            // reason starting the tracing failed.
Exemple #19
         * Process an incoming DDM packet. If this is a reply to an earlier request,
         * "handler" will be set to the handler responsible for the original
         * request. The spec allows a JDWP message to include multiple DDM chunks.
        private void callHandler(Client client, JdwpPacket packet, ChunkHandler handler)
            // on first DDM packet received, broadcast a "ready" message
            if (!client.ddmSeen())
                broadcast(CLIENT_READY, client);

            ByteBuffer buf = packet.payload;
            int        type, length;
            bool       reply = true;

            type   = buf.getInt();
            length = buf.getInt();

            if (handler == null)
                // not a reply, figure out who wants it
                lock (mHandlerMap)
                    handler = mHandlerMap[type];
                    reply   = false;

            if (handler == null)
                Log.w("ddms", "Received unsupported chunk type " + ChunkHandler.name(type) + " (len=" + length + ")");
                Log.d("ddms", "Calling handler for " + ChunkHandler.name(type) + " [" + handler + "] (len=" + length + ")");
                ByteBuffer ibuf  = buf.slice();
                ByteBuffer roBuf = ibuf.asReadOnlyBuffer();                 // enforce R/O
                roBuf.order = ChunkHandler.CHUNK_ORDER;
                // do the handling of the chunk synchronized on the client list
                // to be sure there's no concurrency issue when we look for HOME
                // in hasApp()
                lock (mClientList)
                    handler.handleChunk(client, type, roBuf, reply, packet.id);
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Send a THEN (THread notification ENable) request to the client.
        /// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendTHEN(Client client, boolean enable) throws java.io.IOException
        public static void sendTHEN(Client client, bool enable)
            ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(1);
            JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
            ByteBuffer buf    = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

            if (enable)

            finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_THEN, buf.position);
            Log.d("ddm-thread", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_THEN) + ": " + enable);
            client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Send a packet to the debugger.
 /// Ideally, we can do this with a single channel write.  If that doesn't
 /// happen, we have to prevent anybody else from writing to the channel
 /// until this packet completes, so we synchronize on the channel.
 /// Another goal is to avoid unnecessary buffer copies, so we write
 /// directly out of the JdwpPacket's ByteBuffer.
 /// We must synchronize on "mChannel" before writing to it.  We want to
 /// coordinate the buffered data with mChannel creation, so this whole
 /// method is synchronized.
 /// </summary>
 internal void sendAndConsume(JdwpPacket packet)
     if (mChannel == null)
          * Buffer this up so we can send it to the debugger when it
          * finally does connect.  This is essential because the VM_START
          * message might be telling the debugger that the VM is
          * suspended.  The alternative approach would be for us to
          * capture and interpret VM_START and send it later if we
          * didn't choose to un-suspend the VM for our own purposes.
         Log.d("ddms", "Saving packet 0x" + packet.id.toHexString());
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Send a STKL (STacK List) request to the client.  The VM will suspend
        /// the target thread, obtain its stack, and return it.  If the thread
        /// is no longer running, a failure result will be returned.
        /// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendSTKL(Client client, int threadId) throws java.io.IOException
        public static void sendSTKL(Client client, int threadId)
             *          if (false)
             *          {
             *                  Log.d("ddm-thread", "would send STKL " + threadId);
             *                  return;
             *          }

            ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(4);
            JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
            ByteBuffer buf    = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);


            finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_STKL, buf.position);
            Log.d("ddm-thread", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_STKL) + ": " + threadId);
            client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Send a MPRS (Method PRofiling Start) request to the client.
        /// The arguments to this method will eventually be passed to
        /// android.os.Debug.startMethodTracing() on the device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"> is the name of the file to which profiling data
        ///          will be written (on the device); it will have <seealso cref="DdmConstants#DOT_TRACE"/>
        ///          appended if necessary </param>
        /// <param name="bufferSize"> is the desired buffer size in bytes (8MB is good) </param>
        /// <param name="flags"> see startMethodTracing() docs; use 0 for default behavior </param>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendMPRS(Client client, String fileName, int bufferSize, int flags) throws java.io.IOException
        public static void sendMPRS(Client client, string fileName, int bufferSize, int flags)
            ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(3 * 4 + fileName.Length * 2);
            JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
            ByteBuffer buf    = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

            putString(buf, fileName);

            finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_MPRS, buf.position);
            Log.d("ddm-prof", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_MPRS) + " '" + fileName + "', size=" + bufferSize + ", flags=" + flags);
            client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);

            // record the filename we asked for.
            client.clientData.pendingMethodProfiling = fileName;

            // send a status query. this ensure that the status is properly updated if for some
            // reason starting the tracing failed.
        /// <summary>
        /// Send an NHGT (Native Thread GeT) request to the client.
        /// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendNHGT(Client client) throws java.io.IOException
        public static void sendNHGT(Client client)
            ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(0);
            JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
            ByteBuffer buf    = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

            // no data in request message

            finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_NHGT, buf.position);
            Log.d("ddm-nativeheap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_NHGT));
            client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);

            rawBuf = allocBuffer(2);
            packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
            buf    = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);


            finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_NHSG, buf.position);
            Log.d("ddm-nativeheap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_NHSG));
            client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #25
		/// <summary>
		/// Write the chunk header at the start of the chunk.
		/// Pass in the byte buffer returned by JdwpPacket.getPayload().
		/// </summary>
		internal static void finishChunkPacket(JdwpPacket packet, int type, int chunkLen)
			ByteBuffer buf = packet.payload;

			buf.putInt(0x00, type);
			buf.putInt(0x04, chunkLen);

			packet.finishPacket(CHUNK_HEADER_LEN + chunkLen);
Exemple #26
		/// <summary>
		/// Send a MPRS (Method PRofiling Start) request to the client.
		/// The arguments to this method will eventually be passed to
		/// android.os.Debug.startMethodTracing() on the device.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fileName"> is the name of the file to which profiling data
		///          will be written (on the device); it will have <seealso cref="DdmConstants#DOT_TRACE"/>
		///          appended if necessary </param>
		/// <param name="bufferSize"> is the desired buffer size in bytes (8MB is good) </param>
		/// <param name="flags"> see startMethodTracing() docs; use 0 for default behavior </param>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendMPRS(Client client, String fileName, int bufferSize, int flags) throws java.io.IOException
		public static void sendMPRS(Client client, string fileName, int bufferSize, int flags)

			ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(3 * 4 + fileName.Length * 2);
			JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
			ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

			putString(buf, fileName);

			finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_MPRS, buf.position);
			Log.d("ddm-prof", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_MPRS) + " '" + fileName + "', size=" + bufferSize + ", flags=" + flags);
			client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);

			// record the filename we asked for.
			client.clientData.pendingMethodProfiling = fileName;

			// send a status query. this ensure that the status is properly updated if for some
			// reason starting the tracing failed.
Exemple #27
		/// <summary>
		/// Send a DDM packet to the client.
		/// Ideally, we can do this with a single channel write.  If that doesn't
		/// happen, we have to prevent anybody else from writing to the channel
		/// until this packet completes, so we synchronize on the channel.
		/// Another goal is to avoid unnecessary buffer copies, so we write
		/// directly out of the JdwpPacket's ByteBuffer.
		/// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: void sendAndConsume(JdwpPacket packet, ChunkHandler replyHandler) throws java.io.IOException
		internal virtual void sendAndConsume(JdwpPacket packet, ChunkHandler replyHandler)

			if (mChan == null)
				// can happen for e.g. THST packets
				Log.v("ddms", "Not sending packet -- client is closed");

			if (replyHandler != null)
				 * Add the ID to the list of outstanding requests.  We have to do
				 * this before sending the packet, in case the response comes back
				 * before our thread returns from the packet-send function.
				addRequestId(packet.id, replyHandler);

			lock (mChan)
				catch (IOException ioe)
					throw ioe;
Exemple #28
		/// <summary>
		/// Send a THEN (THread notification ENable) request to the client.
		/// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendTHEN(Client client, boolean enable) throws java.io.IOException
		public static void sendTHEN(Client client, bool enable)

			ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(1);
			JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
			ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

			if (enable)

			finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_THEN, buf.position);
			Log.d("ddm-thread", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_THEN) + ": " + enable);
			client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #29
		/// <summary>
		/// Send a HELO request to the client.
		/// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendHELO(Client client, int serverProtocolVersion) throws java.io.IOException
		public static void sendHELO(Client client, int serverProtocolVersion)
			ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(4);
			JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
			ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);


			finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_HELO, buf.position);
			Log.d("ddm-hello", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_HELO) + " ID=0x" + packet.id.toHexString());
			client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #30
		/// <summary>
		/// An earlier request resulted in a failure.  This is the expected
		/// response to a HELO message when talking to a non-DDM client.
		/// </summary>
		internal virtual void packetFailed(JdwpPacket reply)
			if (mConnState == ST_NEED_DDM_PKT)
				Log.d("ddms", "Marking " + this + " as non-DDM client");
				mConnState = ST_NOT_DDM;
			else if (mConnState != ST_NOT_DDM)
				Log.w("ddms", "WEIRD: got JDWP failure packet on DDM req");
Exemple #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Forward a packet to the client.
 /// "mClient" will never be null, though it's possible that the channel
 /// in the client has closed and our send attempt will fail.
 /// Consumes the packet.
 /// </summary>
 internal void forwardPacketToClient(JdwpPacket packet)
Exemple #32
		/// <summary>
		/// Forward the packet to the debugger (if still connected to one).
		/// Consumes the packet.
		/// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: void forwardPacketToDebugger(JdwpPacket packet) throws java.io.IOException
		internal virtual void forwardPacketToDebugger(JdwpPacket packet)

			Debugger dbg = mDebugger;

			if (dbg == null)
				Log.d("ddms", "Discarding packet");
Exemple #33
		 * Send a THST request to the specified client.
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private static void sendTHST(Client client) throws java.io.IOException
		private static void sendTHST(Client client)
			ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(0);
			JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
			ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

			// nothing much to say

			finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_THST, buf.position);
			Log.d("ddm-thread", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_THST));
			client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #34
		/// <summary>
		/// Send a packet to the debugger.
		/// Ideally, we can do this with a single channel write.  If that doesn't
		/// happen, we have to prevent anybody else from writing to the channel
		/// until this packet completes, so we synchronize on the channel.
		/// Another goal is to avoid unnecessary buffer copies, so we write
		/// directly out of the JdwpPacket's ByteBuffer.
		/// We must synchronize on "mChannel" before writing to it.  We want to
		/// coordinate the buffered data with mChannel creation, so this whole
		/// method is synchronized.
		/// </summary>
		internal void sendAndConsume(JdwpPacket packet)
			if (mChannel == null)
				 * Buffer this up so we can send it to the debugger when it
				 * finally does connect.  This is essential because the VM_START
				 * message might be telling the debugger that the VM is
				 * suspended.  The alternative approach would be for us to
				 * capture and interpret VM_START and send it later if we
				 * didn't choose to un-suspend the VM for our own purposes.
				Log.d("ddms", "Saving packet 0x" + packet.id.toHexString());
Exemple #35
         * Process an incoming DDM packet. If this is a reply to an earlier request,
         * "handler" will be set to the handler responsible for the original
         * request. The spec allows a JDWP message to include multiple DDM chunks.
        private void callHandler(Client client, JdwpPacket packet, ChunkHandler handler)
            // on first DDM packet received, broadcast a "ready" message
            if (!client.ddmSeen())
                broadcast(CLIENT_READY, client);

            ByteBuffer buf = packet.payload;
            int type, length;
            bool reply = true;

            type = buf.getInt();
            length = buf.getInt();

            if (handler == null)
                // not a reply, figure out who wants it
                lock (mHandlerMap)
                    handler = mHandlerMap[type];
                    reply = false;

            if (handler == null)
                Log.w("ddms", "Received unsupported chunk type " + ChunkHandler.name(type) + " (len=" + length + ")");
                Log.d("ddms", "Calling handler for " + ChunkHandler.name(type) + " [" + handler + "] (len=" + length + ")");
                ByteBuffer ibuf = buf.slice();
                ByteBuffer roBuf = ibuf.asReadOnlyBuffer(); // enforce R/O
                roBuf.order = ChunkHandler.CHUNK_ORDER;
                // do the handling of the chunk synchronized on the client list
                // to be sure there's no concurrency issue when we look for HOME
                // in hasApp()
                lock (mClientList)
                    handler.handleChunk(client, type, roBuf, reply, packet.id);
Exemple #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the JDWP packet at the start of "buf".  The start is known,
        /// but the length has to be parsed out.
        /// On entry, the packet data in "buf" must start at offset 0 and end
        /// at "position".  "limit" should be set to the buffer capacity.  This
        /// method does not alter "buf"s attributes.
        /// Returns a new JdwpPacket if a full one is found in the buffer.  If
        /// not, returns null.  Throws an exception if the data doesn't look like
        /// a valid JDWP packet.
        /// </summary>
        internal static JdwpPacket findPacket(ByteBuffer buf)
            int count = buf.position;
            int length, id, flags, cmdSet, cmd;

            if (count < JDWP_HEADER_LEN)
                return null;

            ByteOrder oldOrder = buf.order;
            buf.order =(ChunkHandler.CHUNK_ORDER);

            length = buf.getInt(0x00);
            id = buf.getInt(0x04);
            flags = buf.get(0x08) & 0xff;
            cmdSet = buf.get(0x09) & 0xff;
            cmd = buf.get(0x0a) & 0xff;

            buf.order = oldOrder;

            if (length < JDWP_HEADER_LEN)
                throw new BadPacketException();
            if (count < length)
                return null;

            JdwpPacket pkt = new JdwpPacket(buf);
            //pkt.mBuffer = buf;
            pkt.mLength = length;
            pkt.mId = id;
            pkt.mFlags = flags;

            if ((flags & REPLY_PACKET) == 0)
                pkt.mCmdSet = cmdSet;
                pkt.mCmd = cmd;
                pkt.mErrCode = -1;
                pkt.mCmdSet = -1;
                pkt.mCmd = -1;
                pkt.mErrCode = cmdSet | (cmd << 8);

            return pkt;
Exemple #37
		/// <summary>
		/// Send a MPSS (Method Profiling Streaming Start) request to the client.
		/// The arguments to this method will eventually be passed to
		/// android.os.Debug.startMethodTracing() on the device.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="bufferSize"> is the desired buffer size in bytes (8MB is good) </param>
		/// <param name="flags"> see startMethodTracing() docs; use 0 for default behavior </param>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendMPSS(Client client, int bufferSize, int flags) throws java.io.IOException
		public static void sendMPSS(Client client, int bufferSize, int flags)

			ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(2 * 4);
			JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
			ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);


			finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_MPSS, buf.position);
			Log.d("ddm-prof", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_MPSS) + "', size=" + bufferSize + ", flags=" + flags);
			client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);

			// send a status query. this ensure that the status is properly updated if for some
			// reason starting the tracing failed.
Exemple #38
		/// <summary>
		/// Send an NHGT (Native Thread GeT) request to the client.
		/// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendNHGT(Client client) throws java.io.IOException
		public static void sendNHGT(Client client)

			ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(0);
			JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
			ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

			// no data in request message

			finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_NHGT, buf.position);
			Log.d("ddm-nativeheap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_NHGT));
			client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);

			rawBuf = allocBuffer(2);
			packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
			buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);


			finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_NHSG, buf.position);
			Log.d("ddm-nativeheap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_NHSG));
			client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #39
		/// <summary>
		/// Sends an HPSG (HeaP SeGment) request to the client.
		/// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendHPSG(Client client, int when, int what) throws java.io.IOException
		public static void sendHPSG(Client client, int when, int what)

			ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(2);
			JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
			ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);


			finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_HPSG, buf.position);
			Log.d("ddm-heap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_HPSG) + ": when=" + when + ", what=" + what);
			client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Send a non-DDM packet to the client.
        /// Equivalent to sendAndConsume(packet, null).
        /// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: void sendAndConsume(JdwpPacket packet) throws java.io.IOException
        internal virtual void sendAndConsume(JdwpPacket packet)
            sendAndConsume(packet, null);
Exemple #41
		/// <summary>
		/// Sends an HPDU request to the client.
		/// We will get an HPDU response when the heap dump has completed.  On
		/// failure we get a generic failure response.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fileName"> name of output file (on device) </param>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendHPDU(Client client, String fileName) throws java.io.IOException
		public static void sendHPDU(Client client, string fileName)
			ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(4 + fileName.Length * 2);
			JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
			ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

			putString(buf, fileName);

			finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_HPDU, buf.position);
			Log.d("ddm-heap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_HPDU) + " '" + fileName + "'");
			client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
			client.clientData.pendingHprofDump = fileName;
Exemple #42
		/// <summary>
		/// Send a FEAT request to the client.
		/// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendFEAT(Client client) throws java.io.IOException
		public static void sendFEAT(Client client)
			ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(0);
			JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
			ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

			// no data

			finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_FEAT, buf.position);
			Log.d("ddm-heap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_FEAT));
			client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #43
		/// <summary>
		/// Sends a REAE (REcent Allocation Enable) request to the client.
		/// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendREAE(Client client, boolean enable) throws java.io.IOException
		public static void sendREAE(Client client, bool enable)
			ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(1);
			JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
			ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

			buf.put((byte)(enable ? 1 : 0));

			finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_REAE, buf.position);
			Log.d("ddm-heap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_REAE) + ": " + enable);
			client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
Exemple #44
	    /// <summary>
		/// Forward a packet to the client.
		/// "mClient" will never be null, though it's possible that the channel
		/// in the client has closed and our send attempt will fail.
		/// Consumes the packet.
		/// </summary>
	    internal void forwardPacketToClient(JdwpPacket packet) 
Exemple #45
         * Something happened. Figure out what.
        private void processClientActivity(SelectionKey key)
            Client client = (Client)key.attachment();

                if (key.readable == false || key.valid == false)
                    Log.d("ddms", "Invalid key from " + client + ". Dropping client.");
                    dropClient(client, true);                     // notify


                 * See if we have a full packet in the buffer. It's possible we have
                 * more than one packet, so we have to loop.
                JdwpPacket packet = client.jdwpPacket;
                while (packet != null)
                    if (packet.ddmPacket)
                        // unsolicited DDM request - hand it off
                        callHandler(client, packet, null);
                    else if (packet.reply && client.isResponseToUs(packet.id) != null)
                        // reply to earlier DDM request
                        ChunkHandler handler = client.isResponseToUs(packet.id);
                        if (packet.error)
                        else if (packet.empty)
                            Log.d("ddms", "Got empty reply for 0x" + packet.id.toHexString() + " from " + client);
                            callHandler(client, packet, handler);
                        Log.v("ddms", "Forwarding client " + (packet.reply ? "reply" : "event") + " 0x" + packet.id.toHexString() + " to " + client.debugger);

                    // find next
                    packet = client.jdwpPacket;
            catch (CancelledKeyException)
                // key was canceled probably due to a disconnected client before we could
                // read stuff coming from the client, so we drop it.
                dropClient(client, true);                 // notify
            catch (IOException)
                // something closed down, no need to print anything. The client is simply dropped.
                dropClient(client, true);                 // notify
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.e("ddms", ex);

                /* close the client; automatically un-registers from selector */
                dropClient(client, true);                 // notify

                if (ex is OverflowException)
                    Log.w("ddms", "Client data packet exceeded maximum buffer size " + client);
                    // don't know what this is, display it
                    Log.e("ddms", ex);
Exemple #46
		/// <summary>
		/// Send a non-DDM packet to the client.
		/// Equivalent to sendAndConsume(packet, null).
		/// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: void sendAndConsume(JdwpPacket packet) throws java.io.IOException
		internal virtual void sendAndConsume(JdwpPacket packet)
			sendAndConsume(packet, null);
Exemple #47
		/// <summary>
		/// Send a STKL (STacK List) request to the client.  The VM will suspend
		/// the target thread, obtain its stack, and return it.  If the thread
		/// is no longer running, a failure result will be returned.
		/// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void sendSTKL(Client client, int threadId) throws java.io.IOException
		public static void sendSTKL(Client client, int threadId)
			if (false)
				Log.d("ddm-thread", "would send STKL " + threadId);

			ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(4);
			JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
			ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);


			finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_STKL, buf.position);
			Log.d("ddm-thread", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_STKL) + ": " + threadId);
			client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);