public RAMLoader(Parameters pars, FTDIdevice USB, string binfilepath, MainForm mf)
     parameters = pars;
     thisUSB = USB;
     filepathtoload = binfilepath;
     mf_parent = mf;
 public Trimmer(Parameters pars, FTDIdevice USB)
     parameters = pars;
     thisUSB = USB;
     //Frequency counter must be programmed with the following address information: GPIB ID 0, primary address 9, and no secondary address.
     //FREQ_COUNTER = new Device(0, 15, 0); // create an object to hold the frequency counter, with GPIB ID 0, primary addr 9, and no secondary addr.  the primary addr was manually set on the counter itself.
     FREQ_COUNTER = new Device(0, parameters.counter_id, 0); // create an object to hold the frequency counter, with GPIB ID 0, primary addr 9, and no secondary addr.  the primary addr was manually set on the counter itself.
        public MainForm()
            parameters = new Parameters();
            parameters.ReadSettingsFile();  //must happen after new parameters is built in order for settings to be saved as params

            if (parameters.testing && !parameters.loading) progressBar_overall.Maximum = 60;  //adjust progress bar for testing only case
            else progressBar_overall.Maximum = 100;

            bool refradioattached = true;
            bool counterattached = true;
            CheckConnections(ref counterattached, ref refradioattached);
            if(refradioattached && counterattached) UpdateOutputText("Welcome to the ThinkEco USB Tester Module A. Please attach the dongle to be tested and scan its bottom housing MAC address label to begin.");
        public static void WaitForZTCResponse(FTDIdevice thisdevice, Parameters parameters)
            byte[] readResult;
            int PLengthInt;
            int i = 1;
            bool responseA = false;
            string cache = string.Empty;
            string readOut = string.Empty;
            string packet = string.Empty;
            char[] charcache;
            byte[] PLength = new Byte[1];

            while (i <parameters.listenlooptimeout && responseA == false)
                readResult = thisdevice.poll();
                readOut = ConvertByteArrayToSpacedHexString(readResult);
                cache = cache + readOut;
                charcache = cache.ToCharArray(0, cache.Length);

                if (cache.Length > 11)
                    PLength = ConvertHexStringToByteArray(cache.Substring(9, 2));
                    byte[] PLengthB = new byte[2];
                    PLengthB[0] = PLength[0];
                    PLengthInt = BitConverter.ToInt16(PLengthB, 0);
                    if (cache.Length > 12 + PLengthInt * 3)
                        packet = cache.Substring(0, 14 + PLengthInt * 3);
                        cache = cache.Remove(0, 14 + PLengthInt * 3);
                        packet = packet.Remove(0, 2);
                        packet = packet.Remove(packet.Length - 2);
                        //Console.WriteLine("From Port 1: {0}", packet);
                        responseA = true;

                if (i == parameters.listenlooptimeout)
                    throw new Exception_Yellow("No response received during listen.");
        public byte[] AddtoReceiveList_ListenForNewFWResponse(FTDIdevice thisdevice, Parameters parameters)
            Queue<byte> incomingbytequeue = new Queue<byte>();
            byte ZTCHeader = 0x02;
            int initialqueuelen = incomingbytequeue.Count;
            int indexofZTCheaderinqueue = 0;
            byte[] incomingdata = thisdevice.poll();
            int arraylen = incomingdata.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < arraylen; i++)
            int queuelen = incomingbytequeue.Count;
            byte temp;
            bool packetstarted = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < queuelen; j++)
                temp = incomingbytequeue.Dequeue();
                if (temp == ZTCHeader && incomingbytequeue.Count > 3)
                    packetstarted = true;
                    //incomingbytequeue.Enqueue(temp); //this is a problem. we should throw this out.
            if (packetstarted)
                byte tempheader = incomingbytequeue.Dequeue();
                byte tempopcode = incomingbytequeue.Dequeue();
                int payloadlen = incomingbytequeue.Dequeue();
                if (incomingbytequeue.Count < payloadlen + 1)  //if the packet hasn't fully arrived yet, just put the packets we've read so far back on the queue and then exit, to come back and read again later
                    int count = incomingbytequeue.Count;
                    for (int k = 0; k < count; k++)
                    return null;
                    //throw new Exception_Yellow("incomplete packet received.");
                byte[] packet = new byte[payloadlen + 5];
                packet[0] = ZTCHeader;
                packet[1] = tempheader;
                packet[2] = tempopcode;
                packet[3] = (byte)payloadlen;
                for (int k = 0; k < payloadlen; k++)
                    packet[4 + k] = incomingbytequeue.Dequeue();
                packet[payloadlen + 4] = incomingbytequeue.Dequeue(); //CRC
                //if (packet[payloadlen + 4] == 0) packet[0] = 2; //dummy just to have breakpoint to test theory that 0 is returned sometimes

                return packet;
                //RxPacket rx = new RxPacket();
                //rx.completepacket = packet;
                ////now figure out what to do with the rest of the packets that are hanging out there.  re-enqueue them probably
            else return null;
            //if(incomingpacket!=null && incomingpacket.Length!=0)
 public Trimmer_NI4882(Parameters pars, FTDIdevice USB)
     parameters = pars;
     thisUSB = USB;
     FREQ_COUNTER = new Device(0, 9, 0); // create an object to hold the frequency counter, with GPIB ID 0, primary addr 9, and no secondary addr.  the primary addr was manually set on the counter itself.
 //, string imagefilepath)
 //int BIN_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE = 4 * 1024;    //Buffer allocated for reading the SSL binary image
 public FirmwareLoader(Parameters pars, FTDIdevice USB, MainForm mf)
     parameters = pars;
     thisUSB = USB;
     mf_parent = mf;
 public SSLInterface(Parameters pars, FTDIdevice USB)
     parameters = pars;
     thisUSB = USB;
        public void RunButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            UpdateOutputText("Process has begun.");

            pictureBox1.Visible = false;
            pictureBox2.Visible = false;

            parameters = new Parameters();
            parameters.ReadSettingsFile();  //must happen after new parameters is built in order for settings to be saved as params
            if (parameters.testing) parameters.refradioplugged = true; //we need to re-set this to true because we've made a new set of parameters, and if testing is true but the ref radio isn't there, we would already have seen an error.
            //open dialog box for filename, if option is selected
            if (!parameters.takingFWfilenamefromsettingsfile)
                CancelEventArgs e2 = new CancelEventArgs();
                parameters.FWimagefilepath = openFileDialog1_FileOk(sender, e2);
                int lastslash = parameters.FWimagefilepath.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1;
                parameters.FWimagefilename = parameters.FWimagefilepath.Substring(lastslash, parameters.FWimagefilepath.Length-lastslash);

            thisUSB = new FTDIdevice(parameters, this); //must happen after settings file is read

            MainThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(MainProcess));
 public FTDIdevice(Parameters pars, MainForm mf)
     parameters = pars;
     ftdi = new FTDI();
     mf_parent = mf;