public Ecosystem AddHandler(EcosystemHandler handler)
            if (handler == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(handler));

            if (handler.SubscribesTo == null || !handler.SubscribesTo.Any())
                throw new ArgumentException($"At least one component must be subscribed to in {handler.GetType()}!");

            if (this._locksByHandler.ContainsKey(handler))
                throw new ArgumentException($"{handler.GetType()} has already been added!");

            // Collect a set of bitPositions that will be used to build a BitLock for this type combination
            var bitPositions = new List <ushort>();

            foreach (var type in handler.SubscribesTo)
                var bitPosition = this.GetOrAssignBitPosition(type);

            // Create a BitLock for the handler, and store the handler along with its BitLock
            var bitLock = this.CreateAndIndexBitLock(bitPositions);

            this._locksByHandler.Add(handler, bitLock);

            // Next, find all the entities currently in the Ecosystem that have the components that will fit this lock,
            // then index them by this lock. So when the handler says "give me all the entities I need to handle", we
            // already have that list cached.
            var entitiesByThisLock = new HashSet <Entity>(ReferenceEqualityComparer <Entity> .Default);

            this._entitiesByLock.Add(bitLock, entitiesByThisLock);
            if (this._entitiesById.Any())
                foreach (var entityById in this._entitiesById)
                    if (entityById.Value.HasAllComponents(handler.SubscribesTo.ToArray())) // todo: separate method overload for HasAllComponents?

            handler._timer = this._timer;
        public Ecosystem RemoveHandler(EcosystemHandler handler)
            if (!this._locksByHandler.TryGetValue(handler, out var bitLock))
                // The handler wasn't registered in the first place


            handler._timer = null;