private void readmessages() { MessageRead.Clear(); MessageRead.ScrollToCaret(); string Read_Query = "select * from comments where Sender_ID = '" + sendertext + "' and Reciver_ID = '" + recivertext + "' or Sender_ID = '" + recivertext + "' and Reciver_ID = '" + sendertext + "' "; connection.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(Read_Query, connection); MySqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DateTime today = DateTime.Now; string text; while (dr.Read()) { DateTime date_sent = (DateTime)dr["Date_sent"]; MessageRead.Text += date_sent.ToString("dddd HH:mm"); MessageRead.Text += ": "; MessageRead.Text += dr["Sender_ID"].ToString(); MessageRead.Text += ": "; if (dr["Important"].ToString() == "1") { MessageRead.Text += "<<<IMPORTANT>>>"; } string message = dr["message"].ToString(); using (Aes myAes = Aes.Create()) { text = SendClass.Decrypt(message); } MessageRead.Text += text.ToString(); if (dr["Important"].ToString() == "1") { MessageRead.Text += "<<<IMPORTANT>>>"; } MessageRead.Text += (Environment.NewLine); } connection.Close(); }
private void Send_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DateTime today = DateTime.Now; int checkbox = 0; string encrypted_message; string message = textBox1.Text; using (Aes myAes = Aes.Create()) { encrypted_message = SendClass.Encrypt(message); } string strtoday = today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss tt"); if (FlagBox.Checked) { checkbox = 1; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.textBox1.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Can't send nothing!"); } else { connection.Open(); MySqlCommand comm = connection.CreateCommand(); comm.CommandText = "INSERT INTO comments(Sender_ID,Reciver_ID, Message,Important ,Date_sent) VALUES(?sendertext, ?recivertext, ?encrypted_message, ?checkbox, ?date)"; comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("?sendertext", sendertext); comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("?recivertext", recivertext); comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("?encrypted_message", encrypted_message); comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("?checkbox", checkbox); comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("?date", strtoday); comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); } FlagBox.Checked = false; textBox1.Clear(); readmessages(); }