//set up libnames public static void SetUpLIBNAMESinSAS() { StringBuilder sasCode = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Libname libname in Instance.study.Libnames) { sasCode.Append("libname " + libname.SASLibname + "\"" + libname.Directory + "\";"); } //HARDCODE ***NEED TO REMOVE LATER ON WHEN I ADD SYSTEM OPTIONS sasCode.Append(" options fmtsearch=(rawdata library work format);"); SAScommand command = new SAScommand { customSASCode = sasCode.ToString() }; oleCommand = null; _bgSASWorker.RunWorkerAsync(command); }
//Accept custom programs to run public static void CustomSASProgramToRun(List<string> s, string OLECommand) { SAScommand command = new SAScommand { customSASCode = null, SasProgram = s }; if (_bgSASWorker.IsBusy == false) _bgSASWorker.RunWorkerAsync(command); oleCommand = null; if (OLECommand != null) oleCommand = new OleDbCommand(OLECommand, connection); }