Exemple #1
        private void table_CellValueNeeded(object sender, DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs e)
            int row = e.RowIndex + viewOffset;

            if (row >= Data.GetROMSize())
            switch (e.ColumnIndex)
            case 0: e.Value = Data.GetLabel(Util.ConvertPCtoSNES(row)); break;

            case 1: e.Value = Util.NumberToBaseString(Util.ConvertPCtoSNES(row), Util.NumberBase.Hexadecimal, 6); break;

            case 2: e.Value = (char)Data.GetROMByte(row); break;

            case 3: e.Value = Util.NumberToBaseString(Data.GetROMByte(row), DisplayBase); break;

            case 4: e.Value = Util.PointToString(Data.GetInOutPoint(row)); break;

            case 5:
                int len = Manager.GetInstructionLength(row);
                if (row + len <= Data.GetROMSize())
                    e.Value = Util.GetInstruction(row);
                    e.Value = "";

            case 6:
                int ia = Util.GetIntermediateAddressOrPointer(row);
                if (ia >= 0)
                    e.Value = Util.NumberToBaseString(ia, Util.NumberBase.Hexadecimal, 6);
                    e.Value = "";

            case 7: e.Value = Util.TypeToString(Data.GetFlag(row)); break;

            case 8: e.Value = Util.NumberToBaseString(Data.GetDataBank(row), Util.NumberBase.Hexadecimal, 2); break;

            case 9: e.Value = Util.NumberToBaseString(Data.GetDirectPage(row), Util.NumberBase.Hexadecimal, 4); break;

            case 10: e.Value = Util.BoolToSize(Data.GetMFlag(row)); break;

            case 11: e.Value = Util.BoolToSize(Data.GetXFlag(row)); break;

            case 12: e.Value = Data.GetComment(Util.ConvertPCtoSNES(row)); break;
Exemple #2
        private static string GetLine(int offset, string special)
            string line = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                if (list[i].Item2 == int.MaxValue) // string literal
                    line += list[i].Item1;
                else if (special != null) // special parameter (replaces code & everything else = empty)
                    line += GetParameter(offset, "%" + (list[i].Item1 == "code" ? special : "empty"), list[i].Item2);
                else // normal parameter
                    line += GetParameter(offset, list[i].Item1, list[i].Item2);

            if (special == null)
                // throw out some errors if stuff looks fishy
                Data.FlagType flag = Data.GetFlag(offset), check = flag == Data.FlagType.Opcode ? Data.FlagType.Operand : flag;
                int           step = flag == Data.FlagType.Opcode ? GetLineByteLength(offset) : Util.TypeStepSize(flag), size = Data.GetROMSize();
                if (flag == Data.FlagType.Operand)
                    err.WriteLine("({0}) Offset 0x{1:X}: Bytes marked as operands formatted as data.", ++errorCount, offset);
                else if (step > 1)
                    for (int i = 1; i < step; i++)
                        if (offset + i >= size)
                            err.WriteLine("({0}) Offset 0x{1:X}: {2} extends past the end of the ROM.", ++errorCount, offset, Util.TypeToString(check));
                        else if (Data.GetFlag(offset + i) != check)
                            err.WriteLine("({0}) Offset 0x{1:X}: Expected {2}, but got {3} instead.", ++errorCount, offset + i, Util.TypeToString(check), Util.TypeToString(Data.GetFlag(offset + i)));
                int ia = Util.GetIntermediateAddress(offset, true);
                if (ia >= 0 && flag == Data.FlagType.Opcode && Data.GetInOutPoint(offset) == Data.InOutPoint.OutPoint && Data.GetFlag(Util.ConvertSNEStoPC(ia)) != Data.FlagType.Opcode)
                    err.WriteLine("({0}) Offset 0x{1:X}: Branch or jump instruction to a non-instruction.", ++errorCount, offset);

Exemple #3
        public static void PaintCell(int offset, DataGridViewCellStyle style, int column, int selOffset)
            // editable cells show up green
            if (column == 0 || column == 8 || column == 9 || column == 12)
                style.SelectionBackColor = Color.Chartreuse;

            switch (Data.GetFlag(offset))
            case Data.FlagType.Unreached:
                style.BackColor = Color.LightGray;
                style.ForeColor = Color.DarkSlateGray;

            case Data.FlagType.Opcode:
                int opcode = Data.GetROMByte(offset);
                switch (column)
                case 4:         // <*>
                    Data.InOutPoint point = Data.GetInOutPoint(offset);
                    int             r = 255, g = 255, b = 255;
                    if ((point & (Data.InOutPoint.EndPoint | Data.InOutPoint.OutPoint)) != 0)
                        g -= 50;
                    if ((point & (Data.InOutPoint.InPoint)) != 0)
                        r -= 50;
                    if ((point & (Data.InOutPoint.ReadPoint)) != 0)
                        b -= 50;
                    style.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(r, g, b);

                case 5:                                                                      // Instruction
                    if (opcode == 0x40 || opcode == 0xCB || opcode == 0xDB || opcode == 0xF8 ||      // RTI WAI STP SED
                        opcode == 0xFB || opcode == 0x00 || opcode == 0x02 || opcode == 0x42 // XCE BRK COP WDM
                        style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;

                case 8:                                                     // Data Bank
                    if (opcode == 0xAB || opcode == 0x44 || opcode == 0x54) // PLB MVP MVN
                        style.BackColor = Color.OrangeRed;
                    else if (opcode == 0x8B)         // PHB
                        style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;

                case 9:                                   // Direct Page
                    if (opcode == 0x2B || opcode == 0x5B) // PLD TCD
                        style.BackColor = Color.OrangeRed;
                    if (opcode == 0x0B || opcode == 0x7B)         // PHD TDC
                        style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;

                case 10:         // M Flag
                case 11:         // X Flag
                    int mask = column == 10 ? 0x20 : 0x10;
                    if (opcode == 0x28 || ((opcode == 0xC2 || opcode == 0xE2) &&      // PLP SEP REP
                                           (Data.GetROMByte(offset + 1) & mask) != 0)) // relevant bit set
                        style.BackColor = Color.OrangeRed;
                    if (opcode == 0x08)         // PHP
                        style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;

            case Data.FlagType.Operand:
                style.ForeColor = Color.LightGray;

            case Data.FlagType.Graphics:
                style.BackColor = Color.LightPink;

            case Data.FlagType.Music:
                style.BackColor = Color.PowderBlue;

            case Data.FlagType.Data8Bit:
            case Data.FlagType.Data16Bit:
            case Data.FlagType.Data24Bit:
            case Data.FlagType.Data32Bit:
                style.BackColor = Color.NavajoWhite;

            case Data.FlagType.Pointer16Bit:
            case Data.FlagType.Pointer24Bit:
            case Data.FlagType.Pointer32Bit:
                style.BackColor = Color.Orchid;

            case Data.FlagType.Text:
                style.BackColor = Color.Aquamarine;

            case Data.FlagType.Empty:
                style.BackColor = Color.DarkSlateGray;
                style.ForeColor = Color.LightGray;

            if (selOffset >= 0 && selOffset < Data.GetROMSize())
                if (column == 1
                    //&& (Data.GetFlag(selOffset) == Data.FlagType.Opcode || Data.GetFlag(selOffset) == Data.FlagType.Unreached)
                    && ConvertSNEStoPC(GetIntermediateAddressOrPointer(selOffset)) == offset
                    style.BackColor = Color.DeepPink;

                if (column == 6
                    //&& (Data.GetFlag(offset) == Data.FlagType.Opcode || Data.GetFlag(offset) == Data.FlagType.Unreached)
                    && ConvertSNEStoPC(GetIntermediateAddressOrPointer(offset)) == selOffset
                    style.BackColor = Color.DeepPink;
Exemple #4
        public static int CreateLog(StreamWriter sw, StreamWriter er)
            Dictionary <int, string> tempAlias = Data.GetAllLabels();

            Data.Restore(a: new Dictionary <int, string>(tempAlias));
            AliasList.me.locked = true;
            bankSize            = Data.GetROMMapMode() == Data.ROMMapMode.LoROM ? 0x8000 : 0x10000; // todo


            string[] split = format.Split('%');
            err        = er;
            errorCount = 0;
            usedLabels = new List <int>();

            list = new List <Tuple <string, int> >();
            for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++)
                if (i % 2 == 0)
                    list.Add(Tuple.Create(split[i], int.MaxValue));
                    int colon = split[i].IndexOf(':');
                    if (colon < 0)
                        list.Add(Tuple.Create(split[i], parameters[split[i]].Item2));
                        list.Add(Tuple.Create(split[i].Substring(0, colon), int.Parse(split[i].Substring(colon + 1))));

            int pointer = 0, size = (Data.GetTable() == ExportDisassembly.sampleTable) ? 0x7B : Data.GetROMSize(), bank = -1;

            if (structure == FormatStructure.OneBankPerFile)
                folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(((FileStream)sw.BaseStream).Name);
                sw.WriteLine(GetLine(pointer, "map"));
                sw.WriteLine(GetLine(pointer, "empty"));
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i += bankSize)
                    sw.WriteLine(GetLine(i, "incsrc"));
                sw.WriteLine(GetLine(-1, "incsrc"));
                sw.WriteLine(GetLine(pointer, "map"));
                sw.WriteLine(GetLine(pointer, "empty"));

            while (pointer < size)
                int snes = Util.ConvertPCtoSNES(pointer);
                if ((snes >> 16) != bank)
                    if (structure == FormatStructure.OneBankPerFile)
                        sw = new StreamWriter(string.Format("{0}/bank_{1}.asm", folder, Util.NumberToBaseString((snes >> 16), Util.NumberBase.Hexadecimal, 2)));

                    sw.WriteLine(GetLine(pointer, "empty"));
                    sw.WriteLine(GetLine(pointer, "org"));
                    sw.WriteLine(GetLine(pointer, "empty"));
                    if ((snes % bankSize) != 0)
                        err.WriteLine("({0}) Offset 0x{1:X}: An instruction crossed a bank boundary.", ++errorCount, pointer);
                    bank = snes >> 16;

                string label;
                if ((Data.GetInOutPoint(pointer) & (Data.InOutPoint.ReadPoint)) != 0 || (tempAlias.TryGetValue(pointer, out label) && label.Length > 0))
                    sw.WriteLine(GetLine(pointer, "empty"));
                sw.WriteLine(GetLine(pointer, null));
                if ((Data.GetInOutPoint(pointer) & (Data.InOutPoint.EndPoint)) != 0)
                    sw.WriteLine(GetLine(pointer, "empty"));
                pointer += GetLineByteLength(pointer);

            if (structure == FormatStructure.OneBankPerFile)
                sw = new StreamWriter(string.Format("{0}/labels.asm", folder));
                sw.WriteLine(GetLine(pointer, "empty"));

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> pair in Data.GetAllLabels())
                if (!usedLabels.Contains(pair.Key))
                    sw.WriteLine(GetLine(pair.Key, "labelassign"));

            if (structure == FormatStructure.OneBankPerFile)
            Data.Restore(a: tempAlias);
            AliasList.me.locked = false;
Exemple #5
        private static byte[] SaveVersion1()
            int size = Data.GetROMSize();

            byte[] romSettings = new byte[31];
            romSettings[0] = (byte)Data.GetROMMapMode();
            romSettings[1] = (byte)Data.GetROMSpeed();
            Util.IntegerIntoByteArray(size, romSettings, 2);
            for (int i = 0; i < 0x15; i++)
                romSettings[6 + i] = (byte)Data.GetROMByte(Util.ConvertSNEStoPC(0xFFC0 + i));
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                romSettings[27 + i] = (byte)Data.GetROMByte(Util.ConvertSNEStoPC(0xFFDC + i));

            // TODO put selected offset in save file

            List <byte> label = new List <byte>(), comment = new List <byte>();
            Dictionary <int, string> all_labels = Data.GetAllLabels(), all_comments = Data.GetAllComments();

            Util.IntegerIntoByteList(all_labels.Count, label);
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> pair in all_labels)
                Util.IntegerIntoByteList(pair.Key, label);
                for (int i = 0; i < pair.Value.Length; i++)

            Util.IntegerIntoByteList(all_comments.Count, comment);
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> pair in all_comments)
                Util.IntegerIntoByteList(pair.Key, comment);
                for (int i = 0; i < pair.Value.Length; i++)

            byte[] romLocation = Util.StringToByteArray(currentROMFile);

            byte[] data = new byte[romSettings.Length + romLocation.Length + 8 * size + label.Count + comment.Count];
            romSettings.CopyTo(data, 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < romLocation.Length; i++)
                data[romSettings.Length + i] = romLocation[i];
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                data[romSettings.Length + romLocation.Length + i] = (byte)Data.GetDataBank(i);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                data[romSettings.Length + romLocation.Length + size + i] = (byte)Data.GetDirectPage(i);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                data[romSettings.Length + romLocation.Length + 2 * size + i] = (byte)(Data.GetDirectPage(i) >> 8);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                data[romSettings.Length + romLocation.Length + 3 * size + i] = (byte)(Data.GetXFlag(i) ? 1 : 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                data[romSettings.Length + romLocation.Length + 4 * size + i] = (byte)(Data.GetMFlag(i) ? 1 : 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                data[romSettings.Length + romLocation.Length + 5 * size + i] = (byte)Data.GetFlag(i);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                data[romSettings.Length + romLocation.Length + 6 * size + i] = (byte)Data.GetArchitechture(i);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                data[romSettings.Length + romLocation.Length + 7 * size + i] = (byte)Data.GetInOutPoint(i);
            // ???
            label.CopyTo(data, romSettings.Length + romLocation.Length + 8 * size);
            comment.CopyTo(data, romSettings.Length + romLocation.Length + 8 * size + label.Count);
            // ???
