Exemple #1
        internal static async Task SearchAndPost(string searchTerm, SocketMessage e, bool isSafeSearch)
            BooruResult result  = Derpi_Search.SearchForImage(searchTerm, isSafeSearch);
            string      message = "";

            if (result.link != null)
                if (isSafeSearch)
                    message += "<:coral:279967024438837249> <Coral returns happily with the picture you wanted!> \n`" + searchTerm + "`\n" + result.link;
                    message += "<:coral:279967024438837249> <Coral returns excitedly with the picture you wanted!> \n`" + searchTerm + "`\n" + result.link;

                if (result.score != null)
                    message += "\n`Score:" + result.score + "`";

                if (result.artist != null)
                    message += "\n`" + result.artist + "`";
                message += "<Coral returns sadly, she couldn't find anything for `" + searchTerm + "` > :cry: ";

            await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync(message);
Exemple #2
        private async Task HandleCommands(SocketMessage e)
            //is this a DM and what is the author's name?
            bool            isDM         = false;
            string          senderName   = e.Author.Username;
            string          lowerContent = e.Content.ToLower();
            SocketGuildUser user         = null;

                user = (SocketGuildUser)e.Author;
                Console.WriteLine("PM from " + e.Author.Username + ":");
            if (e.Channel.GetType() == typeof(SocketDMChannel))
                isDM = true;
                senderName = user.Nickname ?? e.Author.Username;

            //Show help to user
            //Basic echo function
            if (Config.adminIDs.Contains(e.Author.Id) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!echo "))
                await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync(e.Content.Substring(6));

                await e.DeleteAsync();
            //Derpi search
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!derpi "))
                //get search term
                string searchTerm = e.Content.Substring(7);

                //find a result
                //post resulting image
                    if (Config.nsfwChannelIDs.Contains(e.Channel.Id))
                        await Derpi_Search.SearchAndPost(searchTerm, e, false);
                        await Derpi_Search.SearchAndPost(searchTerm, e, true);
                    await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`**-Coral runs around because everything is broken and on fire!!!!-**`");
            //E621 search
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && e.Channel.Id == 282826164127399936 && lowerContent.StartsWith("!e621 "))
                //get search term
                string searchTerm = e.Content.Substring(6);

                //find a result
                //post resulting image
                await E621Search.SearchAndPost(searchTerm, e);
            //Coin Flip
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!flip"))
                Random random = new Random();
                await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync(random.Next(2) == 0? "`Heads`" : "`Tails`");
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!ghost"))
                Random random = new Random();
                await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync("**-Coral baps the ghost!-** <Go away spooker!>");
            //Dice Rolling
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!roll"))
                string sub = "";
                if (e.Content.Length > 6)
                    sub = e.Content.Substring(6);
                    sub = "1d20";
                //await DiceRoll(sub, e);
                await Dice_Roller.DiceRoll(sub, e);
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!8ball"))
                await EightBall(e);
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!spin"))
                await e.Channel.SendFileAsync("UkY5mCJ.gif");
            //F To pay respects
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!f"))
                string[] sub = e.Content.Split(' ');
                if (sub[0].Length == 2)
                    await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync("**-" + e.Author.Mention + " pays their respects.-** :pray:");
            //Daily fact
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!fact"))
                await DailyFact(e);
            //Channel ID
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!channelID"))
                await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync("This channel's ID is" + e.Channel.Id);
            //Lennny Face
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!lenny"))
                await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync("( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)");
            //Set Role
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!set"))
                await SetRole(e);
            //Unset Role
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!unset"))
                await UnsetRole(e);
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!hug"))
                string thing = null;

                if (e.Content.Length > 5)
                    thing = e.Content.Substring(5);

                if ((e.MentionedUsers.Count <= 0 && thing == null) || isDM)
                    await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync("**-CoralBot hugs " + senderName + ", who now smells like fish-**");
                else if (e.MentionedUsers.Count <= 0)
                    await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync("**-:hearts: `" + senderName + "` hugs `" + thing + "` :hearts: -**");
                else if (e.MentionedUsers.Count == 1)
                    SocketGuildUser mentionUser = (SocketGuildUser)e.MentionedUsers.ElementAt <SocketUser>(0);
                    string          target      = mentionUser.Nickname ?? mentionUser.Username;
                    await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync("**-:hearts: `" + senderName + "` hugs `" + target + "` :hearts: -**");
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!killme"))
                if (e.MentionedUsers.Count <= 0)
                    await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync("**-CoralBot hugs " + senderName + "-** <No!>");
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!bap"))
                string thing = null;
                if (e.Content.Length > 5)
                    thing = e.Content.Substring(5);

                if ((e.MentionedUsers.Count <= 0 && thing == null) || isDM)
                    await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync("**-CoralBot baps " + senderName + " right on the nose with a rolled up newspaper-** :newspaper2:");
                else if (e.MentionedUsers.Count <= 0)
                    await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync("**-`" + senderName + "` baps `" + thing + "` with a rolled up newspaper-** :newspaper2:");
                else if (e.MentionedUsers.Count == 1)
                    SocketGuildUser mentionUser = (SocketGuildUser)e.MentionedUsers.ElementAt <SocketUser>(0);
                    string          target      = mentionUser.Nickname ?? mentionUser.Username;
                    await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync("**-`" + senderName + "` baps `" + target + "` with a rolled up newspaper-** :newspaper2:");
            //About Bot
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!about"))
                await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync(Config.about);
            //Help Menu
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("!help"))
                //await e.Author.SendMessage(@"```Markdown
                await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync(@"```Markdown
CoralBot Commands
!set Watcher - give yourself the Watcher role
!unset Watcher - remove the role from yourself
!derpi [search terms] - Find an image on Derpibooru. (NSFW results limited to NSFW channel)
!e621 [search terms] - Find an image on e621. (Only works in the nsfw-others channel)
!flip - Flip a coin, heads or tails.
!roll [dice or modifiers] - Rolls a d20 dice, or your specified dice (eg: 2d8+5-1d20)
!8ball [your question] - Ask the magic 8-ball your question.
!fact - Get a fun fact of the day!
!spin - Spin the Red.
!lenny - Lenny Face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
!f - Pay your respects
!hug [user or thing] - Hug CoralBot, someone or something
!bap [user or thing] - Bap CoralBot, someone or something with a rolled up newspaper
!ghost - Tell the spooker to go away
!about - Information about CoralBot.
!help - Get command list.
            if (!IsAuthor(e) && lowerContent.StartsWith("@Coral-Bot"))
                if (e.MentionedUsers.Count == 1)