unsafe protected override void OnSetListener(Vec3 position, Vec3 velocity, Vec3 forward, Vec3 up) { criticalSection.Enter(); DS3DLISTENER parameters = new DS3DLISTENER(); parameters.dwSize = (uint)sizeof(DS3DLISTENER); IDirectSound3DListener.GetAllParameters(listener, ref parameters); parameters.vPosition = new Vec3(position.X, position.Z, position.Y); parameters.vVelocity = new Vec3(velocity.X, velocity.Z, velocity.Y); parameters.vOrientFront = new Vec3(forward.X, forward.Z, forward.Y); parameters.vOrientTop = new Vec3(up.X, up.Z, up.Y); int hr = IDirectSound3DListener.SetAllParameters(listener, ref parameters, DSound.DS3D_IMMEDIATE); if (Wrapper.FAILED(hr)) { Warning("IDirectSound3DListener.SetAllParameters", hr); } criticalSection.Leave(); }
//void UpdateListe unsafe protected override void OnSetDopplerEffectScale(float dopplerScale) { criticalSection.Enter(); DS3DLISTENER parameters = new DS3DLISTENER(); parameters.dwSize = (uint)sizeof(DS3DLISTENER); IDirectSound3DListener.GetAllParameters(listener, ref parameters); parameters.flDopplerFactor = dopplerScale; int hr = IDirectSound3DListener.SetAllParameters(listener, ref parameters, DSound.DS3D_IMMEDIATE); if (Wrapper.FAILED(hr)) { Warning("IDirectSound3DListener.SetAllParameters", hr); } criticalSection.Leave(); }
unsafe protected override bool InitLibrary(IntPtr mainWindowHandle, int maxReal2DChannels, int maxReal3DChannels) { NativeLibraryManager.PreLoadLibrary("libogg"); NativeLibraryManager.PreLoadLibrary("libvorbis"); NativeLibraryManager.PreLoadLibrary("libvorbisfile"); NativeLibraryManager.PreLoadLibrary("DirectSoundNativeWrapper"); { DSoundStructureSizes sizes = new DSoundStructureSizes(); sizes.Init(); DSoundStructureSizes originalSizes; DSound.GetStructureSizes(out originalSizes); FieldInfo[] fields = sizes.GetType().GetFields( BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public); foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) { int originalSize = (int)field.GetValue(originalSizes); int size = (int)field.GetValue(sizes); if (originalSize != size) { Log.Fatal("DirectXSoundSystem: Invalid unmanaged bridge. " + "Invalid \"{0}\". Native size = \"{1}\". Managed size = \"{2}\".", field.Name, originalSize, size); return(false); } } } instance = this; criticalSection = CriticalSection.Create(); DSound.CoInitialize(null); int hr; //create IDirectSound using the primary sound device void */*IDirectSound8*/ directSoundTemp; hr = DSound.DirectSoundCreate8(null, out directSoundTemp, null); if (Wrapper.FAILED(hr)) { if (hr == DSound.Get_DSERR_NODRIVER()) { Log.InvisibleInfo("DirectXSoundSystem: No sound driver."); return(false); } Error("DirectSoundCreate8", hr); return(false); } directSound = (IDirectSound8 *)directSoundTemp; //set DirectSound cooperative level hWnd = mainWindowHandle; hr = IDirectSound8.SetCooperativeLevel(directSound, hWnd, DSound.DSSCL_PRIORITY); if (Wrapper.FAILED(hr)) { Error("SetCooperativeLevel", hr); return(false); } //set primary buffer format { hr = SetPrimaryBufferFormat(2, 44100, 16, false); if (Wrapper.FAILED(hr)) { hr = SetPrimaryBufferFormat(2, 22050, 16, true); } if (Wrapper.FAILED(hr)) { return(false); } } //get listener { void */*IDirectSoundBuffer*/ primaryBuffer = null; // Obtain primary buffer, asking it for 3D control DSBUFFERDESC bufferDesc = new DSBUFFERDESC(); //ZeroMemory( &bufferDesc, sizeof( DSBUFFERDESC ) ); bufferDesc.dwSize = (uint)sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC); bufferDesc.dwFlags = DSound.DSBCAPS_CTRL3D | DSound.DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER; hr = IDirectSound8.CreateSoundBuffer(directSound, ref bufferDesc, out primaryBuffer, null); if (Wrapper.FAILED(hr)) { Error("CreateSoundBuffer", hr); return(false); } void */*IDirectSound3DListener*/ listenerTemp = null; GUID guid = DSound.IID_IDirectSound3DListener; if (Wrapper.FAILED(hr = IDirectSoundBuffer.QueryInterface(primaryBuffer, ref guid, &listenerTemp))) { IDirectSoundBuffer.Release(primaryBuffer); Error("QueryInterface", hr); return(false); } listener = (IDirectSound3DListener *)listenerTemp; IDirectSoundBuffer.Release(primaryBuffer); } //update general parameters { DS3DLISTENER parameters = new DS3DLISTENER(); parameters.dwSize = (uint)sizeof(DS3DLISTENER); IDirectSound3DListener.GetAllParameters(listener, ref parameters); parameters.flDistanceFactor = 1; parameters.flRolloffFactor = 0; parameters.flDopplerFactor = DopplerScale; hr = IDirectSound3DListener.SetAllParameters(listener, ref parameters, DSound.DS3D_IMMEDIATE); if (Wrapper.FAILED(hr)) { Warning("IDirectSound3DListener.SetAllParameters", hr); } } GenerateRecordDriverList(); //Channels realChannels = new List <DirectSoundRealChannel>(); for (int n = 0; n < maxReal2DChannels; n++) { DirectSoundRealChannel realChannel = new DirectSoundRealChannel(); AddRealChannel(realChannel, false); realChannels.Add(realChannel); } for (int n = 0; n < maxReal3DChannels; n++) { DirectSoundRealChannel realChannel = new DirectSoundRealChannel(); AddRealChannel(realChannel, true); realChannels.Add(realChannel); } fileStreamRealChannels = new List <DirectSoundRealChannel>(); thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadFunction)); thread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); return(true); }
unsafe protected override void OnSetListener( Vec3 position, Vec3 velocity, Vec3 forward, Vec3 up ) { criticalSection.Enter(); DS3DLISTENER parameters = new DS3DLISTENER(); parameters.dwSize = (uint)sizeof( DS3DLISTENER ); IDirectSound3DListener.GetAllParameters( listener, ref parameters ); parameters.vPosition = new Vec3( position.X, position.Z, position.Y ); parameters.vVelocity = new Vec3( velocity.X, velocity.Z, velocity.Y ); parameters.vOrientFront = new Vec3( forward.X, forward.Z, forward.Y ); parameters.vOrientTop = new Vec3( up.X, up.Z, up.Y ); int hr = IDirectSound3DListener.SetAllParameters( listener, ref parameters, DSound.DS3D_IMMEDIATE ); if( Wrapper.FAILED( hr ) ) Warning( "IDirectSound3DListener.SetAllParameters", hr ); criticalSection.Leave(); }
//void UpdateListe unsafe protected override void OnSetDopplerEffectScale( float dopplerScale ) { criticalSection.Enter(); DS3DLISTENER parameters = new DS3DLISTENER(); parameters.dwSize = (uint)sizeof( DS3DLISTENER ); IDirectSound3DListener.GetAllParameters( listener, ref parameters ); parameters.flDopplerFactor = dopplerScale; int hr = IDirectSound3DListener.SetAllParameters( listener, ref parameters, DSound.DS3D_IMMEDIATE ); if( Wrapper.FAILED( hr ) ) Warning( "IDirectSound3DListener.SetAllParameters", hr ); criticalSection.Leave(); }
unsafe protected override bool InitLibrary( IntPtr mainWindowHandle, int maxReal2DChannels, int maxReal3DChannels ) { NativeLibraryManager.PreLoadLibrary( "libogg" ); NativeLibraryManager.PreLoadLibrary( "libvorbis" ); NativeLibraryManager.PreLoadLibrary( "libvorbisfile" ); NativeLibraryManager.PreLoadLibrary( "DirectSoundNativeWrapper" ); { DSoundStructureSizes sizes = new DSoundStructureSizes(); sizes.Init(); DSoundStructureSizes originalSizes; DSound.GetStructureSizes( out originalSizes ); FieldInfo[] fields = sizes.GetType().GetFields( BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public ); foreach( FieldInfo field in fields ) { int originalSize = (int)field.GetValue( originalSizes ); int size = (int)field.GetValue( sizes ); if( originalSize != size ) { Log.Fatal( "DirectXSoundSystem: Invalid unmanaged bridge. " + "Invalid \"{0}\". Native size = \"{1}\". Managed size = \"{2}\".", field.Name, originalSize, size ); return false; } } } instance = this; criticalSection = CriticalSection.Create(); DSound.CoInitialize( null ); int hr; //create IDirectSound using the primary sound device void*/*IDirectSound8*/ directSoundTemp; hr = DSound.DirectSoundCreate8( null, out directSoundTemp, null ); if( Wrapper.FAILED( hr ) ) { if( hr == DSound.Get_DSERR_NODRIVER() ) { Log.InvisibleInfo( "DirectXSoundSystem: No sound driver." ); return false; } Error( "DirectSoundCreate8", hr ); return false; } directSound = (IDirectSound8*)directSoundTemp; //set DirectSound cooperative level hWnd = mainWindowHandle; hr = IDirectSound8.SetCooperativeLevel( directSound, hWnd, DSound.DSSCL_PRIORITY ); if( Wrapper.FAILED( hr ) ) { Error( "SetCooperativeLevel", hr ); return false; } //set primary buffer format { hr = SetPrimaryBufferFormat( 2, 44100, 16, false ); if( Wrapper.FAILED( hr ) ) hr = SetPrimaryBufferFormat( 2, 22050, 16, true ); if( Wrapper.FAILED( hr ) ) return false; } //get listener { void*/*IDirectSoundBuffer*/ primaryBuffer = null; // Obtain primary buffer, asking it for 3D control DSBUFFERDESC bufferDesc = new DSBUFFERDESC(); //ZeroMemory( &bufferDesc, sizeof( DSBUFFERDESC ) ); bufferDesc.dwSize = (uint)sizeof( DSBUFFERDESC ); bufferDesc.dwFlags = DSound.DSBCAPS_CTRL3D | DSound.DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER; hr = IDirectSound8.CreateSoundBuffer( directSound, ref bufferDesc, out primaryBuffer, null ); if( Wrapper.FAILED( hr ) ) { Error( "CreateSoundBuffer", hr ); return false; } void*/*IDirectSound3DListener*/ listenerTemp = null; GUID guid = DSound.IID_IDirectSound3DListener; if( Wrapper.FAILED( hr = IDirectSoundBuffer.QueryInterface( primaryBuffer, ref guid, &listenerTemp ) ) ) { IDirectSoundBuffer.Release( primaryBuffer ); Error( "QueryInterface", hr ); return false; } listener = (IDirectSound3DListener*)listenerTemp; IDirectSoundBuffer.Release( primaryBuffer ); } //update general parameters { DS3DLISTENER parameters = new DS3DLISTENER(); parameters.dwSize = (uint)sizeof( DS3DLISTENER ); IDirectSound3DListener.GetAllParameters( listener, ref parameters ); parameters.flDistanceFactor = 1; parameters.flRolloffFactor = 0; parameters.flDopplerFactor = DopplerScale; hr = IDirectSound3DListener.SetAllParameters( listener, ref parameters, DSound.DS3D_IMMEDIATE ); if( Wrapper.FAILED( hr ) ) Warning( "IDirectSound3DListener.SetAllParameters", hr ); } GenerateRecordDriverList(); //Channels realChannels = new List<DirectSoundRealChannel>(); for( int n = 0; n < maxReal2DChannels; n++ ) { DirectSoundRealChannel realChannel = new DirectSoundRealChannel(); AddRealChannel( realChannel, false ); realChannels.Add( realChannel ); } for( int n = 0; n < maxReal3DChannels; n++ ) { DirectSoundRealChannel realChannel = new DirectSoundRealChannel(); AddRealChannel( realChannel, true ); realChannels.Add( realChannel ); } fileStreamRealChannels = new List<DirectSoundRealChannel>(); thread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( ThreadFunction ) ); thread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo( "en-US" ); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); return true; }
public unsafe static extern int SetAllParameters(void */*IDirectSound3DListener*/ _this, ref DS3DLISTENER pListener, uint dwApply);
public unsafe static extern int SetAllParameters( void*/*IDirectSound3DListener*/ _this, ref DS3DLISTENER pListener, uint dwApply );