Exemple #1
        public EntryPoint(
            RemoteHooking.IContext context,
            string channelName,
            CaptureConfig config)
            // Get reference to IPC to host application
            // Note: any methods called or events triggered against _interface will execute in the host process.
            _interface = RemoteHooking.IpcConnectClient<CaptureInterface>(channelName);

            // We try to ping immediately, if it fails then injection fails

            #region Allow client event handlers (bi-directional IPC)

            // Attempt to create a IpcServerChannel so that any event handlers on the client will function correctly
            IDictionary properties = new Hashtable();
            properties["name"] = channelName;
            properties["portName"] = channelName + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
                // random portName so no conflict with existing channels of channelName

            var binaryProv = new BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider();
            binaryProv.TypeFilterLevel = TypeFilterLevel.Full;

            var _clientServerChannel = new IpcServerChannel(properties, binaryProv);
            ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(_clientServerChannel, false);
