public static Store Find(int id) { SqlConnection conn = DB.Connection(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM store WHERE id = @StoreId;", conn); SqlParameter storeIdParameter = new SqlParameter(); storeIdParameter.ParameterName = "@StoreId"; storeIdParameter.Value = id.ToString(); cmd.Parameters.Add(storeIdParameter); SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); int foundStoreId = 0; string foundStoreName = null; int foundStoreReview = 0; while(rdr.Read()) { foundStoreId = rdr.GetInt32(0); foundStoreName = rdr.GetString(1); foundStoreReview =rdr.GetInt32(2); } Store foundStore = new Store(foundStoreName,foundStoreReview,foundStoreId); if (rdr != null) { rdr.Close(); } if (conn != null) { conn.Close(); } return foundStore; }
public void Test_FindId() { Store myStore = new Store("kjoio",2); myStore.Save(); //Save data to data base and assign id depending on table order Store findStore = Store.Find(myStore.GetId()); Assert.Equal(findStore, myStore); }
public void Test_Save_dish_true() { //Arrange, Act Store myStore= new Store("wer",5,1); myStore.Save(); //Act List<Store> result = Store.GetAll(); List<Store> testList = new List<Store>{myStore}; //Assert Assert.Equal(testList, result); }
public void Test_GetAllDishesInStore_true() { Store myStore = new Store("lo-main",5); myStore.Save(); Dish firstDish = new Dish("Pizza",13,myStore.GetId()); firstDish.Save(); Dish secondDish = new Dish("tacos",13,myStore.GetId()); secondDish.Save(); List<Dish> testDishList = new List<Dish> {firstDish,secondDish}; List<Dish> resultDishList = myStore.GetDish(); Assert.Equal(testDishList, resultDishList); }
public void Test_DeleteOneStore_true() { Store firstStore = new Store("A",3); firstStore.Save(); Store secondStore = new Store("B",2); secondStore.Save(); Dish firstStoreDish = new Dish("burger",87,firstStore.GetId()); firstStoreDish.Save(); Dish secondStoreDsih= new Dish("toco",56,secondStore.GetId()); secondStoreDsih.Save(); firstStore.Delete(); List<Store> allStores = Store.GetAll(); List<Store> afterDeleteOneStore= new List<Store> {secondStore}; List<Dish> resultDish=Dish.GetAll(); List<Dish> afterDeleteOneStoreDish= new List<Dish> {secondStoreDsih}; Assert.Equal(afterDeleteOneStore,allStores); Assert.Equal(afterDeleteOneStoreDish,resultDish); }
public void Test_Save_ID_true() { Store myStore = new Store ("sdojofdkoedf",3); myStore.Save(); //List return list of stores List<Store> allstores= Store.GetAll(); //list of store in index o should be my store Store oneStore = allstores[0]; int resultId= oneStore.GetId(); int testId=myStore.GetId(); Assert.Equal(resultId, testId); }
public void Test_UpdateStoreInDatabase() { Store myStore = new Store("burger king", 2); myStore.Save(); myStore.Update("burger Queen"); string result = myStore.GetName(); Assert.Equal("burger Queen", result); }
public void Test_Store_Equal_returnTrue() { //Arrange, Act Store myStore= new Store("wer",5); Store myOtherStore= new Store("wer",5); //Assert Assert.Equal(myStore, myOtherStore); }
public HomeModule() { Get["/"] = _ => { return View["index.cshtml"]; }; Get["/dishes"] = _ => { List<Dish> AllDish = Dish.GetAll(); return View["dishes.cshtml", AllDish]; }; Get["/stores"] = _ => { List<Store> AllStores = Store.GetAll(); return View["stores.cshtml", AllStores]; }; Get["/stores/new"] = _ => { return View["stores_form.cshtml"]; }; Post["/stores/new"] = _ => { Store newStore = new Store(Request.Form["store-name"],Request.Form["store-review"]); newStore.Save(); return View["success.cshtml"]; }; Get["/dishes/new"] = _ => { List<Store> AllStores = Store.GetAll(); return View["dishes_form.cshtml", AllStores]; }; Post["/dishes/new"] = _ => { Dish newDish = new Dish(Request.Form["dish-name"],Request.Form["dish-price"],Request.Form["store-id"]); newDish.Save(); return View["success.cshtml"]; }; Post["/dishes/delete"] = _ => { Dish.DeleteAll(); return View["cleared.cshtml"]; }; Get["/stores/{id}"] = parameters => { Dictionary<string, object> model = new Dictionary<string, object>(); var SelectedStore = Store.Find(; var StoreDish = SelectedStore.GetDish(); model.Add("category", SelectedStore); model.Add("dishes", StoreDish); return View["store.cshtml", model]; }; Get["/store/edit/{id}"] = parameters => { Dish selectDishes = Dish.Find(; return View["stores_edit.cshtml", selectDishes]; }; Patch["/store/edit/{id}"] = parameters => { Store selectedStore = Store.Find(; selectedStore.Update(Request.Form["store-name"]); return View["success.cshtml"]; }; Get["store/delete/{id}"] = parameters => { Store SelectedStore = Store.Find(; return View["store_delete.cshtml", SelectedStore]; }; Delete["/store/delete/{id}"] = parameters => { Store selectedStore = Store.Find(; return View["success.cshtml"]; }; Get["/dishes/edit/{id}"] = parameters => { Dish selectDishes = Dish.Find(; return View["dishes_edit.cshtml", selectDishes]; }; Patch["/dishes/edit/{id}"] = parameters => { Dish selectedStore = Dish.Find(; selectedStore.Update(Request.Form["dish-name"]); return View["success.cshtml"]; }; Get["/dish/delete/{id}"] = parameters => { Dish SelectedStore = Dish.Find(; return View["dishes_delete.cshtml", SelectedStore]; }; Delete["/dish/delete/{id}"] = parameters => { Dish selectedDish = Dish.Find(; return View["success.cshtml"]; }; }
public static List<Store> GetAll() { List<Store> allStores = new List<Store>{}; SqlConnection conn = DB.Connection(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM store;", conn); SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while(rdr.Read()) { int storeId = rdr.GetInt32(0); string storeName = rdr.GetString(1); int storeReview = rdr.GetInt32(2); Store newStore = new Store(storeName,storeReview,storeId); allStores.Add(newStore); } if (rdr != null) { rdr.Close(); } if (conn != null) { conn.Close(); } return allStores; }