Exemple #1
         * Initializes a new digraph that is a deep copy of the specified digraph.
         * @param  G the digraph to copy
        public Digraph(Digraph G)
            this.V = (G.GetVertices());
            this.E = G.GetEdges();
            for (int v = 0; v < V; v++)
                this.indegree[v] = G.GetInDegree(v);

            for (int v = 0; v < G.GetVertices(); v++)
                // reverse so that adjacency list is in same order as original
                Stack <int> reverse = new Stack <int>();
                foreach (int w in G.adj[v])
                foreach (int w in reverse)
Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Digraph G = new Digraph("tinyDG.txt");

            //how much vertices?
            Console.WriteLine("Vertices: " + G.GetVertices());
            //how much edges?
            Console.WriteLine("Edges: " + G.GetEdges());
            // indegree
            Console.WriteLine("InDegree for 0 vertice: " + G.GetInDegree(0));
            // outdegree
            Console.WriteLine("OutDegree for 0 vertice: " + G.GetOutDegree(0));
            // is v reachible from s ?
            Console.WriteLine("is 1 reachible from 0: " + G.IsReachible(G, 0, 1)); // True
            Console.WriteLine("is 6 reachible from 0: " + G.IsReachible(G, 0, 1)); // False
            // isEdge
            Console.WriteLine("Is Edge ? 0,12 " + G.IsEdge(0, 12));
            Console.WriteLine("Is Edge ? 0,5 " + G.IsEdge(0, 5));

            int s = 0; // start vertex
            int f = 2; // finish vertex

            // --- DFS
            Console.WriteLine(" --- DFS...");
            // Has path to ?
            Console.WriteLine("Has path from " + s + " to " + f + " vertex, DFS? " + G.IsPathToDFS(G, s, f));
            // This is the path, DFS
            Console.WriteLine("This is the path, DFS?");
            Stack <int> path = new Stack <int>();

            G.GetPathToDFS(G, s, f, ref path);
            if (path.Count != 0)
                foreach (int i in path)
                    Console.WriteLine(" > " + i.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("no path...");

            // --- BFS
            Console.WriteLine("--- BFS...");
            // Haspath to
            Console.WriteLine("Has path from " + s + " to " + f + " vertex, DFS? " + G.IsPathToBFS(G, s, f));
            // --- shortest distance
            if (G.IsPathToBFS(G, s, f))
                Console.WriteLine("Shortest distance: " + G.GetShortestDistToBFS(G, s, f));
            // ---
            Console.WriteLine("This is the path, DFS?");
            G.GetShortestPathToBFS(G, s, f, ref path);
            if (path.Count != 0)
                foreach (int i in path)
                    Console.WriteLine(" > " + i.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("no path...");
            //--- Cycles
            bool isCycle = G.IsCycle(G);

            Console.WriteLine("Is Cycle? " + isCycle);
            if (isCycle)
                Stack <int> cycle = new Stack <int>();
                cycle = G.GetCycle(G);
                foreach (int v in cycle)
            // -- Kosaraju, strongly connected components
            Console.WriteLine("Kosaraju IsStronglyConnected 0 and 2 ");
            Console.WriteLine(G.IsStronglyConnected(G, 0, 2));
            Console.WriteLine("Kosaraju IsStronglyConnected 0 and 1 ");
            Console.WriteLine(G.IsStronglyConnected(G, 0, 1));

            // --- Topological
            Queue <int> preOrder = G.GetPreOrder(G);

            Console.WriteLine(" ---preOrder");
            while (preOrder.Count != 0)
            Queue <int> postOrder = G.GetPostOrder(G);

            Console.WriteLine(" ---postOrder");
            while (postOrder.Count != 0)

             * Stack<int> reversePost = G.GetReversePostOrder(G);
             * Console.WriteLine(" ---reversePostOrder");
             * while (reversePost.Count != 0)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(reversePost.Pop());
             * }
            G = new Digraph("tinyDG_noCycles.txt"); // <<< setting new Graph
            Console.WriteLine(" --- Topological reversePostOrder, changing to tinyDG_noCycles.txt");
            isCycle = G.IsCycle(G);
            if (!isCycle)
                Stack <int> TopologicalOrder = G.GetTopologicalOrder(G);
                while (TopologicalOrder.Count != 0)
                if (isCycle)
                    Console.WriteLine("Topological order impossible, there is cycle there... ");

            // --- just describing the orGraph... toString()
            Console.WriteLine("---ToString(): " + G.ToString());
