protected override void OnDrawBillboard(ref BillboardArgs b, PackedTexture texture, VertexPositionColorTexture[] vertices, int index)
            #region ----- Billboarding -----

            // The billboard orientation is defined by three vectors: normal (pointing to the camera),
            // up and right (both lying in the billboard plane).
            // normal and up are given. right is computed using the cross product up x normal.
            // normal and up should be perpendicular, but usually they are not. Therefore, one vector
            // must be corrected. For spherical billboards, the normal is fixed and the up vector
            // is corrected. For cylindrical billboards (= axial billboards), the up vector is fixed
            // and the b.Normal is corrected.

            // Normal
            if (b.Orientation.Normal == BillboardNormal.ViewpointOriented)
                Vector3F normal = _cameraPose.Position - b.Position;
                if (normal.TryNormalize())
                    b.Normal = normal;

            // Axis = up vector
            if (b.Orientation.IsAxisInViewSpace)
                b.Axis = _cameraPose.ToWorldDirection(b.Axis);

            if (1 - Vector3F.Dot(b.Normal, b.Axis) < Numeric.EpsilonF)
                // Normal and axis are parallel.
                // --> Bend normal by adding a fraction of the camera down vector.
                b.Normal += _cameraDown * 0.001f;

            // Compute right.
            //Vector3F right = Vector3F.Cross(b.Axis, b.Normal);
            // Inlined:
            Vector3F right;
            right.X = b.Axis.Y * b.Normal.Z - b.Axis.Z * b.Normal.Y;
            right.Y = b.Axis.Z * b.Normal.X - b.Axis.X * b.Normal.Z;
            right.Z = b.Axis.X * b.Normal.Y - b.Axis.Y * b.Normal.X;
            if (!right.TryNormalize())
                right = b.Normal.Orthonormal1; // Normal and axis are parallel --> Choose random perpendicular vector.
            if (b.Orientation.IsAxisFixed)
                // Make sure normal is perpendicular to right and up.
                //normal = Vector3F.Cross(right, b.Axis);
                // Inlined:
                b.Normal.X = right.Y * b.Axis.Z - right.Z * b.Axis.Y;
                b.Normal.Y = right.Z * b.Axis.X - right.X * b.Axis.Z;
                b.Normal.Z = right.X * b.Axis.Y - right.Y * b.Axis.X;

                // No need to normalize because right and up are normalized and perpendicular.
                // Make sure axis is perpendicular to normal and right.
                //b.Axis = Vector3F.Cross(b.Normal, right);
                // Inlined:
                b.Axis.X = b.Normal.Y * right.Z - b.Normal.Z * right.Y;
                b.Axis.Y = b.Normal.Z * right.X - b.Normal.X * right.Z;
                b.Axis.Z = b.Normal.X * right.Y - b.Normal.Y * right.X;

                // No need to normalize because normal and right are normalized and perpendicular.

            #region ----- Rotate up and right vectors -----

            Vector3F upRotated;
            Vector3F rightRotated;

            if (b.Angle != 0.0f)
                // Rotate up and right.
                // Here is the readable code.
                //Matrix33F rotation = Matrix33F.CreateRotation(b.Normal, b.Angle);
                //Vector3F upRotated = rotation * b.Axis;
                //Vector3F rightRotated = rotation * right;

                // Inlined code:
                float x           = b.Normal.X;
                float y           = b.Normal.Y;
                float z           = b.Normal.Z;
                float x2          = x * x;
                float y2          = y * y;
                float z2          = z * z;
                float xy          = x * y;
                float xz          = x * z;
                float yz          = y * z;
                float cos         = (float)Math.Cos(b.Angle);
                float sin         = (float)Math.Sin(b.Angle);
                float xsin        = x * sin;
                float ysin        = y * sin;
                float zsin        = z * sin;
                float oneMinusCos = 1.0f - cos;
                float m00         = x2 + cos * (1.0f - x2);
                float m01         = xy * oneMinusCos - zsin;
                float m02         = xz * oneMinusCos + ysin;
                float m10         = xy * oneMinusCos + zsin;
                float m11         = y2 + cos * (1.0f - y2);
                float m12         = yz * oneMinusCos - xsin;
                float m20         = xz * oneMinusCos - ysin;
                float m21         = yz * oneMinusCos + xsin;
                float m22         = z2 + cos * (1.0f - z2);

                upRotated.X = m00 * b.Axis.X + m01 * b.Axis.Y + m02 * b.Axis.Z;
                upRotated.Y = m10 * b.Axis.X + m11 * b.Axis.Y + m12 * b.Axis.Z;
                upRotated.Z = m20 * b.Axis.X + m21 * b.Axis.Y + m22 * b.Axis.Z;

                rightRotated.X = m00 * right.X + m01 * right.Y + m02 * right.Z;
                rightRotated.Y = m10 * right.X + m11 * right.Y + m12 * right.Z;
                rightRotated.Z = m20 * right.X + m21 * right.Y + m22 * right.Z;
                // Angle is 0 - no rotation.
                upRotated    = b.Axis;
                rightRotated = right;

            #region ----- Handle texture information and size -----

            Vector2F texCoordTopLeft     = texture.GetTextureCoordinates(Vector2F.Zero, b.AnimationTime);
            Vector2F texCoordBottomRight = texture.GetTextureCoordinates(Vector2F.One, b.AnimationTime);

            // Handle mirroring.
            if (b.Size.X < 0)
                b.Size.X = -b.Size.X;
                MathHelper.Swap(ref texCoordTopLeft.X, ref texCoordBottomRight.X);
            if (b.Size.Y < 0)
                b.Size.Y = -b.Size.Y;
                MathHelper.Swap(ref texCoordTopLeft.Y, ref texCoordBottomRight.Y);

            b.Size.X /= 2.0f;
            b.Size.Y /= 2.0f;

            // Offset from billboard center to right edge.
            Vector3F hOffset;
            hOffset.X = rightRotated.X * b.Size.X;
            hOffset.Y = rightRotated.Y * b.Size.X;
            hOffset.Z = rightRotated.Z * b.Size.X;

            // Offset from reference point to top edge.
            Vector3F vOffset;
            vOffset.X = upRotated.X * b.Size.Y;
            vOffset.Y = upRotated.Y * b.Size.Y;
            vOffset.Z = upRotated.Z * b.Size.Y;

            #region ----- Get Color -----

            // Premultiply alpha.
            Vector4 color4 = new Vector4
                X = b.Color.X * b.Alpha,
                Y = b.Color.Y * b.Alpha,
                Z = b.Color.Z * b.Alpha,

                // Apply blend mode (0 = additive, 1 = alpha blend).
                W = b.Alpha * b.BlendMode

            var color = new Color(color4);

            #region ----- Initializes vertices in vertex array -----

            // Bottom left vertex
            vertices[index].Position.X          = b.Position.X - hOffset.X - vOffset.X;
            vertices[index].Position.Y          = b.Position.Y - hOffset.Y - vOffset.Y;
            vertices[index].Position.Z          = b.Position.Z - hOffset.Z - vOffset.Z;
            vertices[index].Color               = color;
            vertices[index].TextureCoordinate.X = texCoordTopLeft.X;
            vertices[index].TextureCoordinate.Y = texCoordBottomRight.Y;

            // Top left vertex
            vertices[index].Position.X          = b.Position.X - hOffset.X + vOffset.X;
            vertices[index].Position.Y          = b.Position.Y - hOffset.Y + vOffset.Y;
            vertices[index].Position.Z          = b.Position.Z - hOffset.Z + vOffset.Z;
            vertices[index].Color               = color;
            vertices[index].TextureCoordinate.X = texCoordTopLeft.X;
            vertices[index].TextureCoordinate.Y = texCoordTopLeft.Y;

            // Top right vertex
            vertices[index].Position.X          = b.Position.X + hOffset.X + vOffset.X;
            vertices[index].Position.Y          = b.Position.Y + hOffset.Y + vOffset.Y;
            vertices[index].Position.Z          = b.Position.Z + hOffset.Z + vOffset.Z;
            vertices[index].Color               = color;
            vertices[index].TextureCoordinate.X = texCoordBottomRight.X;
            vertices[index].TextureCoordinate.Y = texCoordTopLeft.Y;

            // Bottom right vertex
            vertices[index].Position.X          = b.Position.X + hOffset.X - vOffset.X;
            vertices[index].Position.Y          = b.Position.Y + hOffset.Y - vOffset.Y;
            vertices[index].Position.Z          = b.Position.Z + hOffset.Z - vOffset.Z;
            vertices[index].Color               = color;
            vertices[index].TextureCoordinate.X = texCoordBottomRight.X;
            vertices[index].TextureCoordinate.Y = texCoordBottomRight.Y;
Exemple #2
        #region Creation & Cleanup

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SsaoFilter"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphicsService">The graphics service.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="graphicsService"/> is <see langword="null"/>.
        /// </exception>
        public SsaoFilter(IGraphicsService graphicsService)
            : base(graphicsService)
            _effect                    = GraphicsService.Content.Load <Effect>("DigitalRune/PostProcessing/SsaoFilter");
            _farParameter              = _effect.Parameters["Far"];
            _radiusParameter           = _effect.Parameters["Radius"];
            _strengthParameter         = _effect.Parameters["Strength"];
            _maxDistancesParameter     = _effect.Parameters["MaxDistances"];
            _viewportSizeParameter     = _effect.Parameters["ViewportSize"];
            _sourceTextureParameter    = _effect.Parameters["SourceTexture"];
            _gBuffer0Parameter         = _effect.Parameters["GBuffer0"];
            _occlusionTextureParameter = _effect.Parameters["OcclusionTexture"];
            _createLinesAPass          = _effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes["CreateLinesA"];
            _createLinesBPass          = _effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes["CreateLinesB"];
            _blurHorizontalPass        = _effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes["BlurHorizontal"];
            _blurVerticalPass          = _effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes["BlurVertical"];
            _combinePass               = _effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes["Combine"];
            _copyPass                  = _effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes["Copy"];

            Radii              = new Vector2F(0.01f, 0.02f);
            MaxDistances       = new Vector2F(0.5f, 1.0f);
            Strength           = 1f;
            NumberOfBlurPasses = 1;
            DownsampleFactor   = 2;
            Quality            = 2;
            Scale              = new Vector2F(0.5f, 2f);
            CombineWithSource  = true;

            _blur = new Blur(graphicsService);
            _blur.InitializeGaussianBlur(7, 7 / 3, true);

            _copyFilter       = PostProcessHelper.GetCopyFilter(graphicsService);
            _downsampleFilter = PostProcessHelper.GetDownsampleFilter(graphicsService);

            Random random = new Random(123456);

            Vector3[] vectors = new Vector3[9];

            // 16 random vectors for Crytek-style point samples.
            //for (int i = 0; i < vectors.Length; i++)
            //  vectors[i] = (Vector3)random.NextQuaternionF().Rotate(Vector3F.One).Normalized;
            //    //* random.NextFloat(0.5f, 1) // Note: StarCraft 2 uses varying length to vary the sample offset length.

            // We create rotated random vectors with uniform distribution in 360°. Each random vector
            // is further rotated with small random angle.
            float jitterAngle = ConstantsF.TwoPi / vectors.Length / 4;

            for (int i = 0; i < vectors.Length; i++)
                vectors[i] = (Vector3)(Matrix33F.CreateRotationZ(ConstantsF.TwoPi * i / vectors.Length + random.NextFloat(-jitterAngle, jitterAngle)) * new Vector3F(1, 0, 0)).Normalized;

            // Permute randomVectors.
            for (int i = 0; i < vectors.Length; i++)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref vectors[i], ref vectors[random.Next(i, vectors.Length - 1)]);

            // Scale random vectors.
            for (int i = 0; i < vectors.Length; i++)
                vectors[i].Z = random.NextFloat(Scale.X, Scale.Y);
