public IEnumerable <string> EnumerateAllowedIPAddresses()
     return(allowedIPAddresses.Select(b => IPBanFirewallUtility.IPV4ToString(b)));
        // deleteRule will drop the rule and matching set before creating the rule and set, use this is you don't care to update the rule and set in place
        private List <uint> UpdateRule(string ruleName, string action, IEnumerable <string> ipAddresses,
                                       List <uint> existingIPAddresses, string hashType, int maxCount, bool deleteRule, IEnumerable <PortRange> allowPorts, CancellationToken cancelToken,
                                       out bool result)
            string      ipFile             = GetSetFileName(ruleName);
            string      ipFileTemp         = ipFile + ".tmp";
            List <uint> newIPAddressesUint = new List <uint>();
            uint        value = 0;

            // add and remove the appropriate ip addresses from the set
            using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(ipFileTemp))
                if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    throw new OperationCanceledException(cancelToken);
                writer.WriteLine($"create {ruleName} hash:{hashType} family {inetFamily} hashsize {hashSize} maxelem {maxCount} -exist");
                foreach (string ipAddress in ipAddresses)
                    if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        throw new OperationCanceledException(cancelToken);

                    // only allow ipv4 for now
                    if (IPAddressRange.TryParse(ipAddress, out IPAddressRange range) &&
                        range.Begin.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork &&
                        range.End.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork &&
                        // if deleting the rule, don't track the uint value
                        (!deleteRule || (value = IPBanFirewallUtility.ParseIPV4(ipAddress)) != 0))
                            if (range.Begin.Equals(range.End))
                                writer.WriteLine($"add {ruleName} {range.Begin} -exist");
                                writer.WriteLine($"add {ruleName} {range.ToCidrString()} -exist");
                            if (!deleteRule)
                            // ignore invalid cidr ranges

                // if the rule was deleted, no need to add del entries
                if (!deleteRule)
                    // for ip that dropped out, remove from firewall
                    foreach (uint droppedIP in existingIPAddresses.Where(e => newIPAddressesUint.BinarySearch(e) < 0))
                        writer.WriteLine($"del {ruleName} {IPBanFirewallUtility.IPV4ToString(droppedIP)} -exist");

            if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                throw new OperationCanceledException(cancelToken);
                // TODO: Is there an easier way to move to a file that exists?
                if (File.Exists(ipFile))
                File.Move(ipFileTemp, ipFile);

                if (deleteRule)

                // restore the file to get the set updated
                result = (RunProcess("ipset", true, $"restore < \"{ipFile}\"") == 0);

                // ensure rule exists for the set
                CreateOrUpdateRule(ruleName, action, hashType, maxCount, allowPorts, cancelToken);
