Exemple #1
        public static double[,] AddIntersectionsY(double[,] structure, double[] yCut)
            double m;
            double xNew;

            double[,] finalContours = structure;
            for (int y = 0; y < yCut.Length; y++)

                double[,] contours = finalContours;
                int numConts = finalContours.Length / 3;
                int numAdded = 1; //start at one, increment after adding each point, to keep track of where to add next additional point (add to index)
                                  //index 0 outside of loop:
                if ((contours[0, 1] > yCut[y]) & (contours[contours.Length / 3 - 1, 1] < yCut[y]))
                    m             = (contours[0, 1] - contours[contours.Length / 3 - 1, 1]) / (contours[0, 0] - contours[contours.Length / 3 - 1, 0]);
                    xNew          = ((yCut[y] - contours[contours.Length / 3 - 1, 1]) / m) + contours[contours.Length / 3 - 1, 0];
                    finalContours = ContourFixing.AddPoint(finalContours, 0, new double[] { xNew, yCut[y], contours[0, 2] });
                if ((contours[0, 1] < yCut[y]) & (contours[contours.Length / 3 - 1, 1] > yCut[y]))
                    m             = (contours[contours.Length / 3 - 1, 1] - contours[0, 1]) / (contours[contours.Length / 3 - 1, 0] - contours[0, 0]);
                    xNew          = ((yCut[y] - contours[0, 1]) / m) + contours[0, 0];
                    finalContours = ContourFixing.AddPoint(finalContours, contours.Length / 3, new double[] { xNew, yCut[y], contours[0, 2] });
                for (int i = 1; i < numConts - 1; i++)                               //for all points, except last one will be out of loop
                    if ((contours[i, 1] < yCut[y]) & (contours[i + 1, 1] > yCut[y])) //if y is below the cut
                        m             = (contours[i + 1, 1] - contours[i, 1]) / (contours[i + 1, 0] - contours[i, 0]);
                        xNew          = ((yCut[y] - contours[i, 1]) / m) + contours[i, 0];
                        finalContours = ContourFixing.AddPoint(finalContours, i + numAdded, new double[] { xNew, yCut[y], contours[0, 2] });
                    else if ((contours[i, 1] > yCut[y]) & (contours[i + 1, 1] < yCut[y]))
                        m             = (contours[i + 1, 1] - contours[i, 1]) / (contours[i + 1, 0] - contours[i, 0]);
                        xNew          = ((yCut[y] - contours[i, 1]) / m) + contours[i, 0];
                        finalContours = ContourFixing.AddPoint(finalContours, i + numAdded, new double[] { xNew, yCut[y], contours[0, 2] });
Exemple #2
        public static double[,] AddIntersectionsX(double[,] contours, double xCut)
            double m;
            double yNew;

            double[,] finalContours = contours;

            int numAdded = 1; //start at one, increment after adding each point, to keep track of where to add next additional point (add to index)

            //index 0 outside of loop:
            if ((contours[0, 0] > xCut) & (contours[contours.Length / 3 - 1, 0] < xCut))
                m             = (contours[0, 0] - contours[contours.Length / 3 - 1, 0]) / (contours[0, 1] - contours[contours.Length / 3 - 1, 1]);
                yNew          = ((xCut - contours[contours.Length / 3 - 1, 0]) / m) + contours[contours.Length / 3 - 1, 1];
                finalContours = ContourFixing.AddPoint(finalContours, 0, new double[] { xCut, yNew, contours[0, 2] });
            if ((contours[0, 0] < xCut) & (contours[contours.Length / 3 - 1, 0] > xCut))
                m             = (contours[contours.Length / 3 - 1, 0] - contours[0, 0]) / (contours[contours.Length / 3 - 1, 1] - contours[0, 1]);
                yNew          = ((xCut - contours[0, 0]) / m) + contours[0, 1];
                finalContours = ContourFixing.AddPoint(finalContours, contours.Length / 3, new double[] { xCut, yNew, contours[0, 2] });

            for (int i = 0; i < contours.Length / 3 - 1; i++)              //for all points, except last one will be out of loop
                if ((contours[i, 0] < xCut) & (contours[i + 1, 0] > xCut)) //if x is below the cut
                    m             = (contours[i + 1, 0] - contours[i, 0]) / (contours[i + 1, 1] - contours[i, 1]);
                    yNew          = ((xCut - contours[i, 0]) / m) + contours[i, 1];
                    finalContours = ContourFixing.AddPoint(finalContours, i + numAdded, new double[] { xCut, yNew, contours[0, 2] });
                else if ((contours[i, 0] > xCut) & (contours[i + 1, 0] < xCut))
                    m             = (contours[i + 1, 0] - contours[i, 0]) / (contours[i + 1, 1] - contours[i, 1]);
                    yNew          = ((xCut - contours[i, 0]) / m) + contours[i, 1];
                    finalContours = ContourFixing.AddPoint(finalContours, i + numAdded, new double[] { xCut, yNew, contours[0, 2] });
Exemple #3
        public static double[] BestCutY(List <double[, ]> contours, int numCuts, double errorTolerance)
            double[] yCuts = new double[numCuts];
            double   area = 0;
            double   maxY = -1000;
            double   minY = 1000;
            double   error, yCut, newArea;

            //Get the total area of contours:
            for (int i = 0; i < contours.Count; i++)
                if (contours[i].Length != 0)
                    area += Geom.Geometry.Area(contours[i]);
            for (int cut = 0; cut < numCuts; cut++)
                double areaGoal = (double)(cut + 1) / (numCuts + 1); // fractional area goal for each cut.
                //Now get the max and min Y for the structure
                for (int j = 0; j < contours.Count; j++)
                    if (contours[j].Length != 0)
                        for (int row = 0; row < contours[j].Length / 3; row++)
                        //get the maximum, minimum y
                            if (contours[j][row, 1] > maxY)
                                maxY = contours[j][row, 1];
                            if (contours[j][row, 1] < minY)
                                minY = contours[j][row, 1];
                //Now iteratively get equal volumes to the error allowance set
                List <double[, ]> tempContours = new List <double[, ]>();
                List <double[]>   cutContours  = new List <double[]>(); //store contour as a list to append easily.
                    yCut    = (minY + maxY) / 2;
                    newArea = 0;
                    //First add the intersection points:
                    for (int i = 0; i < contours.Count; i++)
                        if (contours[i].Length != 0)
                            tempContours.Add(AddIntersectionsY(contours[i], yCut));
                            tempContours[i] = ContourFixing.ClosedLooper(tempContours[i]);
                            //now make a new contour with points below yCut.
                            for (int j = 0; j < tempContours[i].Length / 3; j++)
                                if (tempContours[i][j, 1] <= yCut)
                                    cutContours.Add(new double[] { tempContours[i][j, 0], tempContours[i][j, 1], tempContours[i][j, 2] });
                            if (cutContours.Count != 0)
                                cutContours = ContourFixing.ClosedLooper(cutContours);
                                newArea    += Geom.Geometry.Area(cutContours);
                    //Now compare areas:
                    if (newArea / area < areaGoal)
                        minY = yCut;
                    else if (newArea / area > areaGoal)
                        maxY = yCut;
                    error = Math.Abs((newArea / area) - areaGoal);
                } while (error > errorTolerance);

                yCuts[cut] = yCut;
Exemple #4
        public static List <List <double[, ]> > YChop(List <double[, ]> contours, int numCutsY)
            double[] yCuts = BestCutY(contours, numCutsY, 0.0001);        //Contains y-values for cut locations

            // add intersection points
            for (int i = 0; i < contours.Count; i++)
                contours[i] = AddIntersectionsY(contours[i], yCuts);
                contours[i] = ContourFixing.ClosedLooper(contours[i]);

            //Now divide into separate parts.
            List <List <double[, ]> > finalContours = new List <List <double[, ]> >();
            //make a list for each y division for the current contour.
            List <List <double[]> > divisions = new List <List <double[]> >();

            //Make the list the correct size so that there is an item for each y division.
            for (int div = 0; div <= yCuts.Length; div++)
                finalContours.Add(new List <double[, ]>());

            for (int i = 0; i < contours.Count; i++)        //for all of the contours
                //Make the list the correct size so that there is an item for each y division.
                for (int div = 0; div <= yCuts.Length; div++)
                    divisions.Add(new List <double[]>());
                for (int y = 0; y <= yCuts.Length; y++)              //a section for every cut, + 1
                    for (int j = 0; j < contours[i].Length / 3; j++) //loop through all points
                        if (y == 0)
                            if (contours[i][j, 1] <= yCuts[y])
                                divisions[y].Add(new double[] { contours[i][j, 0], contours[i][j, 1], contours[i][j, 2] });
                        else if (y == yCuts.Length)
                            if (contours[i][j, 1] >= yCuts[y - 1])
                                divisions[y].Add(new double[] { contours[i][j, 0], contours[i][j, 1], contours[i][j, 2] });
                            if ((contours[i][j, 1] >= yCuts[y - 1]) && (contours[i][j, 1] <= yCuts[y]))
                                divisions[y].Add(new double[] { contours[i][j, 0], contours[i][j, 1], contours[i][j, 2] });
                //at this point divisions has a list item holding a list of array points for each cut.
                //Need to now make double arrays for each of these and add them to new final list.
                double[,] temp;
                for (int y = 0; y <= yCuts.Length; y++)     //a section for every cut, + 1
                    temp = new double[divisions[y].Count, 3];
                    for (int row = 0; row < temp.Length / 3; row++)
                        temp[row, 0] = divisions[y][row][0];
                        temp[row, 1] = divisions[y][row][1];
                        temp[row, 2] = divisions[y][row][2];

                    if (temp.Length != 0)
                        temp = ContourFixing.ClosedLooper(temp);
