Exemple #1
        internal static void CompleteRowUpdate(SystemTransaction transaction, IMutableTable table, TableName tableName, RowId beforeRowid, RowId afterRowid)
            IIndexSetDataSource[] ids = transaction.GetTableIndexes(tableName);
            foreach (IIndexSetDataSource i in ids) {

            // TODO: check for constraint violations

Exemple #2
        public void CommitTransaction(SystemTransaction transaction)
            // If the transaction has had no changes, we return immediately
            if (!transaction.HasChanges)

            // The transaction we are working on through this commit process,
            SystemTransaction workingTransaction;

            // If the given transaction is of the same commit version as the current,
            // then the working transaction is the given transaction
            lock (commitSyncRoot) {
                // The list table ids we updated
                List<long> modifiedTables = new List<long>();

                // If the given transaction is of the same commit version, then the
                // working version is the given.  If there hasn't been a commit since
                // the given transaction was created then no transaction merge is
                // necessary.
                if (transaction.CommitVersion == currentCommitVersion) {
                    workingTransaction = transaction;

                    // We make sure we update the 'modified_tables' list with the set of
                    // unique tables that were changed
                    List<long> alteredTableIds = transaction.AlteredTables;
                    int sz = alteredTableIds.Count;
                    long lastTableId = -1;
                    // This goes through the altered table list provided by the
                    // transaction and creates a unique set of tables that were
                    // altered.
                    for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
                        long table_id = alteredTableIds[i];
                        if (table_id != lastTableId) {
                            lastTableId = table_id;

                    // Otherwise we must create a new working transaction
                else {

                    // -----------------
                    // Transaction MERGE
                    // -----------------
                    // This condition occurs when a transaction has been committed after
                    // the given transaction was created, and we need to move any updates
                    // from the committing transaction to the latest update.

                    workingTransaction = new SystemTransaction(this, db.CreateTransaction(), currentCommitVersion, transaction.User.Verified());

                    // SystemTable merges,

                    // First of all replay the general database updates as described in
                    // the journal (table and index creation/drops etc).
                    TransactionJournal tranJournal = transaction.Journal;
                    IEnumerator<JournalEntry> i = tranJournal.GetEnumerator();

                    // The list of tables created in this transaction
                    List<long> tablesCreated = new List<long>();

                    while (i.MoveNext()) {
                        JournalEntry entry = i.Current;
                        JournalCommandCode command = entry.Code;
                        long ident = entry.TableId;
                        // Table commands,
                        if (command == JournalCommandCode.TableCreate) {
                            // Copy the created table from the original transaction to the
                            // working transaction.

                            // We check the table exists in the transaction.  If it doesn't
                            // it means the table was dropped.
                            if (transaction.TableExists(ident)) {
                                // Get the name of the object
                                TableName tname = transaction.GetObjectName(ident);
                                if (workingTransaction.TableExists(tname)) {
                                    // Create fails, the table name exists in the current
                                    // transaction
                                    throw new CommitException("CREATE TABLE '" + tname + "' failed: table with name exists in " +
                                                              "current transaction");
                                // Otherwise copy the table
                                workingTransaction.CopyTableFrom(transaction, ident);
                            // When the table is structurally changed (columns, added/removed,
                            // etc)
                        else if (command == JournalCommandCode.TableAlter) {
                            long tableId = ident;
                            // If this table was created by this transaction, then we don't
                            // need to worry, we have the most recent version of the table
                            // structure.

                            // Otherwise, the table was altered during the transaction, so
                            // we need to copy the most recent version if it hasn't changed.
                            if (!tablesCreated.Contains(tableId)) {
                                // Check it exists in the current
                                // If it doesn't it means it was dropped
                                if (transaction.TableExists(tableId)) {
                                    // Check the table exists
                                    if (!workingTransaction.TableExists(tableId)) {
                                        throw new CommitException("ALTER TABLE '" + transaction.GetObjectName(tableId) +
                                                                  "' failed: table does not exist in the " + "current transaction");

                                    // Check the version of the table we are dropping is the same
                                    // version and exists.
                                    long ver1 = transaction.GetTableVersion(tableId);
                                    long ver2 = workingTransaction.GetTableVersion(tableId);
                                    // If the versions are different, some modification has happened
                                    // to the table so we generate an error
                                    if (ver1 != ver2)
                                        throw new CommitException("ALTER TABLE '" + transaction.GetObjectName(tableId) +
                                                                  "' failed: Table was modified by a concurrent transaction");

                                    // Okay, we can now copy the table.  We drop the existing table
                                    // and copy the new one over.
                                    workingTransaction.CopyTableFrom(transaction, tableId);

                        } else if (command == JournalCommandCode.TableDrop) {
                            long table_id = ident;
                            // Check the table exists
                            if (!workingTransaction.TableExists(table_id)) {
                                throw new CommitException("DROP TABLE '" + transaction.GetObjectName(table_id) +
                                                          "' failed: Table does not exist in the current transaction");
                            // Check the version of the table we are dropping is the same
                            // version and exists.
                            long ver1 = transaction.GetTableVersion(table_id);
                            long ver2 = workingTransaction.GetTableVersion(table_id);
                            // If the versions are different, some modification has happened
                            // to the table so we generate an error
                            if (ver1 != ver2) {
                                throw new CommitException("DROP TABLE '" + transaction.GetObjectName(table_id) +
                                                          "' failed: Table was modified by a concurrent transaction");
                            // Drop the table

                            // Index commands,
                        else if (command == JournalCommandCode.IndexAdd) {
                            long indexId = ident;
                            // The name of the table of the index
                            TableName indexTname = transaction.GetIndexName(indexId).TableName;
                            // If the above returns null, it means the index no longer
                            // exists so we skip
                            if (indexTname != null) {
                                // If the table doesn't exist in the working transaction,
                                if (!workingTransaction.TableExists(indexTname))
                                    throw new CommitException("CREATE INDEX on '" + indexTname +
                                                              "' failed: table does not exist in the current transaction");

                                // Get the table id
                                long tableId = workingTransaction.GetTableId(indexTname);

                                // NOTE: This check ensures the index we copy from the transaction
                                //   we are committing is correct and up to date.  We should,
                                //   perhaps, rewrite this to rebuild the index if there were
                                //   concurrent modifications to the table.
                                // If the versions of the table we are creating the index on is
                                // different then we fail,
                                long ver1 = transaction.GetTableVersion(tableId);
                                long ver2 = workingTransaction.GetTableVersion(tableId);
                                // If the versions are different, some modification has happened
                                // to the table so we generate an error
                                if (ver1 != ver2) {
                                    throw new CommitException("CREATE INDEX on '" + indexTname + "' failed: Table was modified by " +
                                                              "a concurrent transaction");

                                // Copy the created index,
                                workingTransaction.CopyIndexFrom(transaction, ident);
                        } else if (command == JournalCommandCode.IndexDelete) {
                            long indexId = ident;
                            // Drop the index.  This fails if the index doesn't exist in the
                            // current version.  Note that this will succeed if there were
                            // modifications to the table by a concurrent transaction.
                            // Otherwise unrecognized
                        else {
                            throw new ApplicationException("Unknown journal entry: " + command);

                    // Now replay the table level operations,

                    // The list of all tables changed during the lifespan of the
                    // transaction,
                    List<long> alteredTableIds = transaction.AlteredTables;

                    long lastTableId = -1;
                    int sz = alteredTableIds.Count;
                    // For each table id that was altered,
                    for (int n = 0; n < sz; ++n) {
                        long tableId = alteredTableIds[n];
                        if (tableId != lastTableId) {
                            // The SystemTable object
                            SystemTable currentTable = workingTransaction.GetTable(tableId);
                            // If the table no longer exists we ignore the journal and go to
                            // the next table.  We assume the table drop has not broken
                            // database integrity if we have reached this part.
                            if (currentTable != null) {
                                // Add this to the list of tables we updated

                                // The table name
                                TableName tableName = currentTable.Name;
                                // The indexes on this table
                                SystemIndexSetDataSource[] indexes = workingTransaction.GetTableIndexes(tableName);

                                // The table from which we are merging in entries,
                                SystemTable toMerge = transaction.GetTable(tableId);
                                // Get the journal for this table id,
                                TransactionJournal journal = toMerge.Journal;
                                // Replay the operations in the journal,
                                IEnumerator<JournalEntry> ti = journal.GetEnumerator();
                                while (ti.MoveNext()) {
                                    JournalEntry entry = ti.Current;
                                    JournalCommandCode command = entry.Code;
                                    RowId ident = entry.RowId;
                                    if (command == JournalCommandCode.RowAdd) {
                                        currentTable.CopyRowIdFrom(toMerge, ident);
                                        // Update the indexes
                                        foreach (IIndexSetDataSource idx in indexes) {
                                    } else if (command == JournalCommandCode.RowRemove) {
                                        // This will commit exception if the row no longer exists.
                                        // Update the indexes
                                        foreach (IIndexSetDataSource idx in indexes) {
                                    } else if (command == JournalCommandCode.ColumnAdd) {
                                        // Can be ignored, this is handled by a structural change
                                        // entry in the transaction log, and copying the table over
                                        // from the lower version transaction.
                                    } else if (command == JournalCommandCode.ColumnRemove) {
                                        // Can be ignored, this is handled by a structural change
                                        // entry in the transaction log, and copying the table over
                                        // from the lower version transaction.

                            lastTableId = tableId;

                    // We have now successfully replayed all the operations on the working
                    // transaction.  The following artifacts may now be in the database;
                    //   1) Unique constraints may be violated
                    //   2) Referential integrity may be violated
                    //   3) Check constraints need to be checked again if they contain
                    //        nested query functions.


                // Go through the list of updated tables and increment the commit
                // version on each of them
                foreach (long modifiedTableId in modifiedTables) {

                // Check any deferred constraints on the working_transaction

                // TODO: all the table/index merge functionality here...

                try {
                    // And commit the working transaction

                    // Increment the commit version number
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new CommitException("The database state failed to commit the transaction changes: " + e.Message, e);