public void AlterUser(UserInfo userInfo, string identifier)
            var userName = userInfo.Name;

            var userExpr = SqlExpression.Constant(DataObject.String(userName));

            // Delete the current username from the 'password' table
            var table = QueryContext.GetMutableTable(SystemSchema.PasswordTableName);
            var c1 = table.GetResolvedColumnName(0);
            var t = table.SimpleSelect(QueryContext, c1, SqlExpressionType.Equal, userExpr);
            if (t.RowCount != 1)
                throw new SecurityException(String.Format("User '{0}' was not found.", userName));


            // TODO: get the hash algorithm and hash ...

            var method = userInfo.Identification.Method;
            var methodArgs = SerializeArguments(userInfo.Identification.Arguments);

            if (method != "plain")
                throw new NotImplementedException("Only mechanism implemented right now is plain text (it sucks!)");

            // Add the new username
            table = QueryContext.GetMutableTable(SystemSchema.PasswordTableName);
            var row = table.NewRow();
            row.SetValue(0, userName);
            row.SetValue(1, method);
            row.SetValue(2, methodArgs);
            row.SetValue(3, identifier);
        private static void CreatePublicUser(IQuery query)
            var userName = User.PublicName;
            var userId = new UserIdentification(KnownUserIdentifications.ClearText, "###");
            var userInfo = new UserInfo(userName, userId);

        public static void AlterUserPassword(this IQueryContext queryContext, string username, string password)
            if (!queryContext.UserCanAlterUser(username))
                throw new MissingPrivilegesException(queryContext.UserName(), new ObjectName(username), Privileges.Alter);

            var userId = UserIdentification.PlainText;
            var userInfo = new UserInfo(username, userId);

            queryContext.ForSystemUser().UserManager().AlterUser(userInfo, password);
        public void CreateUser(UserInfo userInfo, string identifier)
            if (userInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userInfo");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(identifier))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("identifier");

            // TODO: make these rules configurable?

            var userName = userInfo.Name;

            if (UserExists(userName))
                throw new SecurityException(String.Format("User '{0}' is already registered.", userName));

            // Add to the key 'user' table
            var table = QueryContext.GetMutableTable(SystemSchema.UserTableName);
            var row = table.NewRow();
            row[0] = DataObject.String(userName);

            var method = userInfo.Identification.Method;
            var methodArgs = SerializeArguments(userInfo.Identification.Arguments);

            if (method != "plain")
                throw new NotImplementedException("Only mechanism implemented right now is plain text (it sucks!)");

            table = QueryContext.GetMutableTable(SystemSchema.PasswordTableName);
            row = table.NewRow();
            row.SetValue(0, userName);
            row.SetValue(1, method);
            row.SetValue(2, methodArgs);
            row.SetValue(3, identifier);
        public static User CreateUser(this IQueryContext context, string userName, string password)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userName");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("password");

            if (!context.UserCanCreateUsers())
                throw new MissingPrivilegesException(userName, new ObjectName(userName), Privileges.Create,
                    String.Format("User '{0}' cannot create users.", context.UserName()));

            if (String.Equals(userName, User.PublicName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    String.Format("User name '{0}' is reserved and cannot be registered.", User.PublicName), "userName");

            if (userName.Length <= 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("User name must be at least one character.");
            if (password.Length <= 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("The password must be at least one character.");

            var c = userName[0];
            if (c == '#' || c == '@' || c == '$' || c == '&')
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    String.Format("User name '{0}' is invalid: cannot start with '{1}' character.", userName, c), "userName");

            var userId = UserIdentification.PlainText;
            var userInfo = new UserInfo(userName, userId);

            context.ForSystemUser().UserManager().CreateUser(userInfo, password);

            return new User(context, userName);
        public static void CreatePublicUser(this IQueryContext context)
            if (!context.User().IsSystem)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The @PUBLIC user can be created only by the SYSTEM");

            var userName = User.PublicName;
            var userId = UserIdentification.PlainText;
            var userInfo = new UserInfo(userName, userId);

            context.ForSystemUser().UserManager().CreateUser(userInfo, "####");
Exemple #7
        public void CreateUser(UserInfo userInfo)
            if (userInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userInfo");

            // TODO: make these rules configurable?

            var userName = userInfo.Name;

            if (UserExists(userName))
                throw new SecurityException(String.Format("User '{0}' is already registered.", userName));

            using (var query = Session.CreateQuery()) {
                // Add to the key 'user' table
                var table = query.Access().GetMutableTable(UserTableName);
                var row = table.NewRow();
                row[0] = Field.String(userName);

                var method = userInfo.Identification.Method;
                var methodArgs = SerializeArguments(userInfo.Identification.Arguments);
                var token = userInfo.Identification.Token;

                table = query.Access().GetMutableTable(PasswordTableName);
                row = table.NewRow();
                row.SetValue(0, userName);
                row.SetValue(1, method);
                row.SetValue(2, methodArgs);
                row.SetValue(3, token);
Exemple #8
        public void AlterUser(UserInfo userInfo)
            using (var query = Session.CreateQuery()) {
                var userName = userInfo.Name;

                var userExpr = SqlExpression.Constant(Field.String(userName));

                // Delete the current username from the 'password' table
                var table = query.Access().GetMutableTable(PasswordTableName);
                var c1 = table.GetResolvedColumnName(0);
                var t = table.SimpleSelect(query, c1, SqlExpressionType.Equal, userExpr);
                if (t.RowCount != 1)
                    throw new SecurityException(String.Format("User '{0}' was not found.", userName));


                // TODO: get the hash algorithm and hash ...

                var method = userInfo.Identification.Method;
                var methodArgs = SerializeArguments(userInfo.Identification.Arguments);
                var token = userInfo.Identification.Token;

                // Add the new username
                table = query.Access().GetMutableTable(PasswordTableName);
                var row = table.NewRow();
                row.SetValue(0, userName);
                row.SetValue(1, method);
                row.SetValue(2, methodArgs);
                row.SetValue(3, token);