Exemple #1
        public void DbMapperTests_AddRelationship_CS()
            var src =
                @"using DevZest.Data;
using DevZest.Data.SqlServer;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace Test
    public class Db : SqlSession
        public Db(SqlConnection sqlConnection)
            : base(sqlConnection)

        private DbTable<Address> _address;
        public DbTable<Address> Address
                return GetTable(ref _address);

        private DbTable<Customer> _customer;
        public DbTable<Customer> Customer
                return GetTable(ref _address);

    public sealed class Address : Model<Address.PK>
        public sealed class PK : CandidateKey
            public PK(_Int32 addressId)
                : base(addressId)

        protected override PK CreatePrimaryKey()
            return new PK(AddressId);

        public static readonly Mounter<_Int32> _AddressId = RegisterColumn((Address _) => _.AddressId);

        public _Int32 AddressId { get; private set; }

    public sealed class Customer : Model<Customer.PK>
        public sealed class PK : CandidateKey
            public PK(_Int32 customerId)
                : base(customerId)

        protected override PK CreatePrimaryKey()
            return new PK(CustomerId);

        public static readonly Mounter<_Int32> _CustomerId = RegisterColumn((Customer _) => _.CustomerId);
        public static readonly Mounter<_Int32> _AddressId = RegisterColumn((Customer _) => _.AddressId);

        public _Int32 CustomerId { get; private set; }

        public _Int32 AddressId { get; private set; }

        private Address.FK _fk_Address;
        public Address.PK FK_Address
            get { return _fk_address ?? (_fk_Address = new Address.PK(AddressId)); }

            var document   = src.CreateDocument(SqlReference);
            var mapper     = DbMapper.Refresh(null, document, new TextSpan(160, 0));
            var dbTable    = mapper.DbType.GetMembers("Customer").OfType <IPropertySymbol>().Single();
            var foreignKey = mapper.Compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("Test.Customer").GetMembers("FK_Address").OfType <IPropertySymbol>().Single();
            var refTable   = mapper.DbType.GetMembers("Address").OfType <IPropertySymbol>().Single();
            var result     = mapper.AddRelationship(dbTable, "FK_Customer_Address", foreignKey, refTable, "Description of FK_Customer_Address.", ForeignKeyRule.Cascade, ForeignKeyRule.SetNull);
            var actual     = result.GetTextAsync().Result.ToString();
            var expected   =
                @"using DevZest.Data;
using DevZest.Data.Annotations;
using DevZest.Data.SqlServer;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace Test
    public class Db : SqlSession
        public Db(SqlConnection sqlConnection)
            : base(sqlConnection)

        private DbTable<Address> _address;
        public DbTable<Address> Address
                return GetTable(ref _address);

        private DbTable<Customer> _customer;
        [Relationship(nameof(FK_Customer_Address), Description = ""Description of FK_Customer_Address."", DeleteRule = ForeignKeyRule.Cascade, UpdateRule = ForeignKeyRule.SetNull)]
        public DbTable<Customer> Customer
                return GetTable(ref _address);

        private KeyMapping FK_Customer_Address(Customer _)
            return _.FK_Address.Join(Address._);

    public sealed class Address : Model<Address.PK>
        public sealed class PK : CandidateKey
            public PK(_Int32 addressId)
                : base(addressId)

        protected override PK CreatePrimaryKey()
            return new PK(AddressId);

        public static readonly Mounter<_Int32> _AddressId = RegisterColumn((Address _) => _.AddressId);

        public _Int32 AddressId { get; private set; }

    public sealed class Customer : Model<Customer.PK>
        public sealed class PK : CandidateKey
            public PK(_Int32 customerId)
                : base(customerId)

        protected override PK CreatePrimaryKey()
            return new PK(CustomerId);

        public static readonly Mounter<_Int32> _CustomerId = RegisterColumn((Customer _) => _.CustomerId);
        public static readonly Mounter<_Int32> _AddressId = RegisterColumn((Customer _) => _.AddressId);

        public _Int32 CustomerId { get; private set; }

        public _Int32 AddressId { get; private set; }

        private Address.FK _fk_Address;
        public Address.PK FK_Address
            get { return _fk_address ?? (_fk_Address = new Address.PK(AddressId)); }

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemple #2
        public void DbMapperTests_AddRelationship_VB()
            var src =
                @"Imports DevZest.Data
Imports DevZest.Data.Annotations
Imports DevZest.Data.SqlServer
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class Db
    Inherits SqlSession

    Protected Sub New(sqlConnection As SqlConnection)
    End Sub

    Private m_Address As DbTable(Of Address)
    Public ReadOnly Property Address As DbTable(Of Address)
            Return GetTable(m_Address)
        End Get
    End Property

    Private m_Customer As DbTable(Of Customer)
    Public ReadOnly Property Customer As DbTable(Of Customer)
            Return GetTable(m_Customer)
        End Get
    End Property
End Class

Public NotInheritable Class Address
    Inherits Model(Of PK)

    Public NotInheritable Class PK
        Inherits CandidateKey

        Public Sub New(addressId As _Int32)
        End Sub
    End Class

    Protected Overrides Function CreatePrimaryKey() As PK
        Return New PK(AddressId)
    End Function

    Public Shared ReadOnly _AddressId As Mounter(Of _Int32) = RegisterColumn(Function(x As Address) x.AddressId)

    Private m_AddressId As _Int32
    Public Property AddressId As _Int32
            Return m_AddressId
        End Get
        Private Set
            m_AddressId = Value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Public NotInheritable Class Customer
    Inherits Model(Of PK)

    Public NotInheritable Class PK
        Inherits CandidateKey

        Public Sub New(customerId As _Int32)
        End Sub
    End Class

    Protected Overrides Function CreatePrimaryKey() As PK
        Return New PK(CustomerId)
    End Function

    Public Shared ReadOnly _CustomerId As Mounter(Of _Int32) = RegisterColumn(Function(x As Customer) x.CustomerId)
    Public Shared ReadOnly _AddressId As Mounter(Of _Int32) = RegisterColumn(Function(x As Customer) x.AddressId)

    Private m_customerId As _Int32
    Public Property CustomerId As _Int32
            Return m_CustomerId
        End Get
        Private Set
            m_CustomerId = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Private m_AddressId As _Int32
    Public Property AddressId As _Int32
            Return m_AddressId
        End Get
        Private Set
            m_AddressId = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Private m_FK_Address As Address.PK
    Public ReadOnly Property FK_Address As Address.PK
            If m_FK_Address Is Nothing Then
                m_FK_Address = New Address.PK(AddressID)
            End If
            Return m_FK_Address
        End Get
    End Property
End Class

            var document   = src.CreateDocument(SqlReference, LanguageNames.VisualBasic);
            var mapper     = DbMapper.Refresh(null, document, new TextSpan(160, 0));
            var dbTable    = mapper.DbType.GetMembers("Customer").OfType <IPropertySymbol>().Single();
            var foreignKey = mapper.Compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("Customer").GetMembers("FK_Address").OfType <IPropertySymbol>().Single();
            var refTable   = mapper.DbType.GetMembers("Address").OfType <IPropertySymbol>().Single();
            var result     = mapper.AddRelationship(dbTable, "FK_Customer_Address", foreignKey, refTable, "Description of FK_Customer_Address.", ForeignKeyRule.Cascade, ForeignKeyRule.SetNull);
            var actual     = result.GetTextAsync().Result.ToString();
            var expected   =
                @"Imports DevZest.Data
Imports DevZest.Data.Annotations
Imports DevZest.Data.SqlServer
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class Db
    Inherits SqlSession

    Protected Sub New(sqlConnection As SqlConnection)
    End Sub

    Private m_Address As DbTable(Of Address)
    Public ReadOnly Property Address As DbTable(Of Address)
            Return GetTable(m_Address)
        End Get
    End Property

    Private m_Customer As DbTable(Of Customer)
    <Relationship(NameOf(FK_Customer_Address), Description:=""Description of FK_Customer_Address."", DeleteRule:=ForeignKeyRule.Cascade, UpdateRule:=ForeignKeyRule.SetNull)>
    Public ReadOnly Property Customer As DbTable(Of Customer)
            Return GetTable(m_Customer)
        End Get
    End Property

    Private Function FK_Customer_Address(x As Customer) As KeyMapping
        Return x.FK_Address.Join(Address.Entity)
    End Function
End Class

Public NotInheritable Class Address
    Inherits Model(Of PK)

    Public NotInheritable Class PK
        Inherits CandidateKey

        Public Sub New(addressId As _Int32)
        End Sub
    End Class

    Protected Overrides Function CreatePrimaryKey() As PK
        Return New PK(AddressId)
    End Function

    Public Shared ReadOnly _AddressId As Mounter(Of _Int32) = RegisterColumn(Function(x As Address) x.AddressId)

    Private m_AddressId As _Int32
    Public Property AddressId As _Int32
            Return m_AddressId
        End Get
        Private Set
            m_AddressId = Value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Public NotInheritable Class Customer
    Inherits Model(Of PK)

    Public NotInheritable Class PK
        Inherits CandidateKey

        Public Sub New(customerId As _Int32)
        End Sub
    End Class

    Protected Overrides Function CreatePrimaryKey() As PK
        Return New PK(CustomerId)
    End Function

    Public Shared ReadOnly _CustomerId As Mounter(Of _Int32) = RegisterColumn(Function(x As Customer) x.CustomerId)
    Public Shared ReadOnly _AddressId As Mounter(Of _Int32) = RegisterColumn(Function(x As Customer) x.AddressId)

    Private m_customerId As _Int32
    Public Property CustomerId As _Int32
            Return m_CustomerId
        End Get
        Private Set
            m_CustomerId = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Private m_AddressId As _Int32
    Public Property AddressId As _Int32
            Return m_AddressId
        End Get
        Private Set
            m_AddressId = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Private m_FK_Address As Address.PK
    Public ReadOnly Property FK_Address As Address.PK
            If m_FK_Address Is Nothing Then
                m_FK_Address = New Address.PK(AddressID)
            End If
            Return m_FK_Address
        End Get
    End Property
End Class

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
 public TableNode(DbMapper mapper, IPropertySymbol table)
     : base(mapper)
     _table = table;
 public RelationshipImplementationNode(DbMapper mapper, IMethodSymbol implementation)
     : base(mapper)
     _implementation = implementation;
Exemple #5
 protected Node(DbMapper mapper)
     Mapper = mapper;
        public void DbMapperTests_AddDbTable_CS()
            var src =
                @"using DevZest.Data.Annotations;
using DevZest.Data.SqlServer;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace Test
    public class Db : SqlSession
        public Db(SqlConnection sqlConnection)
            : base(sqlConnection)

    public sealed class Address : Model<Address.PK>
        public sealed class PK : CandidateKey
            public PK(_Int32 addressId)
                : base(addressId)

        protected override PK CreatePrimaryKey()
            return new PK(AddressId);

        public static readonly Mounter<_Int32> _AddressId = RegisterColumn((Address _) => _.AddressId);

        public _Int32 AddressId { get; private set; }

            var document  = src.CreateDocument(SqlReference);
            var mapper    = DbMapper.Refresh(null, document, new TextSpan(160, 0));
            var modelType = mapper.Project.GetCompilationAsync().Result.GetTypeByMetadataName("Test.Address");
            var result    = mapper.AddDbTable(modelType, "Address", "dbo.Address", "Description of dbo.Address table.");
            var actual    = result.GetTextAsync().Result.ToString();
            var expected  =
                @"using DevZest.Data;
using DevZest.Data.Annotations;
using DevZest.Data.SqlServer;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace Test
    public class Db : SqlSession
        public Db(SqlConnection sqlConnection)
            : base(sqlConnection)

        private DbTable<Address> _address;
        [DbTable(""dbo.Address"", Description = ""Description of dbo.Address table."")]
        public DbTable<Address> Address
                return GetTable(ref _address);

    public sealed class Address : Model<Address.PK>
        public sealed class PK : CandidateKey
            public PK(_Int32 addressId)
                : base(addressId)

        protected override PK CreatePrimaryKey()
            return new PK(AddressId);

        public static readonly Mounter<_Int32> _AddressId = RegisterColumn((Address _) => _.AddressId);

        public _Int32 AddressId { get; private set; }

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void DbMapperTests_AddDbTable_VB()
            var src =
                @"Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports DevZest.Data
Imports DevZest.Data.Annotations
Imports DevZest.Data.SqlServer

Public Class Db
    Inherits SqlSession

    Protected Sub New(sqlConnection As SqlConnection)
    End Sub
End Class

Public NotInheritable Class Address
    Inherits Model(Of PK)

    Public NotInheritable Class PK
        Inherits CandidateKey

        Public Sub New(addressId As _Int32)
        End Sub
    End Class

    Protected Overrides Function CreatePrimaryKey() As PK
        Return New PK(AddressId)
    End Function

    Public Shared ReadOnly _AddressId As Mounter(Of _Int32) = RegisterColumn(Function(x As Address) x.AddressId)

    Private m_AddressId As _Int32
    Public Property AddressId As _Int32
            Return m_AddressId
        End Get
        Private Set
            m_AddressId = Value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

            var document  = src.CreateDocument(SqlReference, LanguageNames.VisualBasic);
            var mapper    = DbMapper.Refresh(null, document, new TextSpan(160, 0));
            var modelType = mapper.Project.GetCompilationAsync().Result.GetTypeByMetadataName("Address");
            var result    = mapper.AddDbTable(modelType, "Address", "dbo.Address", "Description of dbo.Address table.");
            var actual    = result.GetTextAsync().Result.ToString();
            var expected  =
                @"Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports DevZest.Data
Imports DevZest.Data.Annotations
Imports DevZest.Data.SqlServer

Public Class Db
    Inherits SqlSession

    Protected Sub New(sqlConnection As SqlConnection)
    End Sub

    Private m_Address As DbTable(Of Address)
    <DbTable(""dbo.Address"", Description:=""Description of dbo.Address table."")>
    Public ReadOnly Property Address As DbTable(Of Address)
            Return GetTable(m_Address)
        End Get
    End Property
End Class

Public NotInheritable Class Address
    Inherits Model(Of PK)

    Public NotInheritable Class PK
        Inherits CandidateKey

        Public Sub New(addressId As _Int32)
        End Sub
    End Class

    Protected Overrides Function CreatePrimaryKey() As PK
        Return New PK(AddressId)
    End Function

    Public Shared ReadOnly _AddressId As Mounter(Of _Int32) = RegisterColumn(Function(x As Address) x.AddressId)

    Private m_AddressId As _Int32
    Public Property AddressId As _Int32
            Return m_AddressId
        End Get
        Private Set
            m_AddressId = Value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemple #8
 public DbNode(DbMapper mapper)
     : base(mapper)
Exemple #9
 public FolderNode(DbMapper mapper, string name)
     : base(mapper)
     _name = name;