Inheritance: ICloneable
Exemple #1
 // Default Constructor
 public Camera()
     position = new Vertex (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
     viewdir = new Vector (0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
     right = new Vector (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
     up = new Vector (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
Exemple #2
        public Camera(float x, float y, float z)
            position = new Vertex (x, y, z);

            viewdir = new Vector (0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
            right = new Vector (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            up = new Vector (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
Exemple #3
        // Positional Constructors
        public Camera(Vertex position)
            this.position = position;

            viewdir = new Vector (0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
            right = new Vector (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            up = new Vector (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
Exemple #4
        // Rotate camera left or right (aka Pan)
        public void Yaw(float angle)
            // rotate around the up vector (normally the y-axis)
            viewdir = (viewdir * (float) Math.Cos (angle)) - (right * (float) Math.Sin (angle));
            viewdir.Normalize ();

            right = viewdir.Cross (up);
            right.Normalize ();
Exemple #5
        // Roll the camera left or right
        public void Roll(float angle)
            // rotate around the view-direction vector (normally the z-axis)
            right = (right * (float) Math.Cos (angle)) + (up * (float) Math.Sin (angle));
            right.Normalize ();

            up = viewdir.Cross (right) * -1.0f;
            up.Normalize ();
Exemple #6
        // Rotate camera up or down (aka Tilt)
        public void Pitch(float angle)
            // rotate around the right vector (normally the x-axis)
            viewdir = (viewdir * (float) Math.Cos (angle)) + (up * (float) Math.Sin (angle));
            viewdir.Normalize ();

            up = viewdir.Cross (right);
            up.Normalize ();
Exemple #7
 // Move the camera relative to its own axis/orientation
 public void MoveRelative(Vector amount)
     Elevate (amount.y);
     Strafe (amount.x);
     Zoom (amount.z);
Exemple #8
 // Move the camera relative to world axis
 public void Move(Vector amount)
     position += amount;
Exemple #9
        public VectorCubesScene(bool enableLighting)
            : base()
            int i;

            lighting = enableLighting;

            if (formations == null) {
                //float[][,] floats = new float[7][,];
                //floats[0] = flat_plane_floats;
                //floats[1] = snowflake_floats;
                //floats[2] = cross_plane_floats;
                //floats[3] = tunnel_floats;
                //floats[4] = hollow_cube_floats;
                //floats[5] = dice_floats;
                //floats[6] = nested_floats;
                //formations = new Vector [7][];
                //for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
                //	formations[i] = new Vector [144];
                //	for (int j = 0; i < 144; i++) {
                //		float x = floats[i][j, 0];
                //		float y = floats[i][j, 1];
                //		float z = floats[i][j, 2];
                //		formations[i][j] = new Vector (x, y, z);
                //	}

                float x, y, z;

                formations = new Vector [7][];
                for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    formations[i] = new Vector [144];

                // flat plane formation
                for (i = 0; i < 144; i++) {
                    x = flat_plane_floats[i, 0];
                    y = flat_plane_floats[i, 1];
                    z = flat_plane_floats[i, 2];

                    formations[0][i] = new Vector (x, y, z);

                // snowflake formation
                for (i = 0; i < 144; i++) {
                    x = snowflake_floats[i, 0];
                    y = snowflake_floats[i, 1];
                    z = snowflake_floats[i, 2];

                    formations[1][i] = new Vector (x, y, z);

                // cross-plane formation
                for (i = 0; i < 144; i++) {
                    x = cross_plane_floats[i, 0];
                    y = cross_plane_floats[i, 1];
                    z = cross_plane_floats[i, 2];

                    formations[2][i] = new Vector (x, y, z);

                // tunnel formation
                for (i = 0; i < 144; i++) {
                    x = tunnel_floats[i, 0];
                    y = tunnel_floats[i, 1];
                    z = tunnel_floats[i, 2];

                    formations[3][i] = new Vector (x, y, z);

                // hollow cube formation
                for (i = 0; i < 144; i++) {
                    x = hollow_cube_floats[i, 0];
                    y = hollow_cube_floats[i, 1];
                    z = hollow_cube_floats[i, 2];

                    formations[4][i] = new Vector (x, y, z);

                // dice formation
                for (i = 0; i < 144; i++) {
                    x = dice_floats[i, 0];
                    y = dice_floats[i, 1];
                    z = dice_floats[i, 2];

                    formations[5][i] = new Vector (x, y, z);

                // nested cubes formation
                for (i = 0; i < 144; i++) {
                    x = nested_floats[i, 0];
                    y = nested_floats[i, 1];
                    z = nested_floats[i, 2];

                    formations[6][i] = new Vector (x, y, z);

            cubes = new Vector [144];
            for (i = 0; i < 144; i++)
                cubes[i] = new Vector ();
Exemple #10
 // Dot product of 2 Vectors
 public float Dot(Vector vector)
     return (x * vector.x) + (y * vector.y) + (z * vector.z);
Exemple #11
 // Cross product of 2 Vectors
 public Vector Cross(Vector vector)
     return new Vector ((y * vector.z) - (z * vector.y),
                        (z * vector.x) - (x * vector.z),
                        (x * vector.y) - (y * vector.x));
Exemple #12
        // Angle between this Vector and another Vector
        public float Angle(Vector vector)
            float dot = this.Dot (vector);
            float n1 = vector.LengthSquared;
            float n0 = LengthSquared;

            return (float) Math.Acos (dot / Math.Sqrt ((double) (n0 * n1)));
Exemple #13
 // Dot product of 2 Vectors
 public static float Dot(Vector v0, Vector v1)
     return (v0.x * v1.x) + (v0.y * v1.y) + (v0.z * v1.z);
Exemple #14
 // Cross product of 2 Vectors
 public static Vector Cross(Vector v0, Vector v1)
     return new Vector ((v0.y * v1.z) - (v0.z * v1.y),
                        (v0.z * v1.x) - (v0.x * v1.z),
                        (v0.x * v1.y) - (v0.y * v1.x));
Exemple #15
        // Angle between 2 vectors
        public static float Angle(Vector v0, Vector v1)
            float n0 = v0.LengthSquared;
            float n1 = v1.LengthSquared;
            float dot = v0.Dot (v1);

            return (float) Math.Acos (dot / Math.Sqrt ((double) (n0 * n1)));
Exemple #16
        public void LookAt(Vertex point)
            Vector delta = point - position;

            viewdir = delta.Normal;

            if (Math.Abs (delta.x) < 0.00001f && Math.Abs (delta.z) < 0.00001f) {
                delta.x = 0.0f;
                delta.Normalize ();

                right = new Vector (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                up = delta.Cross (right);

                right = viewdir.Cross (up) * -1.0f;
            } else {
                delta.y = 0.0f;
                delta.Normalize ();

                up = new Vector (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                right = delta.Cross (up) * -1.0f;

                up = viewdir.Cross (right);

            right.Normalize ();
            up.Normalize ();
Exemple #17
        // Direct the camera toward a specific point in space using the specified upward orientation
        public void LookAt(Vertex point, Vector upVector)
            viewdir = point - position;
            viewdir.Normalize ();

            up = upVector.Normal;

            right = viewdir.Cross (up);
            right.Normalize ();
Exemple #18
        public Camera(Vertex position, Vertex target, Vector upVector)
            this.position = position;

            LookAt (target, upVector);
Exemple #19
        static int MoveCube(ref Vector cube, Vector start, Vector finish)
            Vector delta = finish - cube;

            if (delta <= 0.001f) {
                cube.x = finish.x;
                cube.y = finish.y;
                cube.z = finish.z;
                return 0;

            delta = finish - start;
            delta *= 0.005f;

            cube += delta;

            return 1;