public AvailableCheckoutsModel(IDisplayState displayState) { RefreshCommmand = new RelayCommand( Load ); AcquireCheckoutCommand = new RelayCommand( AcquireCheckout, CanAcquireCheckout ); DisplayState = displayState; Load(); }
public CurrentCheckoutModel( ) { Checkout.TryGetCurrent( out _checkout ); ValidUntil = _checkout.ValidUntil; Features = new ObservableCollection<string>( _checkout.Features ); CheckinCommand = new RelayCommand( Checkin ); }
public ConfigurationModel() { TestConnectionCommand = new RelayCommand( TestConnection, HasValidDistributorUrl ); SaveCommand = new RelayCommand( Save, HasValidDistributorUrlOrEmpty ); DistributorUrl = DistributorConfigurationRepository.Load(); LicenseCount = LicenseRepository.LicenseCount( SpAgent.Product ); ActivationCommand = new RelayCommand( () => DisplayState.Navigate( new ActivationPage() ) ); ViewLicensesCommand = new RelayCommand( () => DisplayState.Navigate( new LicenseListPage() ) ); }
public AcquireModel() { AcquireCommand = new RelayCommand( Acquire ); // NB - RunFeatureCommand in this model is only available if a given feature is already held in current context. // If RunFeatureCommand isn't available for a given feature, the respective 'Feature X' button bound to this command will be disabled. RunFeatureCommand = new RelayCommand<string>( RunFeature, CanRunFeature, Convert.ToString ); SpAgent.Product.Stores.LicenseInstalled += OnLicenseInstalled; SpAgent.Distributed.FeaturesUpdated += OnDistributedFeaturesUpdated; }
public LicenseListModel() { IProductContext productContext = SpAgent.Product; ProductName = productContext.ProductName; ProductVersion = productContext.ProductVersion; // If there's no product context, then probably SpAgent hasn't been initialized // (this can happen inside Visual Studio Designer) if ( productContext == null ) return; Licenses = new ObservableCollection<LicenseItemModel>( LicenseRepository.RetrieveAllLicenses( productContext ) ); foreach ( var license in Licenses ) license.ItemRemoved += RemoveSelectedItem; BackCommand = new RelayCommand( () => DisplayState.Navigate( new ConfigurationPage() ) ); }
public LicenseItemModel() { RemoveLicenseCommand = new RelayCommand( RemoveLicense ); }
public OfflineActivationModel() { GenerateRequestCommand = new RelayCommand( GenerateRequest, CanGenerateRequest ); CopyToClipboardCommand = new RelayCommand( CopyToClipboard, CanCopyToClipboard ); BrowseAndInstallCommand = new RelayCommand( BrowseAndInstallLicense ); }
public ActivationModel() { ActivationCommand = new RelayCommand( ActivateOnline, CanActivate ); }
public ActivationModel() { ActivationCommand = new RelayCommand( ActivateOnline, CanActivate ); CancelCommand = new RelayCommand( () => DisplayState.Navigate( new ConfigurationPage() ) ); }
public AvailableCheckoutsModel() { RefreshCommmand = new RelayCommand( Load ); AcquireCheckoutCommand = new RelayCommand( AcquireCheckout, CanAcquireCheckout ); Load(); }