/// <summary>
        /// The selected analysis algorithm changed.
        /// </summary>
        private async void OnAlgorithmChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            CurrentConfig = ((Algorithm)algorithmComboBox.SelectedItem).Configuration;

            // if the algorithm doesn't support to chose between directed and undirected edges
            // set the combobox to the only mode the algorithm supports
            if (!CurrentConfig.SupportsDirectedAndUndirected)
                directionComboBox.SelectedIndex = CurrentConfig.Directed ? 1 : 0;
            directed = directionComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1;


            if (!preventLayout)
                await RunLayout(false, false, true);

            preventLayout = false;
 public Algorithm(string displayName, AlgorithmConfiguration configuration)
     DisplayName   = displayName;
     Configuration = configuration;