//--------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Loads DEM data depending on the cell size and the avaliable data. /// </summary> /// <param name="p"> /// The waypoint that must be included in the DEM. /// </param> /// <param name="cellSize"> /// The preferred cell size. /// </param> /// <param name="demList"> /// The DEM List where loaded DEMs will added. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The DEM List with the new DEMs included. /// </returns> //--------------------------------------------------------------------- public static Dem createDem(Point p, Dem.Precision precision, List <Dem> demList) { DemType demType = selectDemGenerator(precision); Dem dem; string path = buildPath(p, demType); if (existsPath(demType, path, demList)) { if (demType == DemType.Icc) { dem = new Icc(path); } else if (demType == DemType.Srtm3) { dem = new Srtm3(path); } else { dem = new Srtm30( path, string.Format(path.Split('.')[0] + ".HDR")); } return(dem); } else { return(null); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Loads DEM data depending on the cell size and the avaliable data. /// </summary> /// <param name="p"> /// The waypoint that must be included in the DEM. /// </param> /// <param name="cellSize"> /// The preferred cell size. /// </param> /// <param name="demList"> /// The DEM List where loaded DEMs will added. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The DEM List with the new DEMs included. /// </returns> //--------------------------------------------------------------------- public static Dem createDem(Point p, Dem.Precision precision, List<Dem> demList) { DemType demType = selectDemGenerator(precision); Dem dem; string path = buildPath(p, demType); if (existsPath(demType, path, demList)) { if (demType == DemType.Icc) dem = new Icc(path); else if (demType == DemType.Srtm3) dem = new Srtm3(path); else dem = new Srtm30( path, string.Format(path.Split('.')[0] + ".HDR")); return dem; } else return null; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// STATIC: Creates the DEM that complies with the input parametres. /// </summary> /// <param name="bottomLeft"> /// A <see cref="Point"/> representing the bottom left corner /// coordinates /// </param> /// <param name="topRight"> /// A <see cref="Point"/> representing the top right corner coordinates /// </param> /// <param name="demList"> /// A List of <see cref="Dem"/>. /// </param> /// <param name="precision"> /// A <see cref="Dem.Precision"/>. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The created <see cref="Dem"/>. /// </returns> //--------------------------------------------------------------------- public static Dem createDem(Point bottomLeft, Point topRight,List<Dem> demList, Dem.Precision precision) { Dem dem = null; DemType demType = selectDemGenerator(precision); if (demType == DemType.Icc) { if (!couldBeICCInfo(bottomLeft) || !couldBeICCInfo(topRight)) { return null; } else { bottomLeft = new HayPoint(bottomLeft.toWgs()); topRight = new HayPoint(topRight.toWgs()); string path1 = buildPath(bottomLeft, demType); string path2 = buildPath(topRight, demType); if (path1 != path2) { Icc icc1 = new Icc(path1); Icc icc2 = new Icc(path2); dem = Dem.concatenate(icc1, icc2); } else { dem = new Icc(path1); } return dem; } } else if (demType == DemType.Srtm3) { List<Dem> aux = new List<Dem>(); bottomLeft = bottomLeft.toWgs(); topRight = topRight.toWgs(); int latBL = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(bottomLeft.getLatitude())); int lonBL = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(bottomLeft.getLongitude())); int latTR = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(topRight.getLatitude())); int lonTR = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(topRight.getLongitude())); List<string> paths = new List<string>(); for (int i = latBL; i <= latTR; i++) { for (int j = lonBL; j <= lonTR; j++) { Point p = new WgsPoint(i, j, null); paths.Add(buildPath(p, demType)); } } bool ok = false; foreach (string path in paths) { foreach (Dem d in demList) { if (d.getPath() == path) { ok = true; aux.Add(d); } } if (!ok && existsPath(demType, path, demList)) { aux.Add(new Srtm3(path)); } ok = false; } dem = aux[0]; List<Dem> aux2 = new List<Dem>(); int count = 0; for (int i = latBL; i <= (latTR); i++) { for (double j = lonBL; j <= (lonTR - 1); j++) { count++; dem = Dem.concatenate(dem, aux[count]); } aux2.Add(dem); count++; if (count < aux.Count) dem = aux[count]; } dem = aux2[0]; for (int i = 1; i < aux2.Count; i++) dem = Dem.concatenate(dem, aux2[i]); } else if (demType == DemType.Srtm30) { List<Dem> aux = new List<Dem>(); bottomLeft = bottomLeft.toWgs(); topRight = topRight.toWgs(); int latBL = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(bottomLeft.getLatitude())); int lonBL = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(bottomLeft.getLongitude())); int latTR = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(topRight.getLatitude())); int lonTR = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(topRight.getLongitude())); List<string> paths = new List<string>(); for (double i = latBL; i <= latTR; i = i + 60) { for (double j = lonBL; j <= lonTR; j = j + 40) { Point p = new WgsPoint(i, j, null); paths.Add(buildPath(p, demType)); } } bool ok = false; foreach (string path in paths) { foreach (Dem d in demList) { if (d.getPath() == path) { ok = true; aux.Add(d); } } if (!ok && existsPath(demType, path, demList)) { aux.Add( new Srtm30( path, string.Format( path.Split('.')[0] + ".HDR"))); } ok = false; } dem = aux[0]; List<Dem> aux2 = new List<Dem>(); int count = 0; bool isFirst = true; for (double i = latBL; isFirst || i <= latTR; i = i + 60) { for (double j = lonBL; j <= (lonTR - 40); j = j + 40) { count++; dem = Dem.concatenate(dem, aux[count]); } aux2.Add(dem); count++; if(count < aux.Count) dem = aux[count]; isFirst = false; } dem = aux2[0]; for (int i = 1; i < aux2.Count; i++) dem = Dem.concatenate(dem, aux2[i]); } return dem; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// STATIC: Creates the DEM that complies with the input parametres. /// </summary> /// <param name="bottomLeft"> /// A <see cref="Point"/> representing the bottom left corner /// coordinates /// </param> /// <param name="topRight"> /// A <see cref="Point"/> representing the top right corner coordinates /// </param> /// <param name="demList"> /// A List of <see cref="Dem"/>. /// </param> /// <param name="precision"> /// A <see cref="Dem.Precision"/>. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The created <see cref="Dem"/>. /// </returns> //--------------------------------------------------------------------- public static Dem createDem(Point bottomLeft, Point topRight, List <Dem> demList, Dem.Precision precision) { Dem dem = null; DemType demType = selectDemGenerator(precision); if (demType == DemType.Icc) { if (!couldBeICCInfo(bottomLeft) || !couldBeICCInfo(topRight)) { return(null); } else { bottomLeft = new HayPoint(bottomLeft.toWgs()); topRight = new HayPoint(topRight.toWgs()); string path1 = buildPath(bottomLeft, demType); string path2 = buildPath(topRight, demType); if (path1 != path2) { Icc icc1 = new Icc(path1); Icc icc2 = new Icc(path2); dem = Dem.concatenate(icc1, icc2); } else { dem = new Icc(path1); } return(dem); } } else if (demType == DemType.Srtm3) { List <Dem> aux = new List <Dem>(); bottomLeft = bottomLeft.toWgs(); topRight = topRight.toWgs(); int latBL = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(bottomLeft.getLatitude())); int lonBL = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(bottomLeft.getLongitude())); int latTR = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(topRight.getLatitude())); int lonTR = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(topRight.getLongitude())); List <string> paths = new List <string>(); for (int i = latBL; i <= latTR; i++) { for (int j = lonBL; j <= lonTR; j++) { Point p = new WgsPoint(i, j, null); paths.Add(buildPath(p, demType)); } } bool ok = false; foreach (string path in paths) { foreach (Dem d in demList) { if (d.getPath() == path) { ok = true; aux.Add(d); } } if (!ok && existsPath(demType, path, demList)) { aux.Add(new Srtm3(path)); } ok = false; } dem = aux[0]; List <Dem> aux2 = new List <Dem>(); int count = 0; for (int i = latBL; i <= (latTR); i++) { for (double j = lonBL; j <= (lonTR - 1); j++) { count++; dem = Dem.concatenate(dem, aux[count]); } aux2.Add(dem); count++; if (count < aux.Count) { dem = aux[count]; } } dem = aux2[0]; for (int i = 1; i < aux2.Count; i++) { dem = Dem.concatenate(dem, aux2[i]); } } else if (demType == DemType.Srtm30) { List <Dem> aux = new List <Dem>(); bottomLeft = bottomLeft.toWgs(); topRight = topRight.toWgs(); int latBL = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(bottomLeft.getLatitude())); int lonBL = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(bottomLeft.getLongitude())); int latTR = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(topRight.getLatitude())); int lonTR = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(topRight.getLongitude())); List <string> paths = new List <string>(); for (double i = latBL; i <= latTR; i = i + 60) { for (double j = lonBL; j <= lonTR; j = j + 40) { Point p = new WgsPoint(i, j, null); paths.Add(buildPath(p, demType)); } } bool ok = false; foreach (string path in paths) { foreach (Dem d in demList) { if (d.getPath() == path) { ok = true; aux.Add(d); } } if (!ok && existsPath(demType, path, demList)) { aux.Add( new Srtm30( path, string.Format( path.Split('.')[0] + ".HDR"))); } ok = false; } dem = aux[0]; List <Dem> aux2 = new List <Dem>(); int count = 0; bool isFirst = true; for (double i = latBL; isFirst || i <= latTR; i = i + 60) { for (double j = lonBL; j <= (lonTR - 40); j = j + 40) { count++; dem = Dem.concatenate(dem, aux[count]); } aux2.Add(dem); count++; if (count < aux.Count) { dem = aux[count]; } isFirst = false; } dem = aux2[0]; for (int i = 1; i < aux2.Count; i++) { dem = Dem.concatenate(dem, aux2[i]); } } return(dem); }