// Save Button click Event. private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // if Min and Max is validated and Inventory is validated Clear error provider and allow save. if ((MinMaxValidation() == true) && (InventoryValidation() == true)) { errorProvider1.Clear(); if (isInHouse) { // Save inhouse part. Part part = new InHousePart(Convert.ToInt32(partIDTextBox.Text), partNametextBox.Text.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(inventoryTextBox.Text), Convert.ToDouble(priceCostTextBox.Text), Convert.ToInt32(maxTextBox.Text), Convert.ToInt32(minTextBox.Text), Convert.ToInt32(compMachTextBox.Text)); // If isNewPart true - Add part. if (isNewPart) { Inventory.AddPart(part); MessageBox.Show("In-House Part Added!"); } // If isNewPart is false - Swap part. else { Inventory.SwapPart(part); MessageBox.Show("Part Updated!"); } } // Else Save Outsourced part. else { Part part = new OutSourcedPart(Convert.ToInt32(partIDTextBox.Text), partNametextBox.Text.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(inventoryTextBox.Text), Convert.ToDouble(priceCostTextBox.Text), Convert.ToInt32(maxTextBox.Text), Convert.ToInt32(minTextBox.Text), compMachTextBox.Text.ToString()); // If isNewPart true - Add part. if (isNewPart) { Inventory.InsertPart(part); MessageBox.Show("Out-Sourced Part Added!"); } // If isNewPart is false - Swap part. else { Inventory.SwapPart(part); MessageBox.Show("Part Updated!"); } } this.Hide(); IMS updatedMain = new IMS(); updatedMain.Show(); } }
public PartScreen() { InitializeComponent(); // If the current part is an Inhouse part // set compMachTextBox to Inhouse parts Machine ID // and check the inhouseRadioButton if (Inventory.CurrentPart is InHousePart) { InHousePart iPart = (InHousePart)Inventory.CurrentPart; compMachTextBox.Text = iPart.MachineID.ToString(); isInHouse = true; inHouseRadioButton.Checked = true; } // If the current part is an Outsourced part // and check the outsourcedRadioButton else { OutSourcedPart oPart = (OutSourcedPart)Inventory.CurrentPart; compMachTextBox.Text = oPart.CompanyName; isInHouse = false; outsourcedRadioButton.Checked = true; } }