public void Accept()
            // Callable
            Variable.Call(_parseInfo, CallRange);

            // If the type of the variable being called is Player, check if the variable is calling Event Player.
            // If the source expression is null, Event Player is used by default.
            // Otherwise, confirm that the source expression is returning the player variable scope.
            if (Variable.Provider.VariableType == VariableType.Player)
                // No source expression, Event Player is used by default.
                if (_parseInfo.SourceExpression == null)
                else // There is a source expression.
                    _parseInfo.SourceExpression.OnResolve(expr => {
                        // An expression that is not targettable.
                        if (expr is RootAction)

            // If there is a local variable tracker and the variable requires capture.
            if (Variable.Provider.RequiresCapture)

Exemple #2
        public IExpression Apply(IVariable variable, IExpression[] index, DocRange variableRange)
            // Callable
            if (variable is ICallable callable)
                Call(callable, variableRange);

            // IIndexReferencers are wrapped by CallVariableActions.
            if (variable is IIndexReferencer referencer)
                // If the type of the variable being called is Player, check if the variable is calling Event Player.
                // If the source expression is null, Event Player is used by default.
                // Otherwise, confirm that the source expression is returning the player variable scope.
                if (referencer.VariableType == VariableType.Player)
                    EventPlayerRestrictedCall(new RestrictedCall(RestrictedCallType.EventPlayer, _parseInfo.GetLocation(variableRange), RestrictedCall.Message_EventPlayerDefault(referencer.Name)));

                // If there is a local variable tracker and the variable requires capture.
                if (referencer.RequiresCapture)

                return(new CallVariableAction(referencer, index));

            // Check value in array.
            if (index != null && index.Length > 0)
                if (!variable.CanBeIndexed)
                    Error("This variable type cannot be indexed.", variableRange);
                    return(new ValueInArrayAction(_parseInfo, (IExpression)variable, index));

            // Function group.
            if (variable is MethodGroup methodGroup)
                return(new CallMethodGroup(_parseInfo, variableRange, methodGroup));
