public Quaternion(double angle, Vector unit_axis) { double sa = Math.Sin(angle * 0.5); w = Math.Cos(angle * 0.5); x = unit_axis.x * sa; y = unit_axis.y * sa; z = unit_axis.z * sa; }
public TMatrix Translated(Vector v) { var x = new TMatrix( (double[])this.m.Clone() ); x.m[12] += v.x; x.m[13] += v.y; x.m[14] += v.z; return x; }
public Quaternion GetRotation() { // Decompose the transformation to a rotation followed by translation, and return // the rotation. Throws InvalidOperationException if the matrix is not of that form. if (m[3] != 0 || m[7] != 0 || m[11] != 0 || m[15] != 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("Not a rotation+translation."); // Check for any scale, which we don't decompose (actually TMatrix is never supposed to // have a scale) for(int i=0; i<3; i++) if (Math.Abs(m[0+i]*m[0+i] + m[4+i]*m[4+i] + m[8+i]*m[8+i] - 1.0) > .0001) throw new InvalidOperationException("Not a rotation+translation."); // Extract rotation matrix double[] r = new double[9]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) r[i * 3 + j] = m[i * 4 + j]; // Test that it is (approximately) special orthogonal. If it isn't, the input matrix didn't meet the desired // form. double det = r[0] * (r[4] * r[8] - r[7] * r[5]) - r[1] * (r[3] * r[8] - r[6] * r[5]) + r[2] * (r[3] * r[7] - r[6] * r[4]); if (det < 0.99999 || det > 1.00001) throw new InvalidOperationException("Not a rotation+translation."); // Rotation -> quaternion var rotation = new Quaternion(); var T = r[0] + r[3 + 1] + r[6 + 2]; if (T > 0.0) { var S = 0.5 / Math.Sqrt(T + 1); rotation.w = 0.25 / S; rotation.x = (r[6 + 1] - r[3 + 2]) * S; rotation.y = (r[0 + 2] - r[6 + 0]) * S; rotation.z = (r[3 + 0] - r[0 + 1]) * S; } else if (r[0] > r[3 + 1] && r[0] > r[6 + 2]) { var S = Math.Sqrt(1.0 + r[0] - r[3 + 1] - r[6 + 2]); rotation.x = S * 0.5; S = 0.5 / S; rotation.w = (r[6 + 1] - r[3 + 2]) * S; rotation.y = (r[0 + 1] + r[3 + 0]) * S; rotation.z = (r[0 + 2] + r[6 + 0]) * S; } else if (r[3 + 1] > r[6 + 2]) { var S = Math.Sqrt(1.0 + r[3 + 1] - r[0 + 0] - r[6 + 2]); rotation.y = S * 0.5; S = 0.5 / S; rotation.w = (r[0 + 2] - r[6 + 0]) * S; rotation.x = (r[0 + 1] + r[3 + 0]) * S; rotation.z = (r[3 + 2] + r[6 + 1]) * S; } else { var S = Math.Sqrt(1.0 + r[6 + 2] - r[0 + 0] - r[3 + 1]); rotation.z = S * 0.5; S = 0.5 / S; rotation.w = (r[3 + 0] - r[0 + 1]) * S; rotation.x = (r[0 + 2] + r[6 + 0]) * S; rotation.y = (r[3 + 2] + r[6 + 1]) * S; } /*var tr = r[0] + r[4] + r[8]; if (tr >= 0.0) { var s = Math.Sqrt(tr + 1.0); rotation.w = s * 0.5; s = 0.5 / s; rotation.x = (r[7] - r[5]) * s; rotation.y = (r[2] - r[6]) * s; rotation.z = (r[3] - r[1]) * s; } else { int h = 0; if (r[4] > */ /* // Shoemake '85 var rotation = new Quaternion(); var w2 = 0.25 * (1 + r[0] + r[4] + r[8]); if (w2 > double.Epsilon) { rotation.w = Math.Sqrt(w2); rotation.x = (r[7] - r[5]) / (4 * rotation.w); rotation.y = (r[2] - r[6]) / (4 * rotation.w); rotation.z = (r[3] - r[1]) / (4 * rotation.w); } else { rotation.w = 0; var x2 = -0.5 * (r[4] + r[8]); if (x2 > double.Epsilon) { rotation.x = Math.Sqrt(x2); rotation.y = r[3] / (2 * rotation.x); rotation.z = r[6] / (2 * rotation.x); } else { rotation.x = 0; var y2 = 0.5 * (1 - r[8]); if (y2 > double.Epsilon) { rotation.y = Math.Sqrt(y2); rotation.z = r[7] / (2 * rotation.y); } else { rotation.y = 0; rotation.z = 1; } } } rotation.Renormalize();*/ var tv = new Vector(1,2,3); var tp = rotation.ToMatrix().Inverse() * this * tv; if ((tp-tv)*(tp-tv) > .0001) Console.WriteLine("GetRotation error."); rotation.Renormalize(); return rotation; /*rotation.w = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(0, 1 + r[0] + r[4] + r[8])) * 0.5; rotation.x = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(0, 1 + r[0] - r[4] - r[8])) * 0.5; rotation.y = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(0, 1 - r[0] + r[4] - r[8])) * 0.5; rotation.z = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(0, 1 - r[0] - r[4] + r[8])) * 0.5; if (r[6 + 1] - r[3 + 2] < 0) rotation.x = -rotation.x; if (r[0 + 2] - r[6 + 0] < 0) rotation.y = -rotation.y; if (r[3 + 0] - r[0 + 1] < 0) rotation.z = -rotation.z; rotation.Renormalize(); return rotation;*/ /*var T = r[0] + r[3 + 1] + r[6 + 2] + 1; var rotation = new Quaternion(); if (T > 0.00000001) { var S = 0.5 / Math.Sqrt(T); rotation.w = 0.25 / S; rotation.x = (r[6 + 1] - r[3 + 2]) * S; rotation.y = (r[0 + 2] - r[6 + 0]) * S; rotation.z = (r[3 + 0] - r[0 + 1]) * S; } else if (r[0] > r[3 + 1] && r[0] > r[6 + 2]) { var S = 0.5 / Math.Sqrt(1.0 + r[0] - r[3 + 1] - r[6 + 2]); rotation.w = (r[6 + 1] - r[3 + 2]) * S; rotation.x = 0.25 / S; rotation.y = (r[0 + 1] + r[3 + 0]) * S; rotation.z = (r[0 + 2] + r[6 + 0]) * S; } else if (r[3 + 1] > r[6 + 2]) { var S = 0.5 / Math.Sqrt(1.0 + r[3 + 1] - r[0 + 0] - r[6 + 2]); rotation.w = (r[0 + 2] - r[6 + 0]) * S; rotation.x = (r[0 + 1] + r[3 + 0]) * S; rotation.y = 0.25 * S; rotation.z = (r[3 + 2] + r[6 + 1]) * S; } else { var S = 0.5 / Math.Sqrt(1.0 + r[6 + 2] - r[0 + 0] - r[3 + 1]); rotation.w = (r[3 + 0] - r[0 + 1]) * S; rotation.x = (r[0 + 2] + r[6 + 0]) * S; rotation.y = (r[3 + 2] + r[6 + 1]) * S; rotation.z = 0.25 * S; } rotation.Renormalize(); // Rounding error can make w>1, yielding NAN for rotation.Angle return rotation;*/ // translation = R^T * (-this.w_column) /*for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) translation[i] = -(r[0 + i] * m[12] + r[3 + i] * m[13] + r[6 + i] * m[14]);*/ }
public static TMatrix Translation(Vector v) { return new TMatrix( new double[] { 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, v.x,v.y,v.z,1 } ); }
static void TestMath() { var rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { var u = new Vector( rand.NextDouble()-0.5, rand.NextDouble()-0.5, rand.NextDouble()-0.5 ).Normalized(); var t1 = new Vector( rand.NextDouble()-0.5, rand.NextDouble()-0.5, rand.NextDouble()-0.5 ) * 10; var t2 = new Vector(rand.NextDouble() - 0.5, rand.NextDouble() - 0.5, rand.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 10; var p1 = new Vector(rand.NextDouble() - 0.5, rand.NextDouble() - 0.5, rand.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 10; var q = new Quaternion(rand.NextDouble() * Math.PI, u); var m = q.ToMatrix(); var mt = TMatrix.Translation(t1) * m * TMatrix.Translation(t2); var q2 = mt.GetRotation(); var m2 = q2.ToMatrix(); if (((m * p1) - (m2 * p1)) * (m * p1 - m2 * p1) > .0001) Console.WriteLine("math error."); } var badq = new Quaternion(3.1414934204542249, new Vector(-0.920567453, -0.390583634, -0)); badq = badq.ToMatrix().GetRotation(); Console.WriteLine(badq.Angle); Console.WriteLine(badq.Axis); }