// A method that handles densodb events MUST have this delegate.
        public static void Set(IStore dbstore, BSonDoc command)
            // IStore interface gives you a lowlevel access to DB Structure,
              // Every action you take now will jump directly into DB without any event dispatching

              // The Istore is preloaded from densodb, and you should not have access to densodb internals.

              // Now deserialize message from Bson object.
              // should be faster using BsonObject directly but this way is more clear.
              var message = command.FromBSon<Message>();

              // Get the sender UserProfile
              var userprofile = dbstore.GetCollection("users").Where(d => d["UserName"].ToString() == message.From).FirstOrDefault().FromBSon<UserProfile>();

              if (userprofile != null)
            // add message to user's messages
            var profilemessages = dbstore.GetCollection(string.Format("messages_{0}", userprofile.UserName));

            // add message to user's wall
            var profilewall = dbstore.GetCollection(string.Format("wall_{0}", userprofile.UserName));

            // Now i have user's follower.
            foreach (var follower in userprofile.FollowedBy)
              // Get followers's wall
              var followerwall = dbstore.GetCollection(string.Format("wall_{0}", follower));

              // store the messages in follower's wall.