public TargetRefColumnSqlModel(TargetReference fk, TargetReferenceColumn col, TargetEntitySqlModel targetSqlModel, ColumnInfo colinfo)
     : base(colinfo)
     _col = col;
     _fk = fk;
     _targetSqlModel = targetSqlModel;
 internal override void CreateLifetimeConditions(DmlfCommandBase cmd, string targetEntityAlias, TargetEntitySqlModel targetEntityModel)
     cmd.AddAndCondition(new DmlfIsNullCondition
         Expr = DmlfColumnRefExpression.Create(targetEntityAlias, ValidToColumn),
 internal override void CreateSetUpdatedUpdateFields(DmlfUpdate cmd, string targetEntityAlias, TargetEntitySqlModel targetEntityModel)
     cmd.Columns.Add(new DmlfUpdateField
         TargetColumn = ValidToColumn,
         Expr = SqlScriptCompiler.ImportDateTimeExpression
 internal override void CreateReliveConditions(DmlfCommandBase cmd, string targetEntityAlias, TargetEntitySqlModel targetEntityModel)
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DeletedDateColumn))
         cmd.AddAndCondition(new DmlfIsNotNullCondition
             Expr = DmlfColumnRefExpression.Create(targetEntityAlias, DeletedDateColumn),
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(IsDeletedColumn))
         cmd.AddAndCondition(new DmlfEqualCondition
             LeftExpr = DmlfColumnRefExpression.Create(targetEntityAlias, DeletedDateColumn),
             RightExpr = new DmlfLiteralExpression { Value = 1 },
 internal override void CreateReliveUpdateFields(DmlfUpdate cmd, string targetEntityAlias, TargetEntitySqlModel targetEntityModel)
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DeletedDateColumn))
         cmd.Columns.Add(new DmlfUpdateField
             TargetColumn = DeletedDateColumn,
             Expr = new DmlfLiteralExpression { Value = null }
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(IsDeletedColumn))
         cmd.Columns.Add(new DmlfUpdateField
             TargetColumn = IsDeletedColumn,
             Expr = new DmlfLiteralExpression { Value = 0 }
        public void FindReferences(TargetEntitySqlModel entity, string baseAlias)
            foreach (var fkPair in entity.RefEntities)
                if (!fkPair.Key.IsRestriction) continue;

                string refAlias = "refrestr_" + _queue.Count;

                _queue.Add(new QueueItem
                    Fk = fkPair.Key,
                    BaseEntity = entity,
                    RefEntity = fkPair.Value,
                    BaseAlias = baseAlias,
                    RefAlias = refAlias,

                if (_queue.Any(x => x.BaseEntity == fkPair.Value)) throw new Exception("DBSH-00000 cycle in references");
                FindReferences(fkPair.Value, refAlias);
Exemple #7
        public void PutLogMessage(TargetEntitySqlModel entity, LogOperationType operation, string message, string durationName)
            Put("&nset @rows = cast(@@ROWCOUNT as nvarchar);&n");
            if (message == null)
                Put("set @msg = cast(ERROR_MESSAGE() as nvarchar(max))"
                                + " + ' Severity:' + cast(ERROR_SEVERITY() as nvarchar)"
                                + " + ' State:' + cast(ERROR_STATE() as nvarchar)"
                                + " + ' Line:' + cast(ERROR_LINE() as nvarchar)"
                                + " + ' Num:' + cast(ERROR_NUMBER() as nvarchar);&n");
                if (entity != null) message = $"{entity.TargetTable}: {message}";

                if (message.Contains("@rows"))
                    Put($"set @msg = REPLACE('{message}','@rows',@rows);&n");
                    Put($"set @msg = '{message}';&n");
                for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                    string argname = "@arg" + i;
                    if (message.Contains(argname))
                        Put($"set @msg = REPLACE(@msg,'{argname}',{argname}); &n");
            if (durationName != null)
                if (!_startedDurations.Contains(durationName))
                    throw new Exception("DBSH-00218 Duration name not defined: " + durationName);
                Put($"set @lastLogDiff = DATEDIFF(second, @lastLogTime_{durationName}, GETDATE());&n");
                Put("set @lastLogDiff = NULL;&n");

            Put($"INSERT INTO @messages (Message, Duration, Operation, TargetEntity, Rows) VALUES (@msg, @lastLogDiff, '{operation}', %v, @rows);&n", entity?.LogName);
            Put("RAISERROR(@msg, 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT; &n");

            //Put("PRINT @msg; &n");
            _datasync.Dbsh.LogHandlers.ForEach(x => x.PutLogMessage(
                entity == null ? "NULL" : $"'{entity.LogName}'",
                _procName == null ? "''" : $"'{_procName}'",

            //    "INSERT INTO ImportLog ([Procedure], SourceRowSet, TargetEntity, [RowCount], [Operation], ImportDate, Message, DurationSeconds) "
            //    + "VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', @rows, '{3}', @nowDateTime, @msg, @lastLogDiff);\n",
            //    Procedure.Name,
            //    entity == null || entity.Source == null ? "" : entity.Source.Name,
            //    entity == null ? "" : entity.Name,
            //    operation.ToString().ToUpper());
Exemple #8
 public void PutEndTryCatch(TargetEntitySqlModel entity, bool useTransaction)
     Put("^end ^try&n");
     Put("^begin ^catch&n");
     PutLogMessage(entity, LogOperationType.Error, null, null);
     if (useTransaction)
         Put("^if (@useTransaction = 1) begin SELECT @CatchErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE(),@CatchErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY(), @CatchErrorState = ERROR_STATE();RAISERROR (@CatchErrorMessage, @CatchErrorSeverity, @CatchErrorState);^end;");
     Put("^end ^catch&n");
Exemple #9
 public void PutBeginTryCatch(TargetEntitySqlModel entity)
     Put("^begin ^try&n");
     Put("IF NULL = NULL SELECT NULL;&n");
 internal virtual void AddTargetColumns(TargetEntitySqlModel targetEntityModel)
 internal virtual void CreateSetUpdatedUpdateFields(DmlfUpdate cmd, string targetEntityAlias, TargetEntitySqlModel targetEntityModel)
 internal virtual void CreateReliveConditions(DmlfCommandBase cmd, string targetEntityAlias, TargetEntitySqlModel targetEntityModel)
 internal override void CreateSetDeletedUpdateFields(DmlfUpdate cmd, string targetEntityAlias, TargetEntitySqlModel targetEntityModel)
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DeletedDateColumn))
         cmd.Columns.Add(new DmlfUpdateField
             TargetColumn = DeletedDateColumn,
             Expr = SqlScriptCompiler.ImportDateTimeExpression
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(IsDeletedColumn))
         cmd.Columns.Add(new DmlfUpdateField
             TargetColumn = IsDeletedColumn,
             Expr = new DmlfLiteralExpression { Value = 1 }
Exemple #14
        public SourceJoinSqlModel(TargetEntitySqlModel targetEntitySqlModel, SourceGraphSqlModel sourceGraph)
            _targetEntitySqlModel = targetEntitySqlModel;
            _sourceGraph = sourceGraph;

            SourceToRefsJoin = new DmlfFromItem();

            //foreach (var column in _targetEntitySqlModel.RequiredSourceColumns)
            //    if (Columns.ContainsKey(column.Alias)) continue;

            //    Columns[column.Alias] = new SourceColumnSqlModel
            //    {
            //        Alias = column.Alias,
            //    };

            //    bool addedEntity = false;
            //    foreach (var ent in column.Entities)
            //    {
            //        if (ent.SingleKeyColumn == column.Alias)
            //        {
            //            AddEntity(ent);
            //            addedEntity = true;
            //            break;
            //        }
            //    }
            //    if (addedEntity) continue;

            //    AddEntity(column.Entities.First());

            if (_sourceGraph == null)
                // flat variant
                PrimarySource = _targetEntitySqlModel.DataSync.FlatSources.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Match(_targetEntitySqlModel.Dbsh.PrimarySource));
                if (PrimarySource == null)
                    throw new IncorrectRdsDefinitionException($"DBSH-00000 Source not found for entity {_targetEntitySqlModel.LogName}");
                SourceToRefsJoin.Source = PrimarySource.QuerySource;
                foreach (var col in PrimarySource.Columns)
                    Columns[col.Alias] = col;



                //foreach (var ent in _targetEntitySqlModel.RequiredSourceColumns.SelectMany(x => x.Entities))
                //    if (queue.Contains(ent)) continue;
                //    queue.Add(ent);

                if (!_entityQueue.Any() && targetEntitySqlModel.Dbsh.Columns.Any(x => x.IsKey))
                    throw new IncorrectRdsDefinitionException($"LGM-00000 None of source entities is used in {_targetEntitySqlModel.LogName} (try to set source column)");

                if (_entityQueue.Any())

                foreach (var col in Columns.Values) col.CompileFilter();
        public void AddReference(TargetReference fk, TargetEntitySqlModel targetEntity)
            RefEntities[fk] = targetEntity;

            foreach (var col in fk.Columns)
                TargetColumns.Add(new TargetRefColumnSqlModel(fk, col, targetEntity, FindColumnInfo(col.BaseName)));

            foreach (var col in targetEntity.KeySourceColumns)
                if (fk.IsKey) KeySourceColumns.Add(col);
 internal override void AddTargetColumns(TargetEntitySqlModel targetEntityModel)
     targetEntityModel.TargetColumns.Add(new TargetValidFromColumnSqlModel(ValidFromColumn, targetEntityModel.FindColumnInfo(ValidFromColumn)));