public List <ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType> > GetActions() { List <ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType> > actionList = new List <ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType> >(); string locked; foreach (Direction direction in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Direction))) { if (this.Connections.ContainsKey(direction)) { Location destination = this.Connections[direction].Destination; locked = this.Connections[direction].IsUnlocked ? "" : " (locked)"; actionList.Add(new ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType>($"Go {direction}{locked}", $"Travel to {destination.Name}", null, new Action <Player>(player => PlayerActions.TravelFromPointToPoint(player, player.Location, destination)), MenuOptionType.Travel, direction.ToString().Substring(0, 1).ToLower(), direction.ToString().ToLower())); } } foreach (ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType> actionOption in actions) { actionList.Add(actionOption); } return(actionList); }
public void AssignActions() { actions = new List <ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType> >(); if (CanAct) { int i = 0; if (HasClient) { // -------------------------------------- SELF ACTIONS -------------------------------------- actions.Add(PlayerActions.Idle); actions.Add(new ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType>("Chat", "Chat with people nearby", null, new Action <Player>(player => PlayerActions.Chat(player, actionArg2)), MenuOptionType.Self, "c", "chat")); actions.Add(new ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType>("Emote", "Emote with people nearby", null, new Action <Player>(player => PlayerActions.Emote(player, actionArg2)), MenuOptionType.Self, "me", "emote")); actions.Add(new ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType>("Yell Loudly", "Be heard even in adjacent zones", null, new Action <Player>(player => PlayerActions.Yell(player, actionArg2)), MenuOptionType.Self, "y", "yell")); // -------------------------------------- SELF ACTIONS -------------------------------------- if (Inventory.Items.FindAll(i => i is Armor || i is Weapon).Count > 0) { actions.Add(new ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType>("Equip (Item)", "Equips item from inventory", PlayerActions.IsHumanoid, new Action <Player>(player => PlayerActions.EquipItem(this, actionArg2)), MenuOptionType.Self, "eq", "equip")); } if (Inventory.Items.Count > 0 || weapon != null || armor != null) { actions.Add(new ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType>("Drop (Item)", "Discards item from inventory", PlayerActions.IsHumanoid, new Action <Player>(player => PlayerActions.DropItem(this, player.Location, actionArg2)), MenuOptionType.Self, "d", "drop")); } List <Gemstone> gems = Inventory.GetGemstones(); if (gems.Count > 0) { Weapon myWeapon = Weapon; if (myWeapon.HasOpenSockets()) { i = 0; foreach (Gemstone gem in gems) { if (gem.CanSocketWeapons) { i++; actions.Add(new ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType>("Socket Weapon", $"Place {gem.Title} inside {myWeapon.Title}", PlayerActions.IsHumanoid, new Action <Player>(player => PlayerActions.SocketItem(player, myWeapon, gem)), MenuOptionType.Self, $"sw{i}")); } } } Armor myArmor = Armor; if (myArmor.HasOpenSockets()) { i = 0; foreach (Gemstone gem in gems) { if (gem.CanSocketArmor) { i++; actions.Add(new ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType>("Socket Armor", $"Place {gem.Title} inside {myArmor.Title}", PlayerActions.IsHumanoid, new Action <Player>(player => PlayerActions.SocketItem(player, myArmor, gem)), MenuOptionType.Self, $"sa{i}")); } } } } // -------------------------------------- LOCATION-TARGETING ACTIONS -------------------------------------- foreach (ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType> ao in Location.GetActions()) { if (ao.Condition(this)) { actions.Add(ao); } } // -------------------------------------- LOCATION-TARGETING ACTIONS (HUMANOID) -------------------------------------- if (Location.GetItemCount > 0) { actions.Add(new ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType>($"Get (Item)", $"Pick up item from location", PlayerActions.IsHumanoid, new Action <Player>(player => PlayerActions.GetItemFromLocation(player, player.Location, actionArg2)), MenuOptionType.Location, "g", "get")); } i = 0; foreach (Player p2 in GameEngine.Players.FindAll(p => p.Location == this.Location && p != this)) { // -------------------------------------- PLAYER-TARGETING ACTIONS -------------------------------------- i++; actions.Add(new ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType>($"Look at {p2.Name}", $"Try to examine {p2.Name}", null, new Action <Player>(p1 => PlayerActions.Look(p1, p2)), MenuOptionType.Targeted, $"l{i}")); actions.Add(new ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType>($"Talk to {p2.Name}", $"Attempt a heart-to-heart", null, new Action <Player>(p1 => PlayerActions.Talk(p1, p2, actionArg2)), MenuOptionType.Targeted, $"t{i}")); if (p2.IsAlive) { if (IsHostileToward(p2) || HasClient) { actions.Add(new ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType>($"Attack {p2.Name}", $"Engage in combat with {p2.Name}", null, new Action <Player>(p1 => PlayerActions.Attack(p1, p2)), MenuOptionType.Targeted, $"a{i}")); } } // -------------------------------------- PLAYER-TARGETING ACTIONS (HUMANOID) -------------------------------------- if (!p2.IsAlive) { actions.Add(new ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType>($"Search {p2.Name}", $"Look for ph47 l3w7.", PlayerActions.IsHumanoid, new Action <Player>(p1 => PlayerActions.SearchCorpse(p1, p2)), MenuOptionType.Targeted, $"s{i}")); } } } else { List <Player> enemies = GameEngine.Players.FindAll(p2 => this.Location == p2.Location && p2.IsAlive && this.IsHostileToward(p2)); if (enemies.Count > 0) { i = 0; foreach (Player p2 in enemies) { actions.Add(new ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType>($"Attack {p2.Name}", $"Engage in combat with {p2.Name}", null, new Action <Player>(p1 => PlayerActions.Attack(p1, p2)), MenuOptionType.Targeted, $"a{i}")); } } else { if (rng.Next(10) == 0) { actions.Add(PlayerActions.Idle); if (rng.Next(3) == 0) { i = 0; foreach (Player p2 in GameEngine.Players.FindAll(p2 => this.Location == p2.Location && p2.IsAlive && this != p2)) { i++; actions.Add(new ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType>($"Look at {p2.Name}", $"Try to examine {p2.Name}", null, new Action <Player>(p1 => PlayerActions.Look(p1, p2)), MenuOptionType.Targeted, $"l{i}")); actions.Add(new ActionOption <Player, MenuOptionType>($"Talk to {p2.Name}", $"Attempt a heart-to-heart", null, new Action <Player>(p1 => PlayerActions.Talk(p1, p2)), MenuOptionType.Targeted, $"t{i}")); } } } } } } }