/// <summary>
        /// Creates a simple extent containing three elements with four properties
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The created uri extent</returns>
        private static IUriExtent CreateSimpleCsvExtent()
            var csvFile = "eins 1 one\r\nzwei 2 two\r\ndrei 3 three\r\nvier 4 four\r\n";
            File.WriteAllText("data.txt", csvFile);

            var mapper = new ManualConfigurationToExtentStorageMapper();
            mapper.AddMapping(typeof (CSVStorageConfiguration), scope => new CSVStorage(null, null));
            DataLayers dataLayers;
            var dataLayerLogic = DataLayerLogic.InitDefault(out dataLayers);

            var data = new ExtentStorageData();
            var logic = new ExtentStorageLoader(data, mapper, dataLayerLogic);
            var configuration = new CSVStorageConfiguration()
                Path = "data.txt",
                ExtentUri = "dm:///local/",
                Settings =
                    HasHeader = false,
                    Separator = ' '

            var csvExtent = logic.LoadExtent(configuration);
            return csvExtent;
        public void AddZipExample([FromBody] WorkspaceReferenceModel workspace)
            // Finds the file and copies the file to the given location
            var appBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase;
            string filename;
            var tries = 0;
            int randomNumber;
            do // while File.Exists
                randomNumber = Random.Next(int.MaxValue);
                filename = Path.Combine(appBase, "App_Data/Database", $"plz_{randomNumber}.csv");
                if (tries == 10000)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Did not find a unique name for zip extent");
            } while (File.Exists(filename));

            var originalFilename = Path.Combine(

            File.Copy(originalFilename, filename);

            var defaultConfiguration = new CSVStorageConfiguration
                ExtentUri = $"datenmeister:///zipcodes/{randomNumber}",
                Path = filename,
                Workspace = workspace.ws,
                Settings =
                    HasHeader = false,
                    Separator = '\t',
                    Encoding = "UTF-8",
                    Columns = new [] { "Id", "Zip", "PositionLong", "PositionLat", "CityName" }.ToList(),
                    // Columns = new object[] { idProperty, zipProperty, positionLongProperty, positionLatProperty, citynameProperty }.ToList(),
                    MetaclassUri = "dm:///types#DatenMeister.Apps.ZipCode.Model.ZipCode"

            _loader.LoadExtent(defaultConfiguration, false);

            Debug.WriteLine("Zip codes loaded");
        public void TestStorage()
            var csvFile = "eins 1 one\r\nzwei 2 two\r\ndrei 3 three\r\nvier 4 four\r\n";
            var csvOtherFile = "eens 1 one\r\nzwei 2 two\r\ndrei 3 three\r\nvier 4 four\r\n";
            File.WriteAllText("data.txt", csvFile);

            var storageConfiguration = new CSVStorageConfiguration
                Path = "data.txt",
                ExtentUri = "dm:///test",
                Settings =
                    HasHeader = false,
                    Separator = ' '

            var storage = new CSVStorage(null, null);
            var extent = storage.LoadExtent(storageConfiguration, false);

            Assert.That(storageConfiguration.Settings.Columns.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));
            Assert.That(extent.elements().Count(), Is.EqualTo(4));

            // Stores the csv file
            storage.StoreExtent(extent, storageConfiguration);
            var readCsvFile = File.ReadAllText("data.txt");

            Assert.That(readCsvFile, Is.EqualTo(csvFile));

            var firstElement = extent.elements().ElementAt(0) as IObject;
            Assert.That(firstElement, Is.Not.Null);
            firstElement.set(storageConfiguration.Settings.Columns[0], "eens");
            storage.StoreExtent(extent, storageConfiguration);
            readCsvFile = File.ReadAllText("data.txt");
            Assert.That(readCsvFile, Is.EqualTo(csvOtherFile));

        public void TestExtentStorageLogic()
            var csvFile = "eins 1 one\r\nzwei 2 two\r\ndrei 3 three\r\nvier 4 four\r\n";
            File.WriteAllText("data.txt", csvFile);

            var mapper = new ManualConfigurationToExtentStorageMapper();
            mapper.AddMapping(typeof (CSVStorageConfiguration), scope => new CSVStorage(null, null));
            DataLayers dataLayers;
            var dataLayerLogic = DataLayerLogic.InitDefault(out dataLayers);

            var data = new ExtentStorageData();
            var logic = new ExtentStorageLoader(data, mapper, dataLayerLogic);
            var configuration = new CSVStorageConfiguration()
                Path = "data.txt",
                ExtentUri = "dm:///local/",
                Settings =
                    HasHeader = false,
                    Separator = ' '

            var csvExtent = logic.LoadExtent(configuration);
            Assert.That(csvExtent, Is.Not.Null);

            Assert.That(csvExtent.elements().Count(), Is.EqualTo(4));

            // Changes content, store it and check, if stored
            (csvExtent.elements().ElementAt(0) as IObject).set(configuration.Settings.Columns[0], "eens");

            var read = File.ReadAllText("data.txt");
            Assert.That(read.Contains("eens"), Is.True);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the configuration by using the given model and their filename
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Model to be used to retrieve the information</param>
        /// <param name="filename">Filename to be used</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static ExtentStorageConfiguration GetStorageConfiguration(ExtentAddModel model, string filename)
            ExtentStorageConfiguration configuration;
            switch (model.type)
                case "xmi":
                    configuration = new XmiStorageConfiguration
                        ExtentUri = model.contextUri,
                        Path = filename,
                        Workspace = model.workspace

                case "csv":
                    var csvExtentData = new CSVStorageConfiguration
                        ExtentUri = model.contextUri,
                        Path = filename,
                        Workspace = model.workspace,
                        Settings = new CSVSettings()

                    var modelAsCreateModel = model as ExtentCreateModel;
                    if (modelAsCreateModel != null)
                        foreach (var c in modelAsCreateModel.ColumnsAsEnumerable)

                    configuration = csvExtentData;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown extent type: {model.type}");
            return configuration;
        private static void LoadZipCodes(ILifetimeScope scope)
            // Loads the workspace
            var file = Path.Combine(

            var defaultConfiguration = new CSVStorageConfiguration
                ExtentUri = "datenmeister:///zipcodes",
                Path = file,
                Workspace = "Data",
                Settings =
                    HasHeader = false,
                    Separator = '\t',
                    Encoding = "UTF-8"

            var extentStorageLogic = scope.Resolve<IExtentStorageLoader>();
            extentStorageLogic.LoadExtent(defaultConfiguration, false);

            Debug.WriteLine("Zip codes loaded");