Exemple #1
        private void btnMigrate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string connectionString = string.Format("Data Source={0};Initial Catalog=master;User ID={1};Password={2}",
                tbDatabaseServer.Text, tbUserId.Text, tbPassword.Text);

            SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
            DataClasses1DataContext dc = new DataClasses1DataContext(connection);

                // See if the database is there
                var theDatabases = dc.ExecuteQuery<Linq.Databases>(@"SELECT name from sysdatabases");
                bool foundDatabase = false;
                foreach (Linq.Databases db in theDatabases)
                    if (db.name == "CRMOnline")
                        foundDatabase = true;

                if (!foundDatabase)
                    // Need to create the database
                    dc.ExecuteCommand(@"CREATE DATABASE CRMOnline");

                // OK, at this point we can assume the database is there.
                // Look for the MigrationLevel table
                var theTables = dc.ExecuteQuery<Linq.Tables>(@"SELECT name, xtype from CRMOnline.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='U'");
                bool foundTable = false;
                foreach (Linq.Tables t in theTables)
                    if (t.name == "MigrationLevel")
                        foundTable = true;

                if (!foundTable)
                    // Need to create the table
                    dc.ExecuteCommand(@"CREATE TABLE CRMOnline.dbo.MigrationLevel (MigrationNumber int not null, MigrationDate datetime not null)");

                // OK, now it is safe to assume that the key table and the database are present.
                // Run through the migrations.
                MessageBox.Show("Migration complete.");
            catch (Exception theException)
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Error:  {0}", theException.Message));
Exemple #2
        void MigrateData(DataClasses1DataContext dc)
            // Spin through the migrations and run them if they don't already exist.
            DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo("..\\..\\Migrations");
            FileInfo[] rgFiles = di.GetFiles("*.txt");
            foreach (FileInfo fi in rgFiles)
                string migrationLevel = fi.Name.Substring(0, fi.Name.Length - 4);
                var results = dc.ExecuteQuery<Linq.MigrationLevel>(string.Format("select * from CRMOnline.dbo.MigrationLevel where MigrationNumber={0}", migrationLevel));
                bool hasResults = false;
                foreach (Linq.MigrationLevel level in results)
                    hasResults = true;

                if (!hasResults)
                    // Read the contents of the file and execute it as a SQL command
                    StreamReader s = File.OpenText(string.Format("..\\..\\Migrations\\{0}.txt", migrationLevel));
                    string theString = null;
                    theString = s.ReadToEnd();

                        dc.ExecuteCommand(string.Format("insert into CRMOnline.dbo.MigrationLevel(MigrationNumber, MigrationDate) values({0}, getdate())", migrationLevel));
                    catch(Exception theException)
                        MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Error on migration#{0}: {1}", migrationLevel, theException.Message));
