Exemple #1
        public User(UserApi u)
            if (u != null)
                Id = u.Id;
                UserName = u.UserName;
                Password = u.Password;
                FirstName = u.FirstName;
                LastName = u.LastName;
                Email = u.Email;
                Admin = u.Admin;
                Ban = u.Ban;
                Rating = u.Rating;
                Phone = u.Phone;
                ReportId = u.ReportId;
                ActiveCode = u.ActiveCode;
                ResetPassword = u.ResetPassword;
                DateRequest = u.DateRequest;
                BanDate = u.BanDate;
                BanTime = u.BanTime;
                UserImage = u.UserImage;

            Comments = new HashSet<Comment>();
            FollowProducts = new HashSet<FollowProduct>();
            SentMessages = new HashSet<Message>();
            ReceivedMessages = new HashSet<Message>();
            Products = new HashSet<Product>();
            Reports = new HashSet<Report>();
            Reports1 = new HashSet<Report>();
            VoteLogs = new HashSet<VoteLog>();
        public ActionResult UpdateUserInfo()
            if (Request.Form.Count > 0)
                UserApi updatedUserInfo = new UserApi();
                updatedUserInfo.FirstName = Request.Form["FirstName"];
                updatedUserInfo.LastName = Request.Form["LastName"];
                updatedUserInfo.Email = Request.Form["email"];
                updatedUserInfo.Phone = Request.Form["PhoneNumber"];
                updatedUserInfo.Password = Request.Form["CurrentPassword"];
                string newPassword = Request.Form["NewPassword"];
                string newPasswordConfirm = Request.Form["NewPassword_confirm"];
                if (updatedUserInfo.Password != null 
                    && updatedUserInfo.Password != newPassword 
                    && newPassword != null && newPasswordConfirm != null 
                    && newPassword == newPasswordConfirm)
                    if (WebApiHelper.CheckInvalidPassword("api/accountManager/account/checkInvalidPassword", 
                        Method.POST, (int)Session["UserId"], updatedUserInfo.Password))
                        updatedUserInfo.Password = newPassword;

                updatedUserInfo.Id = (int) Session["UserId"];
                WebApiHelper.UpdateUserInfo("api/accountManager/account/update", Method.POST, updatedUserInfo);

            return RedirectToAction("DisplayUserInfo", "Account");
        public static bool RegisterAccount(string requestResource, Method method, UserApi newUser)
            var client = new RestClient();
            // This, of course, needs to be altered to match the
            // IP Address/Port of the server to which you are connecting
            client.BaseUrl = new Uri(ClientBase);
            var request = new RestRequest();
            // The server's Rest method will probably return something
            // other than "duckbilledPlatypi" in your case
            request.Resource = requestResource + "/"
                + newUser.UserName + Seperator
                + newUser.Password + Seperator
                + " " + Seperator
                + newUser.LastName + Seperator
                + newUser.FirstName + Seperator
                + newUser.Phone
                + "?email=" + newUser.Email;
            request.Method = method;

            var response = client.Execute(request) as RestResponse;

            if (response != null
                && ((response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    && (response.ResponseStatus == ResponseStatus.Completed)))
            // It's probably not necessary to test both
                return true;
                if (response != null)
                    return false;

            return false;