Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string database_server   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbHost"];
            string database_name     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbName"];
            string database_username = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbUsername"];
            string database_password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbPassword"];

            _SQL_CONN               = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=" + database_server + ";Initial Catalog=" + database_name + ";User ID=" + database_username + ";Password="******"DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["storageName"] + ";AccountKey=" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["storageKey"]);
            CloudTableClient    tableClient    = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();

            /*Console.WriteLine("Getting Barcode Records");
             * DataTable dt = QueryData(@"
             *  SELECT COUNT(*) cnt
             *  FROM (
             *                  SELECT BranchNumber, DocNumber, MAX(SellNumber) SellNumber
             *                  FROM NewStock.dbo.Sell sl
             *                  WHERE Status IS NULL
             *                  GROUP BY BranchNumber, DocNumber
             *          ) s
             *          LEFT JOIN NewStock.dbo.SellSN sn
             *          ON sn.SellNumber = s.SellNumber
             *          AND sn.BranchNumber = s.BranchNumber
             *  WHERE sn.BranchNumber = 1
             * ");
             * int count = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["cnt"].ToString());
             * Console.WriteLine("Total Record(s) = {0}\n", count);

             * _CLOUD_TABLE = tableClient.GetTableReference("BarcodeStock");
             * _CLOUD_TABLE.DeleteIfExists();

            Console.WriteLine("Getting All Barcode Data for Insert");
            _DATA_TABLE = QueryData(@"
                SELECT '00000001' shop, sn.SN Barcode,p.PN Product,sn.CanUseTime ReceivedDate,s.DocNumber, d.Price SellPrice,
	                MAX(s.SellNumber) SellNumber,s.BillNumber,s.CustomerNumber,TODATETIMEOFFSET (s.DateTime, '+07:00') SellDate
                FROM NewStock.dbo.Sell s
	                LEFT JOIN NewStock.dbo.SellSN sn
	                ON s.SellNumber = sn.SellNumber
	                AND s.BranchNumber = sn.BranchNumber
	                LEFT JOIN NewStock.dbo.Product p
	                ON p.PN = sn.PN
	                LEFT JOIN NewStock.dbo.SellD d
	                ON sn.BranchNumber = d.BranchNumber
	                AND sn.SellNumber = d.SellNumber
	                AND sn.PN = d.PN
	                AND sn.Item = d.Item
                WHERE s.BranchNumber = '1'
	                AND s.Status IS NULL
	                AND s.CustomerNumber = 613
                GROUP BY sn.SN ,p.PN,sn.CanUseTime, s.DocNumber,d.Price, s.BillNumber,s.CustomerNumber,s.DateTime

            /*Console.WriteLine("Getting All Customer Data for Insert");
             * _DATA_TABLE = QueryData(@"
             *  SELECT CustomerNumber RowKey, CustomerCode Member, Name,
             *          RDBranchName ShopName, ContactName, EMail Email, Address, StreetAddress Address2,
             *          District, Province, ZipCode Zipcode, REPLACE(Tel, '-', '') Tel, REPLACE(Mobile, '-', '') Mobile, REPLACE(Fax, '-', '') Fax,
             *          TaxCode, Credit, DiscountP DiscountPercent, PriceType SellPrice, Comment, TODATETIMEOFFSET (CTime, '+07:00') AddDate
             *  FROM NewStock.dbo.Customer
             *  WHERE Status IS NULL
             * ");*/

            /*Console.WriteLine("Getting All Category Data for Insert");
             * _DATA_TABLE = QueryData(@"
             *  SELECT id RowKey, Name, cnt
             *  FROM NewStock.dbo.ProductGroup g
             *      LEFT JOIN (SELECT GroupID, COUNT(*) cnt FROM NewStock.dbo.Product WHERE Status IS NULL GROUP BY GroupID) c
             *      ON g.id = c.GroupID
             *  WHERE Status IS NULL");*/

            /*Console.WriteLine("Getting All Brand Data for Insert");
             * _DATA_TABLE = QueryData(@"
             *  SELECT id RowKey, Name, cnt
             *  FROM NewStock.dbo.Brand b
             *      LEFT JOIN (SELECT BrandID, COUNT(*) cnt FROM NewStock.dbo.Product WHERE Status IS NULL GROUP BY BrandID) c
             *      ON b.id = c.BrandID
             *  WHERE Status IS NULL");*/

            /*Console.WriteLine("Getting All Product Data for Insert");
             * _DATA_TABLE = QueryData(@"
             *  SELECT p.PN, p.ProductCode, p.Barcode, p.Name, p.MinPrice, a.price1, a.price2, a.price3, a.price4, a.price5, a.price6, a.cost, stock-onCart-onOrder stock, publicPath CoverImage,
             *          p.Width, p.Length, p.Height, p.Weight, p.GrossWeight, p.GroupID, p.BrandID, p.Warranty, p.Location, CASE WHEN p.Status IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END Active, TODATETIMEOFFSET (p.CTime, '+07:00') AddDate
             *  FROM NewStock.dbo.Product p
             *          LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, Cover, publicPath FROM ProductImage WHERE Cover LIKE '%N') i
             *          ON p.ProductCode = i.id
             *          LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, price1, price2, price3, price4, price5, price6, cost, stock, onCart, onOrder FROM Azure24fin.shop24fin_db.dbo.Product) a
             *          ON p.PN = a.id
             *  ");*/

            Console.WriteLine("Total Record(s) = {0}\n", _DATA_TABLE.Rows.Count);

            _CLOUD_TABLE = tableClient.GetTableReference("BarcodeStock");

            int count = _DATA_TABLE.Rows.Count;

            Parallel.For(0, count / 100 + 1, i =>
                ShopBarcode b = new ShopBarcode(i);

Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string database_server = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbHost"];
            string database_name = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbName"];
            string database_username = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbUsername"];
            string database_password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbPassword"];

            _SQL_CONN = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=" + database_server + ";Initial Catalog=" + database_name + ";User ID=" + database_username + ";Password="******"DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["storageName"] + ";AccountKey=" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["storageKey"]);
            CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();

            /*Console.WriteLine("Getting Barcode Records");
            DataTable dt = QueryData(@"
                SELECT COUNT(*) cnt
                FROM (
                        SELECT BranchNumber, DocNumber, MAX(SellNumber) SellNumber
                        FROM NewStock.dbo.Sell sl
                        WHERE Status IS NULL
                        GROUP BY BranchNumber, DocNumber
                    ) s
                    LEFT JOIN NewStock.dbo.SellSN sn
                    ON sn.SellNumber = s.SellNumber
                    AND sn.BranchNumber = s.BranchNumber
                WHERE sn.BranchNumber = 1

            int count = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["cnt"].ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Total Record(s) = {0}\n", count);

            _CLOUD_TABLE = tableClient.GetTableReference("BarcodeStock");

            Console.WriteLine("Getting All Barcode Data for Insert");
            _DATA_TABLE = QueryData(@"
                SELECT '00000001' shop, sn.SN Barcode,p.PN Product,sn.CanUseTime ReceivedDate,s.DocNumber, d.Price SellPrice,
                    MAX(s.SellNumber) SellNumber,s.BillNumber,s.CustomerNumber,TODATETIMEOFFSET (s.DateTime, '+07:00') SellDate
                FROM NewStock.dbo.Sell s
                    LEFT JOIN NewStock.dbo.SellSN sn
                    ON s.SellNumber = sn.SellNumber
                    AND s.BranchNumber = sn.BranchNumber
                    LEFT JOIN NewStock.dbo.Product p
                    ON p.PN = sn.PN
                    LEFT JOIN NewStock.dbo.SellD d
                    ON sn.BranchNumber = d.BranchNumber
                    AND sn.SellNumber = d.SellNumber
                    AND sn.PN = d.PN
                    AND sn.Item = d.Item
                WHERE s.BranchNumber = '1'
                    AND s.Status IS NULL
                    AND s.CustomerNumber = 613
                GROUP BY sn.SN ,p.PN,sn.CanUseTime, s.DocNumber,d.Price, s.BillNumber,s.CustomerNumber,s.DateTime

            /*Console.WriteLine("Getting All Customer Data for Insert");
            _DATA_TABLE = QueryData(@"
                SELECT CustomerNumber RowKey, CustomerCode Member, Name,
                    RDBranchName ShopName, ContactName, EMail Email, Address, StreetAddress Address2,
                    District, Province, ZipCode Zipcode, REPLACE(Tel, '-', '') Tel, REPLACE(Mobile, '-', '') Mobile, REPLACE(Fax, '-', '') Fax,
                    TaxCode, Credit, DiscountP DiscountPercent, PriceType SellPrice, Comment, TODATETIMEOFFSET (CTime, '+07:00') AddDate
                FROM NewStock.dbo.Customer
                WHERE Status IS NULL

            /*Console.WriteLine("Getting All Category Data for Insert");
            _DATA_TABLE = QueryData(@"
                SELECT id RowKey, Name, cnt
                FROM NewStock.dbo.ProductGroup g
                    LEFT JOIN (SELECT GroupID, COUNT(*) cnt FROM NewStock.dbo.Product WHERE Status IS NULL GROUP BY GroupID) c
                    ON g.id = c.GroupID
                WHERE Status IS NULL");*/

            /*Console.WriteLine("Getting All Brand Data for Insert");
            _DATA_TABLE = QueryData(@"
                SELECT id RowKey, Name, cnt
                FROM NewStock.dbo.Brand b
                    LEFT JOIN (SELECT BrandID, COUNT(*) cnt FROM NewStock.dbo.Product WHERE Status IS NULL GROUP BY BrandID) c
                    ON b.id = c.BrandID
                WHERE Status IS NULL");*/

            /*Console.WriteLine("Getting All Product Data for Insert");
            _DATA_TABLE = QueryData(@"
                SELECT p.PN, p.ProductCode, p.Barcode, p.Name, p.MinPrice, a.price1, a.price2, a.price3, a.price4, a.price5, a.price6, a.cost, stock-onCart-onOrder stock, publicPath CoverImage,
                    p.Width, p.Length, p.Height, p.Weight, p.GrossWeight, p.GroupID, p.BrandID, p.Warranty, p.Location, CASE WHEN p.Status IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END Active, TODATETIMEOFFSET (p.CTime, '+07:00') AddDate
                FROM NewStock.dbo.Product p
                    LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, Cover, publicPath FROM ProductImage WHERE Cover LIKE '%N') i
                    ON p.ProductCode = i.id
                    LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, price1, price2, price3, price4, price5, price6, cost, stock, onCart, onOrder FROM Azure24fin.shop24fin_db.dbo.Product) a
                    ON p.PN = a.id

            Console.WriteLine("Total Record(s) = {0}\n", _DATA_TABLE.Rows.Count);

            _CLOUD_TABLE = tableClient.GetTableReference("BarcodeStock");

            int count = _DATA_TABLE.Rows.Count;
            Parallel.For(0, count/100+1, i =>
                ShopBarcode b = new ShopBarcode(i);
