static void MainNEW(string[] args) { IntBuffer buff = new IntBuffer(8); Producer p = new Producer(buff); Consumer c = new Consumer(buff); Thread producer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(p.Run)); Thread consumer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(c.Run)); producer.Start(); consumer.Start(); string aaa = "aa"; string bbb = "bb"; Console.WriteLine("aa={0}, bb={1}", aaa, bbb); Permutation.SwapUs <string>(ref aaa, ref bbb); Console.WriteLine("aa={0}, bb={1}", aaa, bbb); int[] arr = new int[] { 2, 3 }; Console.WriteLine("arr[0]={0}, arr[1]={1}", arr[0], arr[1]); Permutation.SwapUs <int>(ref arr[0], ref arr[1]); Console.WriteLine("arr[0]={0}, arr[1]={1}", arr[0], arr[1]); // find first non repeating char string ss = "IKiNAKAP"; Console.WriteLine("first distinct char is = '{0}'", FindFirstNonRepeatingChar2(ss)); //// // In place string update. ss = "Battle of Vowels: Indiana Jones"; Console.WriteLine(RemoveSelectedChars(ss, "aeiou")); // In place string reversal ss = "This is a test string."; Console.WriteLine(InPlaceStringReversal(ss)); // Int to String ss = IntToString(284); ss = IntToString(-4484); ss = IntToString(0); ss = IntToString(+23); ss = IntToString(+0); // string to int int z = StringToInt("-4484"); z = StringToInt("284"); z = StringToInt("0"); FindDupWithoutExtraBuffer("HELLO"); // Permutation n! Permutation permutation = new Permutation(); string inStr = "ABCD"; // permutation.setper(inStr.ToCharArray()); permutation.SetPermutation(inStr); permutation.SetCombi(inStr); // phone number combinations Console.WriteLine("phone number combinations"); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine(PhoneNumberChars.GetChar(0, 0)); //Console.WriteLine(PhoneNumberChars.GetChar(1, 0)); //Console.WriteLine(PhoneNumberChars.GetChar(0, 1)); //Console.WriteLine(PhoneNumberChars.GetChar(1, 1)); //Console.WriteLine(PhoneNumberChars.GetChar(2, 3)); //Console.WriteLine(PhoneNumberChars.GetChar(9, 1)); //Console.WriteLine(PhoneNumberChars.GetChar(9, 0)); permutation.SetPhoneCharConfig(new byte[] { 7, 4, 2, 3 }); string[] xxx = new string[2]; string[] yyy = new string[3]; yyy[2] = "hello"; xxx = yyy; Console.WriteLine(xxx[2]); /// string aa = "barista"; string bb = "far"; char[] final = aa.ToCharArray(); if (bb.Length <= aa.Length) { Array.Copy(bb.ToCharArray(), 0, final, 0, bb.Length); } Console.WriteLine(final); // //int[,] arr = new int[2, 3]; // [col, row] //arr[1, 2] = 20; Collections(); string x = null; Console.WriteLine("reverse of empty = {0}", ReverseMe(string.Empty)); Console.WriteLine("reverse of null = {0}", ReverseMe(x)); x = "seetaphal"; Console.WriteLine("reverse of x = {0}", ReverseMe(x)); x = "this is seetaphal"; Console.WriteLine("reverse of x = {0}", ReverseMe(x)); Console.Read(); MySingleLLNode head = MySingleLinkedList.CreateList(2); MySingleLinkedList.AddLast(head, 5); head = MySingleLinkedList.AddFirst(head, 1); head = MySingleLinkedList.AddAscOrder(head, 3); head = MySingleLinkedList.AddAscOrder(head, 7); head = MySingleLinkedList.AddAscOrder(head, 1); head = MySingleLinkedList.AddAscOrder(head, 6); head = MySingleLinkedList.AddAscOrder(head, 4); MySingleLinkedList.PrintList(head); MySingleLinkedList.DeleteMe(ref head, 1); //delete First MySingleLinkedList.PrintList(head); MySingleLinkedList.DeleteMe(ref head, 7); //delete last MySingleLinkedList.PrintList(head); MySingleLinkedList.DeleteMe(ref head, 59); //delete Non existent MySingleLinkedList.PrintList(head); MySingleLinkedList.DeleteMe(ref head, 5); //delete 5 MySingleLinkedList.PrintList(head); //MySingleLinkedList.DeleteMe(null, 1); //delete from Null MySingleLinkedList.PrintList(head); Console.Read(); }
static void Main01(string[] args) { MainNEW(args); BitArray bitArr = new BitArray(int.MaxValue); CallTryCatch(); //[67108864] // Car[] cars = new Car[2]; // cars[0] = new Car("Nissan"); // cars[1] = new Car("Toyota"); // Swap(cars[0], cars[1]); // no change in array. BST binaryTree = new BST(); //binaryTree.CreateTree(4); //int[] arr = new int[] { 2, 5, 1, 3, 7, 6, 9 }; binaryTree.CreateTree(9); int[] arr = new int[] { 4, 14, 2, 5, 10, 1, 3, 7, 12, 6, 8, 11, 13 }; foreach (int x in arr) { binaryTree.InsertNode(x); } binaryTree.PrintInorder(); Console.WriteLine(binaryTree.Add('a', 'b')); Console.WriteLine("Now print PreOrder Ittv...."); Console.WriteLine(); binaryTree.PrintTree_PreOrder_Ittv(binaryTree.Root); binaryTree.PrintTree_InOrder_Ittv(binaryTree.Root); Console.WriteLine("Now print PostOrder Ittv...."); Console.WriteLine(); binaryTree.PrintTree_PostOrder_Ittv(binaryTree.Root); int i = 5; Console.WriteLine(i = i << 5); Console.WriteLine(i = i << 5); bool ss = CheckHasUniqueCharsUsingBitwise("abcdefghij"); IntBuffer buff = new IntBuffer(4); Producer p = new Producer(buff); Consumer c = new Consumer(buff); Thread producer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(p.Run)); Thread consumer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(c.Run)); producer.Start(); consumer.Start(); }