Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var buffer = new CircularBuffer<double>(capacity: 3);
            buffer.ItemDiscarded += buffer_ItemDiscarded ;

            Action<double> consoleOut = delegate (double data)

            // OR

            // Action<double> consoleOut = d => Console.WriteLine(d); 


            // OR

            // Without any Action's declaring et cetera, just use lambda expression:

            Converter<double, DateTime> converter = d => new DateTime(2010, 1, 1).AddDays(d);
            var asDates = buffer.Map(converter);

            foreach (var item in asDates)

            buffer.Dump(d => Console.WriteLine(d));

            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit...");
Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var standardBuffer = new Buffer <double>();                                 // Create new 'Standard' Buffer
            var circularBuffer = new CircularBuffer <double>(capacity: 3);              // Create new Circular Buffer with a maximum capacity of: 3

            circularBuffer.ItemDiscarded += Buffer_ItemDiscarded;                       // Subscribe to Event, capturing all 'discarded items'

            ProcessInput(circularBuffer);                                               // Enter Buffer values

            Utilities.NewSectionHeading("Items - Not Converted", 2);
            Action <double> consoleOutput = Utilities.ConsoleWriteItem;                 // Pass Event Delegate, using built-in 'Action' type            // var consoleOutput = new Printer<double>(Utilities.ConsoleWriteItem);

            circularBuffer.DumpBuffer(consoleOutput);                                   // Loop through 'raw' Buffer and Print each item to Console

            Utilities.NewSectionHeading("Items - Converted To Integer", 2);
            var bufferConvertToInt = circularBuffer.AsEnumerableOf <double, int>();     // Use converter to, conert typeof(T) to an 'integer'

            foreach (var item in bufferConvertToInt)                                    // Loop through Buffer and Print each converted item
                Console.WriteLine($"Item: \t {item}");                                  // Print 'converted' Buffer to Console

            Utilities.NewSectionHeading("Items - Converted To Date", 2);
            Converter <double, DateTime> converter = daysToAdd => new DateTime(2021, 1, 1).AddDays(daysToAdd);
            var bufferConvertToDates = circularBuffer.Map(converter);

            foreach (var item in bufferConvertToDates)
                Console.WriteLine($"Item: \t {item}");

            ProcessBuffer(circularBuffer);                                              // Calculate Buffer 'sum' and Print to Console

            Utilities.HaltProgramEnd();                                                 // HALT PROGRAM END
Exemple #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var buffer = new CircularBuffer <double>(capacity: 3);

            buffer.ItemDiscarded += ItemDiscarded;
            Converter <double, DateTime> converter = d => new DateTime(2019 / 08 / 07).AddDays(d);
            var output = buffer.Map(converter);

            foreach (var item in output)

            buffer.Dump(d => Console.WriteLine("dump:" + d));

Exemple #4
        //static void ConsoleWrite(double data)
        //    Console.WriteLine(data);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Action delegate
            //Action<double> print = delegate (double data){
            //    Console.WriteLine(data);

            //lemda expresion virsui esancio kodo

            /*Action<bool> print = d => Console.WriteLine(d);
             * Func<double, double> square = d => d * d;
             * //paskutinis double(paskutinis narys) reiskia return type
             * Func<double, double, double> add = (x, y) => x + y;
             * Predicate<double> isLessThanTen = d => d < 10;
             * //Predicate<tipas> paima tipa ir returnina visada bool
             * print(isLessThanTen(add(square(1.2), square(1.1))));*/

            var buffer = new CircularBuffer <double>(capacity: 3);

            buffer.ItemDiscarded += ItemDiscarded;


            Converter <double, DateTime> converter = d => new DateTime(2018, 1, 1).AddDays(d);
            var asDate = buffer.Map <double, DateTime>(converter);

            foreach (var date in asDate)


            //var asInt = buffer.AsEnumemerableOf<double, int>();
            ///var asInt = BufferExtensions.AsEnumemerableOf<double, int>(buffer);

            //foreach (var item in asInt)
            // }


            //var consoleOut = new Printer<double>(ConsoleWrite);
            //virsutinio kodo netnereikia galima consolewrite is
            //kart i dup ideti kompiliatorius susigaudys

            buffer.Dump(d => Console.WriteLine(d));  //Compiliatorius pats susigaudo koks tipas turibut

Exemple #5
        //same sginature of delegate Printer
        //static void ConsoleWrite(double data)
        //   Console.WriteLine(data);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //CTRL M THEN CTLR R to refractor extract, create a method

            //generics allow us to reuse code whilst still being type safe.  So we create with a palceholder for a type and the calling client instanciates the type.
            //var buffer = new CircularBuffer(capacity: 3);
            //var buffer = new CircularBuffer<double>(capacity: 3);

            //But I can use action instead of my printer delegate
            //Action<double> print = ConsoleWrite;
            //using an anynomus delegate

            /*Action<double> print = delegate(double data)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(data);
             * };*/
            //using lambda
            //Action is a void
            Action <Boolean> print = d => Console.WriteLine(d);

            //Func must return, last aurgument is always the return type
            //These are how linq works
            Func <double, double>         square = d => d * d;
            Func <double, double, double> add    = (x, y) => x + y;

            //Predicate aways returns a boolean
            Predicate <double> isLessThanTen = d => d < 10;

            //this then allows us to do things like this:
            print(isLessThanTen(square(add(3, 5))));

            //var buffer = new Buffer<double>();
            //lets use a circular buffer to demo events
            var buffer = new CircularBuffer <double>(capacity: 3);

            //creates a event handler for ItemDisgarded
            buffer.ItemDisgarded += ItemDisgarded; //hit tab tab for c# to create the template code
            //now we want to know when we hit capcity, best way is to reaise an event when we dequeue

            //using the convert to ints
            //var asInts = buffer.AsEnumerableOf<double, int>();

            //var consoleOut = new Printer<double>(ConsoleWrite); //actuall dont need this
            //buffer.Dump(); //buffer.Dump<double>(); dont have to do this as it already knows buffer is a double
            //buffer.Dump(consoleOut); //now with printer delegate
            //buffer.Dump(ConsoleWrite); //without variable definition
            //using the action ConsoleWrite
            buffer.Dump(d => Console.WriteLine(d));


            //this won't work as AsEnumerableOf uses GetConverter which can't do a double to an dattime so throws an error
            //var asDates = buffer.AsEnumerableOf<double, DateTime>();
            //lets look at built in coverter delegate
            //Converter<double, DateTime> converter = d => new DateTime(2010,1,1).AddDays(d);
            //can just pass in the lamda like this
            var asDates = buffer.Map(d => new DateTime(2010, 1, 1).AddDays(d)); //using map name

            foreach (var date in asDates)

            //foreach (var item in buffer) //I need a enumerable inferace to do this - done

             * foreach (var item in asInts) //loop through ints
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(item);
             * }
