public void printMain() { Console.WriteLine("Which objects you want to print?"); Console.WriteLine("1. Lecturer 2. Room 3. Student\n"); PrintInfo newChoice = new PrintInfo(); newChoice.Choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (newChoice.Choice) { case 1: printLecturer(); break; case 2: printTermTimtable(); break; //case 2: default: printLecturer(); break; } }
public void printLecturer() { Console.WriteLine("You want to print them all or just print an specific lecturer?"); Console.WriteLine("1. All of them 2. A Specific lecturer\n"); PrintInfo newChoice = new PrintInfo(); newChoice.Choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (newChoice.Choice) { case 1: printAllLecturers(); break; case 2: printSpecificPerson(); break; default: printSpecificPerson(); break; } }
public void choiceList() { Console.WriteLine("\n**********************UserChoice class**********************"); Console.WriteLine("Which function you want to use?"); Console.WriteLine("1. Lecturer \n2. Room \n3. Module \n4. Analyzation \n5. Print"); Console.Write("I want to use number: "); choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(); // create a SavingAndReading object to save data whatever users entered. SavingAndReading data = new SavingAndReading(); switch (choice) { case 1: Lecturer newLecture = new Lecturer(); newLecture = newLecture.enterLectureInfo(); SystemList.LecturerList.Add(newLecture); data.WriteSystemList(); break; case 2: Room newRoom = new Room(); newRoom.roomMain(); //SystemList.RoomsList.Add(newRoom); //data.WriteSystemList(); break; case 3: Module newModule = new Module(); newModule.moduleChoices(); break; case 4: WebpageAnalyzation newWeb = new WebpageAnalyzation(); newWeb.WebpageAnalyzationMain(); break; case 5: PrintInfo newPrint = new PrintInfo(); newPrint.printMain(); break; case 6: ProduceTT ptt = new ProduceTT(); ptt.produceRoomTimetable(); break; case 7: Student newStudent = new Student(); newStudent.studentMain(); break; default: choiceList(); break; } //choiceList(); //return choice; }