Exemple #1
        public QuoteCollection(QuoteCollection original, RecordType longer)
            if (original.QuoteType > longer)
                throw new Exception();

            Name      = original.Name;
            Source    = original.Source;
            QuoteType = longer;

            QuoteOADates = new List <double>();

            DataCollection = FromShortTerms(original, longer);

            BaseOutline = OutlineHelper.OutlineFromQuotes(this, Outline.DefaultThreshold);

Exemple #2
        private static List <Quote> quotesFromCollections(List <QuoteCollection> collections)
            List <int> startIndexes = new List <int>()

            for (int i = 1; i < collections.Count; i++)
                if (collections[i - 1].Until >= collections[i].Since)
                    double temp  = collections[i - 1].Until.UtcDateTime.ToOADate();
                    int    start = collections[i].QuoteOADates.FindIndex(x => x > temp);

            List <Quote> records = new List <Quote>();

            for (int index = 0; index < collections.Count; index++)
                QuoteCollection quotes = collections[index];
                int             start  = startIndexes[index];
                for (int i = start; i < quotes.Count; i++)
                    records.Add(new Quote(quotes.DataCollection[i]));

Exemple #3
 public static List <Quote> FromShortTerms(QuoteCollection shorters, RecordType longerType)
     return(FromShortTerms(shorters.DataCollection, longerType));
Exemple #4
        public static Outline OutlineFromQuotes(QuoteCollection quotes, int threshold)
            OutlineHelper marker = new OutlineHelper(quotes.DataCollection, threshold);

Exemple #5
 public static Outline OutlineOf(QuoteCollection quotes, int threshold)
     return(OutlineHelper.OutlineFromQuotes(quotes, threshold));
Exemple #6
        public QuoteCollection this[GroupingFlag flag, bool isVolumeBased]
                Dictionary <int, int[]> indexDict   = new Dictionary <int, int[]>();
                List <QuoteCollection>  collections = Group.Values.ToList();

                DateTimeOffset rollover = collections[0].Since;

                int first, last;
                if (!isVolumeBased)
                    for (int i = 0; i < collections.Count; i++)
                        QuoteCollection current = collections[i];

                        if (current.Since <= rollover) //&& current.Until> startDate.AddDays(DaysForRollover)
                            double oa = rollover.UtcDateTime.ToOADate();
                            first = current.QuoteOADates.FindIndex(x => x >= oa);

                            if (i == collections.Count - 1)
                                last = current.Count - 1;
                                oa   = current.Until.AddDays(-DaysForRollover).UtcDateTime.ToOADate();
                                last = current.QuoteOADates.FindIndex(x => x >= oa);
                            rollover = current.Until.AddDays(-DaysForRollover);
                            indexDict.Add(i, new int[] { first, last });
                            if (i == collections.Count - 1)
                                throw new Exception(String.Format("Record after {0} are absent!", rollover));
                    List <DateTimeOffset> ranges = new List <DateTimeOffset>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < collections.Count; i++)

                    DateTimeOffset startDate = collections[0].Since;
                    double         oa;

                    for (int i = 0; i < collections.Count - 1; i++)
                        oa = startDate.UtcDateTime.ToOADate();
                        QuoteCollection current = collections[i];

                        DateTimeOffset nextSince = collections[i + 1].Since;

                        for (int j = i + 2; j < collections.Count; j++)
                            if (nextSince > collections[j].Since)
                                nextSince = collections[j].Since;

                        if (startDate < nextSince)
                            first = current.QuoteOADates.FindIndex(x => x >= oa);
                            int collectionIndex = indexOfMaxVolume(collections, i, startDate);
                            if (i != collectionIndex)

                            first = current.QuoteOADates.FindIndex(x => x >= oa);

                        if (i == collections.Count - 1)
                            last = current.Count - 1;
                            last = first;
                            for (int j = first + 1; j < current.Count; j++)
                                DateTimeOffset endDate = current.DataCollection[j].Time;

                                int collectionIndex = indexOfMaxVolume(collections, i, endDate);

                                if (collectionIndex == -1)
                                    endDate = current.DataCollection[j - 1].Time;
                                    if (indexOfMaxVolume(collections, i, endDate) == i)
                                        last = j - 1;

                                if (i != collectionIndex)
                                    last = j;

                        startDate = current.DataCollection[last].Time;
                        indexDict.Add(i, new int[] { first, last });

                List <double> multipliers = new List <double>()
                List <double> deltas = new List <double>()
                List <double> adjustments = new List <double>()
                double folds = 1, multiplier = 1, dif = 0;
                bool   multiplyNeeded = false;

                List <int> collectionIndices = indexDict.Keys.ToList();
                for (int i = 1; i < collectionIndices.Count; i++)
                    int   currentIndex = collectionIndices[i];
                    int   lastIndex    = collectionIndices[i - 1];
                    Quote quoteEnd     = collections[lastIndex].DataCollection[indexDict[lastIndex][1]];
                    Quote quoteStart   = collections[currentIndex].DataCollection[indexDict[currentIndex][0]];

                    double around = quoteEnd.Close / quoteStart.Close;

                    if (around > 10 || around < 0.1)
                        double x = Math.Log10(around);
                        folds          = Math.Pow(10, Math.Round(x));
                        multiplyNeeded = true;
                        folds = 1;

                    multiplier *= folds;

                    if (folds != 1)
                        dif = Math.Round((quoteEnd.Close - quoteStart.Close * folds) / Commodity.MinTick) * Commodity.MinTick;
                        dif = Math.Round(((quoteEnd.Close - quoteStart.Close) * multiplier) / Commodity.MinTick) * Commodity.MinTick;


                if (flag == GroupingFlag.BackwardCompatible)
                    for (int i = 1; i < deltas.Count; i++)
                        //factor *= multipliers[i];
                        double adj = Math.Round(deltas[i] + adjustments[i - 1], 4);
                else if (flag == GroupingFlag.ForewardCompatible)
                    for (int i = deltas.Count - 2; i >= 0; i--)
                        //factor *= multipliers[i];
                        double adj = Math.Round(adjustments[0] - deltas[i + 1], 4);
                        adjustments.Insert(0, adj);
                    for (int i = 0; i < collections.Count; i++)
                        adjustments.Insert(0, 0);

                List <Quote> continuous = new List <Quote>();

                if (multiplyNeeded)
                    int j = 0;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int[]> kvp in indexDict)
                        QuoteCollection current = collections[kvp.Key];
                        double          divisor = multipliers[j];
                        double          delta   = adjustments[j++];

                        for (int i = kvp.Value[0]; i < kvp.Value[1]; i++)
                            continuous.Add(new Quote(current.DataCollection[i], delta, divisor));
                        Console.WriteLine("For {0} to {1}, delta = {2}, divisor={3}",
                                          current.DataCollection[kvp.Value[0]].Time, current.DataCollection[kvp.Value[1]].Time, delta, divisor);
                    int j = 0;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int[]> kvp in indexDict)
                        QuoteCollection current = collections[kvp.Key];
                        double          delta   = adjustments[j++];

                        for (int i = kvp.Value[0]; i < kvp.Value[1]; i++)
                            continuous.Add(new Quote(current.DataCollection[i], delta));
                        Console.WriteLine("For {0} to {1}, delta = {2}", current.DataCollection[kvp.Value[0]].Time, current.DataCollection[kvp.Value[1]].Time, delta);

                string name = string.Format("{0}{1}", Commodity.Description, flag);
                return(new QuoteCollection(name, "", RecordType.DayRecord, continuous));

                //string name = string.Format("{0}{1}", Commodity.Description, flag);
                //return new QuoteCollection(name, "", RecordType.DayRecord, continuous);

                //List<List<Quote>> recordSet = new List<List<Quote>>();
                //List<double> deltas = new List<double>() {0};
                //List<double> multipliers = new List<double>() { 1 };
                //List<double> adjustments = new List<double>(){0};
                //bool multiplyNeeded = false;
                //bool bypassNext = false;

                //DateTimeOffset firstDay = collections[0].Since;

                //double factor = 1;
                //for ( int i = 0; i < collections.Count-1; i ++)
                //    if (bypassNext)
                //    {
                //        recordSet.Add(new List<Quote>());
                //        multipliers.Add(1);
                //        deltas.Add(0);
                //        bypassNext = false;
                //        continue;
                //    }

                //    QuoteCollection collection = collections[i];
                //    QuoteCollection nextCollection = collections[i + 1];

                //    DateTimeOffset end = collection.Until;
                //    DateTimeOffset nextStart = (i == collections.Count-1) ? DateTimeOffset.MaxValue : nextCollection.Since;

                //    if (i < collections.Count-2 && nextStart > end && collections[i+2].Since < end)
                //    {
                //        bypassNext = true;
                //        nextCollection = collections[i + 2];
                //        nextStart =(i == collections.Count-3) ? DateTimeOffset.MaxValue : nextCollection.Since;
                //    }

                //    DateTimeOffset last = (nextStart > end) ? end : (nextStart < end.AddDays(-DaysForRollover) ? end.AddDays(-DaysForRollover) : nextStart);

                //    double temp = firstDay.UtcDateTime.ToOADate();
                //    int firstIndex = collection.QuoteOADates.FindIndex(x => x >= temp);
                //    temp = last.UtcDateTime.ToOADate();
                //    int lastIndex = last >= end ? collection.Count -1 : collection.QuoteOADates.FindIndex(x => x >= temp);
                //    List<Quote> conceredQuotes = new List<Quote>();

                //    for (int j = firstIndex; j < lastIndex; j ++ )
                //    {
                //        conceredQuotes.Add(collection.DataCollection[j]);
                //    }

                //    double dif = 0, folds = 1;

                //    Quote theOldLast = collection.DataCollection[lastIndex];
                //    Quote theNextCorrespondent = collections[i + 1][theOldLast.Time];

                //    if (theNextCorrespondent == null)
                //    {
                //        theNextCorrespondent = collections[i + 1][theOldLast.Time.AddDays(1)];

                //        if (theNextCorrespondent == null)
                //            theNextCorrespondent = collections[i + 1][theOldLast.Time.AddDays(2)];
                //    }

                //    double around = theOldLast.Close / theNextCorrespondent.Close;

                //    if (around > 10 || around < 0.1)
                //    {
                //        //double magNew = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(theNextCorrespondent.Close));
                //        //double magOld = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(theOldLast.Close));
                //        //folds = Math.Pow(10, magNew - magOld);
                //        double x = Math.Log10(around);
                //        folds = Math.Pow(10, Math.Round(x));
                //        multiplyNeeded = true;
                //    }

                //    factor *= folds;
                //    multipliers.Add(factor);

                //    if (flag != GroupingFlag.AsIs && i != collections.Count - 1)
                //    {
                //        if (folds != 1)
                //            dif = Math.Round((theOldLast.Close - theNextCorrespondent.Close*folds) / Commodity.MinTick) * Commodity.MinTick;
                //        else
                //            dif = Math.Round(((theOldLast.Close - theNextCorrespondent.Close )* factor) / Commodity.MinTick) * Commodity.MinTick;
                //    }

                //    deltas.Add(dif);

                //    recordSet.Add(conceredQuotes);

                //    if (conceredQuotes.Count != 0)
                //        Console.WriteLine("Append records between {0} and {1}, from {2}, delta = {3}",
                //        collection.DataCollection[firstIndex].Time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), collection.DataCollection[lastIndex - 1].Time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), collection.Name, dif);
                //    else
                //        Console.WriteLine("No records appended!");

                //    firstDay = last;

                //if (flag == GroupingFlag.BackwardCompatible)
                //    for (int i = 1; i < deltas.Count; i++)
                //    {
                //        //factor *= multipliers[i];
                //        double adj = Math.Round(deltas[i] + adjustments[i - 1], 4);
                //        adjustments.Add(adj);
                //    }
                //else if (flag == GroupingFlag.ForewardCompatible)
                //    for (int i = collections.Count - 2; i >= 0; i--)
                //    {
                //        //factor *= multipliers[i];
                //        double adj = Math.Round(adjustments[0]  - deltas[i + 1], 4);
                //        adjustments.Insert(0, adj);
                //    }
                //    for (int i = 0; i < collections.Count; i ++ )
                //    {
                //        adjustments.Insert(0, 0);
                //    }

                //List<Quote> continuous = new List<Quote>();

                //if (multiplyNeeded)
                //    int multiplyFrom = multipliers.FindIndex(x => x != 1);

                //    for (int index = 0; index < multiplyFrom; index++)
                //    {
                //        List<Quote> part = recordSet[index];
                //        double delta = adjustments[index];

                //        Console.WriteLine("For {0}, the adjustment = {1}", flag, delta);
                //        foreach (Quote record in part)
                //        {
                //            continuous.Add(new Quote(record, delta));
                //        }
                //    }

                //    for (int index = multiplyFrom; index < recordSet.Count; index++)
                //    {
                //        List<Quote> part = recordSet[index];
                //        double delta = adjustments[index];
                //        double divisor =multipliers[multiplyFrom];

                //        Console.WriteLine("For {0}, the adjustment = {1}, divided by {2}", flag, delta, divisor);
                //        foreach (Quote record in part)
                //        {
                //            continuous.Add(new Quote(record, delta, divisor));
                //        }
                //    }

                //    for (int index = 0; index < recordSet.Count; index++)
                //    {
                //        List<Quote> part = recordSet[index];
                //        double delta = adjustments[index];

                //        Console.WriteLine("For {0}, the adjustment = {1}", flag, delta);
                //        foreach (Quote record in part)
                //        {
                //            continuous.Add(new Quote(record, delta));
                //        }
                //    }