public ExcelDataItem(ExcelDataConfig config, int id, string header) { this.config = config; = id; this.header = header; this.items = new Dictionary <KeyValuePair <int, string>, ExcelDataItem>(); }
public SearchResult(ExcelDataConfig config, List <string> dataList) { this.config = config; this.itemName = dataList[EXCEL_DATA.ID.ToInt()] + "_" + dataList[EXCEL_DATA.ID.ToInt()]; this.excelDataList = dataList; }
public void ReadExcel2Templ(TableUnitConfig table, string path, string configAlias) { Workbook wb; try { wb = new Workbook(path); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataException(ERROR_CODE.OPEN_EXCEL_FAILED_WHEN_READ_EXCEL, string.Format("excel read failed:alias={0},path={1},error={2}", table.alias, path, e.Message)); } var st = wb.Worksheets[table.alias]; if (st == null) { throw new DataException(ERROR_CODE.LACK_EXCEL_SHEET, string.Format("excel do not have {0} sheet,path={1}", table.alias, path)); } var sectionList = table.GetExcelTitles(); if (sectionList.Count <= ExcelConfig.Instance.defaultTitles.Count) { throw new DataException(ERROR_CODE.EXCEL_TITLES_NO_DATA, string.Format("excel titles no data:alias={0},path={1}", table.alias, path)); } var data = new ExcelDataConfig(table.alias, configAlias); for (int i = 0; i < sectionList.Count; ++i) { var colIndex = i + 1; var section = sectionList[i]; var cell = st.Cells[ExcelConst.TITLE_ROW, colIndex]; if (cell == null || cell.Value.ToString() != section.title) { throw new DataException(ERROR_CODE.EXCEL_TITLE_NOT_MATCH_DEFINE, string.Format("excel title not match define:alias={0},path={1},columnIndex={2}", table.alias, path, colIndex + 1)); } //加入标题信息 data.titles.Add(new ExcelDataTitleConfig() { alias = section.title, type = section.typeAlias }); } for (int row = ExcelConst.TITLE_ROW + 1; row < st.Cells.MaxDataRow; ++row) { var idCell = st.Cells[row, 1]; if (idCell == null || !int.TryParse(idCell.Value.ToString(), out int id)) { throw new DataException(ERROR_CODE.EXCEL_DATA_ID_INVALID, string.Format("excel id invalid:alias={0},path={1},rowIndex={2}", table.alias, path, row + 1)); } var lineData = new List <string>(); for (int col = 0; col < sectionList.Count; ++col) { var realCol = col + 1; var cell = st.Cells[row, realCol]; var cellValue = cell == null ? string.Empty : cell.Value.ToString(); lineData.Add(cellValue); }[id] = lineData; } string templInfoPath = TableGlobalConfig.Instance.tableTemplDataPath + + ".lua"; try { data.WriteToFile(templInfoPath); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataException(ERROR_CODE.EXCEL_INFO_WRITE_TO_FILE_FAILED, string.Format("excel info write to tempinfo file failed:alias={0},path={1},templInfoPath={2},error=[{3}]", table.alias, path, templInfoPath, e.Message)); } }