public FilterContext(DataFilter owner, Resultset source, Object filterPredicate, QueryContext queryContext, Object[] parameters) : base(owner, source, queryContext, parameters) { _source = source; _compiledBody = new FunctionLink(); List<ColumnBinding> bindings = new List<ColumnBinding>(); ExpressionTransformer transformer = new ExpressionTransformer(bindings); foreach (RowType.TypeInfo ti in source.RowType.Fields) foreach (RowType.TypeInfo nested_ti in ti.NestedType.Fields) if (!nested_ti.IsHidden) { ColumnBinding b = new ColumnBinding(); b.typecode = Type.GetTypeCode(nested_ti.DataType); b.rnum = ti.Ordinal; b.TableName = ti.Name; b.Name = nested_ti.Name; b.fieldType = nested_ti; b.natural = nested_ti.IsNatural; b.container = nested_ti.IsContainer; b.caseSensitive = nested_ti.IsCaseSensitive; = new SymbolLink(nested_ti.DataType); bindings.Add(b); if (nested_ti.IsContainer) transformer.NeedTransform = true; } LispExecutive.Enter(_resolver = new DataResolver(new Binder(bindings))); if (transformer.NeedTransform) _filterPredicate = transformer.Process(filterPredicate); else _filterPredicate = filterPredicate; }
public QueryContext(QueryContext owner, bool allowCorrelation) { this.owner = owner; this.allowCorrelation = allowCorrelation; tables = new List<string>(); bindings = new List<Binding>(); }
private void ProcessQueryExp(Notation notation, Symbol qexpr, QueryContext context) { Notation.Record[] recs = notation.Select(qexpr, new Descriptor[] { Descriptor.Union, Descriptor.Except }, 2); if (recs.Length > 0) { ProcessQueryExp(notation, recs[0].Arg0, context); ProcessQueryTerm(notation, recs[0].Arg1, context); } else ProcessQueryTerm(notation, qexpr, context); ConfirmBindings(notation, qexpr, context); }
public SelectorContext(DataSelector owner, bool distinct, Column[] columns, DataResolver resolver, Resultset source, QueryContext queryContext, object[] parameters, FunctionLink[] compiledBody) : base(owner, source, queryContext, parameters) { _columns = columns; _source = source; _resolver = resolver; _topRows = owner.TopRows; _compiledBody = compiledBody; RowNum = 1; if (distinct) _distinctSet = new HashSet<Row>(new RowEqualityComparer()); LispExecutive.Enter(resolver); }
public void OpenQuery(string queryText, string baseUri) { MainWindow mainWindow = (MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow; DataSourceTreeController dsController = mainWindow.DatasourceController; DocumentController docController = mainWindow.Controller; context = null; if (reader != null) reader.Close(); command = new Command(dsController.Dictionary); string searchPath = docController.SearchPath; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(baseUri) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchPath)) searchPath = baseUri + ";" + searchPath; command.SearchPath = searchPath; command.CommandText = queryText; command.BeforeExecute += new QueryExecuteDelegate(command_BeforeExecute); }
public override Resultset Get(QueryContext queryContext, object[] parameters) { Resultset source = ChildNodes[0].Get(queryContext, parameters); RowType.Locator[] locator = new RowType.Locator[_columns.Length]; int[] way = new int[_columns.Length]; Binder binder = new Binder(source); for (int k = 0; k < _columns.Length; k++) { Column col = _columns[k]; locator[k] = col.Name is String ? binder.GetLocator((string)col.Name) : binder.GetLocator(((int)col.Name) - 1); way[k] = col.Direction == SortDirection.Descending ? -1 : 1; } return new Resultset(source.RowType, new SorterContext(source, new ComplexComparer(locator, way))); }
private void command_BeforeExecute(Command source, Notation notation, Optimizer optimizer, QueryContext context) { this.context = context; Notation.Record[] recs = notation.Select(Descriptor.Root, 1); if (recs.Length > 0) { Notation.Record[] recsd = notation.Select(recs[0].Arg0, Descriptor.Binding, 1); if (recsd.Length > 0) throw new ESQLException("Query parameters is not supported in XQueryConsole", null); } if (context.UseSampleData) { String path = Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "Data"); if (Directory.Exists(path)) context.DatabaseDictionary.SearchPath = path; } }
private void ProcessJoinedTable(Notation notation, Symbol sym, QueryContext context) { Notation.Record[] recs = notation.Select(sym, new Descriptor[] { Descriptor.CrossJoin, Descriptor.UnionJoin, Descriptor.NaturalJoin, Descriptor.QualifiedJoin, Descriptor.Branch }); switch (recs[0].descriptor) { case Descriptor.CrossJoin: ProcessTableRefSimple(notation, recs[0].Arg0, context); ProcessTableRef(notation, recs[0].Arg1, context); break; case Descriptor.UnionJoin: ProcessTableRefSimple(notation, recs[0].Arg0, context); ProcessTableRef(notation, recs[0].Arg1, context); break; case Descriptor.NaturalJoin: ProcessTableRefSimple(notation, recs[0].Arg0, context); ProcessTableRef(notation, recs[0].Arg1, context); break; case Descriptor.QualifiedJoin: ProcessTableRefSimple(notation, recs[0].Arg0, context); ProcessTableRef(notation, recs[0].Arg1, context); recs = notation.Select(sym, Descriptor.JoinSpec, 1); if (recs.Length > 0) ScanExpr(notation, recs[0].Arg0, context); break; case Descriptor.Branch: ProcessTableRef(notation, recs[0].Arg0, context); break; } }
public abstract Resultset Get(QueryContext queryContext, object[] parameters);
public QueryContext(QueryContext owner) : this(owner, true) { }
private void ProcessParameter(Notation notation, ref object arg, QueryContext context) { Parameter param = (Parameter)arg; Stack<Binding> bindings = new Stack<Binding>(); object src = null; for (QueryContext curr = context; curr != null; curr = curr.owner) { src = null; for (int k = 0; k < curr.bindings.Count; k++) if (param.Equals(curr.bindings[k].target)) { src = curr.bindings[k].placeholder; break; } Binding b; if (src == null) { b = new Binding(); = param; b.placeholder = curr.CreatePlaceholder(); bindings.Push(b); curr.bindings.Add(b); } else break; } while (bindings.Count > 0) { Binding b = bindings.Pop(); b.src = src; src = b.placeholder; } arg = src; }
private void ProcessQualifiedName(Notation notation, ref object arg, QueryContext context) { Qname qname = (Qname)arg; if (qname.Qualifier != null) { Stack<Binding> bindings = new Stack<Binding>(); for (QueryContext curr = context; curr != null; curr = curr.owner) { object src = null; if (curr.tables.Contains(qname.Qualifier)) src = qname; else for (int k = 0; k < curr.bindings.Count; k++) if (qname.Equals(curr.bindings[k].target)) { src = curr.bindings[k].placeholder; break; } Binding b; if (src == null) { b = new Binding(); = qname; b.placeholder = curr.CreatePlaceholder(); bindings.Push(b); curr.bindings.Add(b); } else { while (bindings.Count > 0) { b = bindings.Pop(); b.src = src; src = b.placeholder; } arg = src; return; } if (!curr.allowCorrelation) break; } throw new ESQLException(Properties.Resources.InvalidIdentifier, qname); } }
public LispProcessingContext(QueryNode node, Resultset[] src, QueryContext queryContext, Object[] parameters) : base(src) { _node = node; _parameters = parameters; _queryContext = queryContext; _executive = queryContext.CreateExecutive(this); }
private void ProcessQueryTerm(Notation notation, Symbol qterm, QueryContext context) { Notation.Record[] recs = notation.Select(qterm, Descriptor.Intersect, 2); if (recs.Length > 0) { ProcessQueryTerm(notation, recs[0].Arg0, context); ProcessQueryTerm(notation, recs[0].Arg1, context); } else ProcessSimpleTable(notation, qterm, context); }
private void ProcessSimpleTable(Notation notation, Symbol sym, QueryContext context) { if (sym.Tag == Tag.SQuery) ProcessQuerySpec(notation, sym, context); }
private void ProcessTableRefSimple(Notation notation, Symbol sym, QueryContext context) { if (sym.Tag != Tag.Qname) { Notation.Record[] recs = notation.Select(sym, Descriptor.Dynatable, 1); if (recs.Length > 0) ScanExpr(notation, recs[0].Arg0, context); else ProcessQueryExp(notation, sym, new QueryContext(context, true)); } }
private void ProcessTableRef(Notation notation, Symbol sym, QueryContext context) { if (sym.Tag == Tag.Join) ProcessJoinedTable(notation, sym, context); else ProcessTableRefSimple(notation, sym, context); }
private void ProcessFromClause(Notation notation, Symbol sym, QueryContext context) { Notation.Record[] recs = notation.Select(sym, Descriptor.From, 1); if (recs.Length > 0) { Symbol[] arr = Lisp.ToArray<Symbol>(recs[0].args[0]); for (int k = 0; k < arr.Length; k++) ProcessTableRef(notation, arr[k], context); } }
private void ProcessSelectList(Notation notation, Symbol sym, QueryContext context) { Notation.Record[] recs = notation.Select(sym, new Descriptor[] { Descriptor.Select }); if (recs.Length > 0 && recs[0].args.Length != 0) ScanRecord(notation, recs[0], context); }
private void ProcessQuerySpec(Notation notation, Symbol sym, QueryContext context) { context.tables.Clear(); TableAnalyzer analyzer = new TableAnalyzer(notation); analyzer.WalkFromClause(sym); foreach (String name in analyzer.Tables) context.tables.Add(name); ProcessSelectList(notation, sym, context); ProcessFromClause(notation, sym, context); ProcessWhereClause(notation, sym, context); ProcessHavingClause(notation, sym, context); }
public override Resultset Get(QueryContext queryContext, object[] parameters) { // Prepare bindings Resultset source = ChildNodes[0].Get(queryContext, parameters); List<ColumnBinding> bindings = new List<ColumnBinding>(); ExpressionTransformer transformer = new ExpressionTransformer(bindings); foreach (RowType.TypeInfo ti in source.RowType.Fields) foreach (RowType.TypeInfo nested_ti in ti.NestedType.Fields) if (!nested_ti.IsHidden && nested_ti.IsNatural) { ColumnBinding b = new ColumnBinding(); b.typecode = Type.GetTypeCode(nested_ti.DataType); b.rnum = ti.Ordinal; b.TableName = ti.Name; b.Name = nested_ti.Name; b.fieldType = nested_ti; b.natural = nested_ti.IsNatural; b.container = nested_ti.IsContainer; b.caseSensitive = nested_ti.IsCaseSensitive; = new SymbolLink(nested_ti.DataType); bindings.Add(b); if (nested_ti.IsContainer) transformer.NeedTransform = true; } foreach (RowType.TypeInfo ti in source.RowType.Fields) foreach (RowType.TypeInfo nested_ti in ti.NestedType.Fields) if (!nested_ti.IsHidden && !nested_ti.IsNatural) { ColumnBinding b = new ColumnBinding(); b.typecode = Type.GetTypeCode(nested_ti.DataType); b.rnum = ti.Ordinal; b.TableName = ti.Name; b.Name = nested_ti.Name; b.fieldType = nested_ti; b.natural = nested_ti.IsNatural; b.container = nested_ti.IsContainer; b.caseSensitive = nested_ti.IsCaseSensitive; = new SymbolLink(nested_ti.DataType); bindings.Add(b); if (nested_ti.IsContainer) transformer.NeedTransform = true; } // Expand columns. // On this step we transform select table.* and select * to select field1,... List<Column> columns = new List<Column>(); if (_targets == null) // Select fields from all selected tables { foreach (ColumnBinding b in bindings) columns.Add(new Column(ATOM.Create(null, new string[] { b.TableName, b.Name }, false))); } else foreach (Column col in _targets) { if (Lisp.IsFunctor(col.Expr, Table)) // Select fields from specified table { bool found = false; String name = (String)Lisp.Second(col.Expr); var tableBindings = from b in bindings where b.TableName == name select b; foreach (ColumnBinding b in tableBindings) { columns.Add(new Column(ATOM.Create(null, new string[] { b.TableName, b.Name }, false))); found = true; } if (!found) throw new ESQLException(Properties.Resources.InvalidIdentifier, name); } else // Select expression specified if (transformer.NeedTransform) { Column c = new Column(); c.Alias = col.Alias; c.Expr = transformer.Process(col.Expr); columns.Add(c); } else columns.Add(col); } // Create demand context FunctionLink[] compiledBody = new FunctionLink[columns.Count]; SelectorResolver resolver = new SelectorResolver(new Binder(bindings)); SelectorContext context = new SelectorContext(this, _distinct, columns.ToArray(), resolver, source, queryContext, parameters, compiledBody); // Create columns type info and generate unique column names by field name and alias RowType.TypeInfo[] fields = new RowType.TypeInfo[columns.Count]; List<String> fieldNames = new List<string>(); int p = 1; for (int k = 0; k < fields.Length; k++) { String name; RowType.TypeInfo fieldType = null; object expr = columns[k].Expr; compiledBody[k] = new FunctionLink(); Type resType = context.LispExecutive.Compile(null, expr, compiledBody[k]); if (Lisp.IsAtom(expr)) { ColumnBinding b = resolver.GetBinding(expr); if (b != null) fieldType = b.fieldType; } else if (Lisp.IsNode(expr) && expr is String) { fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(String), TypeConverter.GetValueSize(expr)); } else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ParamRef)) { object value = parameters[(int)Lisp.Arg1(expr)]; fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, value.GetType(), TypeConverter.GetValueSize(value)); } else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ToString)) { if (Lisp.Length(expr) == 3) fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(String), (int)Lisp.Arg2(expr)); else fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(String), 0); } else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ToInt16)) fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(Int16), 0); else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ToInt32)) fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(Int32), 0); else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ToInt64)) fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(Int64), 0); else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ToSingle)) fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(Single), 0); else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ToDouble)) fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(Double), 0); else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ToDecimal)) fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(Decimal), 0); else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ToDateTime)) fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(DateTime), 0); else fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, resType, 0); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(columns[k].Alias)) name = columns[k].Alias; else if (fieldType.Name == null) name = String.Format("Expr{0}", p++); else name = fieldType.Name; fields[k] = new RowType.TypeInfo(k, Util.CreateUniqueName(fieldNames, name), fieldType); } ScanDynatableAccessors(ChildNodes[0], resolver); return new Resultset(new RowType(fields), context); }
private void ProcessHavingClause(Notation notation, Symbol sym, QueryContext context) { Notation.Record[] recs = notation.Select(sym, Descriptor.Having, 1); if (recs.Length > 0) ScanExpr(notation, recs[0].Arg0, context); }
private void ScanExpr(Notation notation, Symbol sym, QueryContext context) { if (sym.Tag == Tag.SQuery) ProcessQueryExp(notation, sym, new QueryContext(context)); else foreach (Notation.Record rec in notation.Select()) if (rec.sym == sym) ScanRecord(notation, rec, context); }
private void ScanRecord(Notation notation, Notation.Record rec, QueryContext context) { for (int k = 0; k < rec.args.Length; k++) { object arg = rec.args[k]; if (Lisp.IsNode(arg)) { if (arg is Parameter) ProcessParameter(notation, ref rec.args[k], context); else if (arg is Qname) { if (!IsServerQuery) ProcessQualifiedName(notation, ref rec.args[k], context); } else if (arg is Symbol) ScanExpr(notation, (Symbol)arg, context); } else for (object curr = arg; curr != null; curr = Lisp.Cdr(curr)) { object item = Lisp.Car(curr); if (item is Parameter) { ProcessParameter(notation, ref item, context); Lisp.Rplaca(curr, item); } else if (item is Qname) { if (!IsServerQuery) { ProcessQualifiedName(notation, ref item, context); Lisp.Rplaca(curr, item); } } else if (item is Symbol) ScanExpr(notation, (Symbol)item, context); } } }
public void CloseQuery() { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); reader = null; command = null; context = null; } }
private void ConfirmBindings(Notation notation, Symbol qexpr, QueryContext context) { if (context.bindings.Count > 0) { Symbol[] bindings = new Symbol[context.bindings.Count]; for (int k = 0; k < bindings.Length; k++) { bindings[k] = new Symbol(Tag.Binding); if (context.bindings[k].src == null) notation.Confirm(bindings[k], Descriptor.Link, context.bindings[k].target); else notation.Confirm(bindings[k], Descriptor.Link, context.bindings[k].src); } notation.Confirm(qexpr, Descriptor.Binding, Lisp.List(bindings)); } }
public override Resultset Get(QueryContext queryContext, object[] parameters) { if (ChildNodes.Count < 1) throw new InvalidOperationException(); Resultset rs = ChildNodes[0].Get(queryContext, parameters); FilterContext context = new FilterContext(this, rs, FilterPredicate, queryContext, parameters); return new Resultset(rs.RowType, context); }
public LispProcessingContext(QueryNode node, Resultset src, QueryContext queryContext, Object[] parameters) : this(node, new Resultset[] { src }, queryContext, parameters) { }