private CollectionMongo generateVariableYear(string name) { //one collection per variable CollectionMongo cm = new CollectionMongo(); = name; //loop all hours in 8760 add a new RecordMongo int[] daysInMonths = new int[] { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; int month = 0; int year = 2001; foreach (int m in daysInMonths) { month++; for (int d = 1; d <= m; d++) { for (int h = 0; h < 24; h++) { RecordMongo rm = new RecordMongo(); DateTime dt = new DateTime(year, month, d, h, 0, 0); rm.value = -999.9; rm.time = dt; rm.processNote = "ccSyntheticYear"; cm.records.Add(rm); } } } return(cm); }
private void addValuesToSynthYear(List <RecordMongo> candidateDay, ref CollectionMongo variableRecords, int doy, string vcode) { try { //assign to synthetic year List <RecordMongo> synthDay = variableRecords.records.FindAll(x => x.time.DayOfYear == doy); if (synthDay.Count > 0) { foreach (RecordMongo cm in candidateDay) { double value = cm.value; RecordMongo synthRecordForUpdate = synthDay.Find(x => x.time.Hour == cm.time.Hour); synthRecordForUpdate.value = value; } } } catch (Exception e) { this.addLineToLogFile("WARN: " + vcode + " error adding cdf day on day of year: " + doy); } }
private void addRecord(RecordMongo rm, string cName) { var cm = newCleanData.Find(x => == cName); cm.records.Add(rm); }
private async Task selectDayOfYearCDF(string vcode, SyntheticYear synthYear, List <IMongoCollection <RecordMongo> > stationData) { var v = synthYear.variables.Find(x => == vcode); var builder = Builders <RecordMongo> .Filter; string[] pieces; VariableMeta vm; List <int> missingDays = new List <int>(); List <List <RecordMongo> > possDayValues; //find collections with current variable List <IMongoCollection <RecordMongo> > sourceStationData = new List <IMongoCollection <RecordMongo> >(); foreach (IMongoCollection <RecordMongo> sd in stationData) { pieces = sd.CollectionNamespace.CollectionName.Split('_'); if (pieces[4] == vcode) { sourceStationData.Add(sd); } } for (int doy = 1; doy < 366; doy++) { //each day will have several canadidate days sourced from each collection of same variable possDayValues = new List <List <RecordMongo> >(); foreach (IMongoCollection <RecordMongo> sd in sourceStationData) { pieces = sd.CollectionNamespace.CollectionName.Split('_'); string source = pieces[2]; if (source.Contains("NOAA")) { source = "NOAA"; } else { source = "IDEAM"; } vm = AnnualSummary.getVariableMetaFromDB(vcode, source, db); var project = BsonDocument.Parse( "{value: '$value',time:'$time',dayOfYear: {$dayOfYear: '$time'},year: {$year: '$time'}}"); try { //.Match(BsonDocument.Parse("{'dayOfYear' : {$eq : " + doy.ToString() + "}}")) var aggregationDocument = sd.Aggregate() .Unwind("value") .Project(project) .Match(BsonDocument.Parse("{$and:[" + "{'dayOfYear' : {$eq : " + doy.ToString() + "}}" + ",{'value':{$lte:" + vm.max.ToString() + " }}" + ",{'value':{$gte:" + vm.min.ToString() + "}}]}")) .ToList(); IEnumerable <IGrouping <int, BsonDocument> > query = aggregationDocument.GroupBy( doc => doc.GetValue("year").ToInt32(), doc => doc); foreach (IGrouping <int, BsonDocument> yearDayGroup in query) { var year = yearDayGroup.Key; var hours = yearDayGroup.Count(); //one group per day per year count should be 24 //but many noaa data are sometimes day time only 6-6 12 readings if (hours >= 12) { List <RecordMongo> dayValues = new List <RecordMongo>(); foreach (BsonDocument name in yearDayGroup) { RecordMongo rm = new RecordMongo(); double value = name.GetValue("value").ToDouble(); //check nub and HRs are in the right range if (vcode == "HR" && value <= 1) { value = value * 100; } if (vcode == "NUB") { //noaa's cloud is oktas if (value == 9) { value = 10; } else { value = (int)(value / 8.0 * 10); } } rm.value = value; rm.time = name.GetValue("time").ToLocalTime(); dayValues.Add(rm); } possDayValues.Add(dayValues); } } } catch (Exception e) { this.addLineToLogFile("WARN: " + + vcode + " error finding cdf day at day of year: " + doy); } } if (possDayValues.Count > 0) { List <RecordMongo> dayToInsert = typicalDay(possDayValues, vcode); addValuesToSynthYear(dayToInsert, ref v, doy, vcode); } else { //no possible days found empty day missingDays.Add(doy); } } if (missingDays.Count > 0) { fillMissingDays(missingDays); } //fill missing days }
public void insertManyRecord(string collectionName, string file, char split) { var collection = db.GetCollection <RecordMongo>(collectionName); var listOfDocuments = new List <RecordMongo>(); var limitAtOnce = 1000; var current = 0; StreamReader read = new StreamReader(file); string line = read.ReadLine(); string[] prts; DateTime dt = new DateTime(); while (line != null) { prts = line.Split(split); if (!DateTime.TryParse(prts[1], out dt)) { var b = 0; } var dataToInsert = new RecordMongo { stationCode = Convert.ToInt32(prts[0]), time = dt, value = Convert.ToDouble(prts[2]) }; if (collectionName.Contains("NOAA")) { //noaa uses UTC so this subtracts 5 hours to bogota dataToInsert.time = dataToInsert.time.ToLocalTime(); } else { if (collectionName.Contains("variable")) { //ideams date stamp is local -5!!!! dataToInsert.time = dataToInsert.time.AddHours(5); //set as local dataToInsert.time = DateTime.SpecifyKind(dataToInsert.time, DateTimeKind.Local); } else { dataToInsert.time = DateTime.SpecifyKind(dataToInsert.time, DateTimeKind.Local); } } listOfDocuments.Add(dataToInsert); if (++current == limitAtOnce) { current = 0; var listToInsert = listOfDocuments; var t = new Task(() => { collection.InsertManyAsync(listToInsert); }); t.Start(); listOfDocuments = new List <RecordMongo>(); } line = read.ReadLine(); } // insert remainder //await collection.InsertManyAsync(listOfDocuments); var f = new Task(() => { collection.InsertManyAsync(listOfDocuments); }); f.Start(); read.Close(); }
public async Task sortByDateAndAverage(int scode, string collname, VariableMeta vm, string newcollectionname) { IMongoCollection <RecordMongo> collection = db.GetCollection <RecordMongo>(collname); var filter = FilterDefinition <RecordMongo> .Empty; var sorter = Builders <RecordMongo> .Sort.Ascending("time"); FindOptions <RecordMongo> options = new FindOptions <RecordMongo> { BatchSize = 500, NoCursorTimeout = false, Sort = sorter }; DateTime currentHour = new DateTime(); bool firstrecord = true; using (IAsyncCursor <RecordMongo> cursor = await collection.FindAsync(filter, options)) { double hourtotal = 0; int recordsPerHr = 0; while (await cursor.MoveNextAsync()) { IEnumerable <RecordMongo> batch = cursor.Current; foreach (RecordMongo rm in batch) { //only if the value is in range if (rm.value > vm.min && rm.value < vm.max) { if (firstrecord) { currentHour = rm.time; firstrecord = false; } if (rm.time.DayOfYear == currentHour.DayOfYear && rm.time.Hour == currentHour.Hour) { recordsPerHr++; hourtotal += rm.value; } else { //make a new record and add to the list RecordMongo avrm = new RecordMongo(); avrm.processNote = "averaged from 10min readings"; avrm.stationCode = scode; avrm.time = new DateTime(currentHour.Year, currentHour.Month, currentHour.Day, currentHour.Hour, 0, 0); avrm.value = hourtotal / recordsPerHr; if (!Double.IsNaN(avrm.value)) { addRecord(avrm, newcollectionname); } //reset the counter and total recordsPerHr = 0; hourtotal = 0; //set the new hour currentHour = rm.time; } } } } } }