public void Add(Card c, int idList, int idBoard) { c.IdBoard = idBoard; c.IdList = idList; c.Id = _cid; _repo.Add(_cid++, c); }
public CardArchive(Card c) : base("Card Archive - " + c.IdArchive.ToString(), H1(Text("Card: " + c.Name)), H2(Text("Description: ")), P(Text(c.Description)), P(Text("Creation date: " + c.CreationDate)), P(Text("Conclusion Date: " + c.ConclusionLimitDate)), P(), A("http://localhost:8080/boards/" + c.IdBoard, "Back to Board Viewer"), P(), A(ResolveUri.ForBoards(), "Back to Boards Manager")) { }
public CardView(Card c) : base("CARD - " + c.Id.ToString() + " da lista - " + c.IdList.ToString() + " do board - " + c.IdBoard.ToString(), H1(Text("Card: " + c.Name)), H2(Text("Description: ")), P(Text(c.Description)), P(Text("Creation date: " + c.CreationDate)), P(Text("Conclusion Date: " + c.ConclusionLimitDate)), P(), A("http://localhost:8080/boards/" + c.IdBoard + "/lists/"+ c.IdList, "Back to List Viewer"), P(), A("http://localhost:8080/boards/" + c.IdBoard, "Back to Board Viewer"), P(), A(ResolveUri.ForBoards(), "Back to Boards Manager"), H2(Text("Add/Change Description")), Form("post", "/boards/" + c.IdBoard + "/lists/" + c.IdList + "/cards/" +c.Id, Label("changeDesc", "Description: "),InputText("changeDesc") ), H2(Form("post", "/boards/" + c.IdBoard + "/lists/" + c.IdList + "/cards/" + c.Id +"/setlimit", Label("cDate", "Conclusion Date Limit (dd-mm-aaaa hh:mm:ss): "),InputText ("cDate") )), H2(Form("post", "/boards/" + c.IdBoard + "/lists/" + c.IdList + "/cards/" + c.Id +"/delete", InputSubmit("Remove Card") )), H2( Form("post", "/boards/" + c.IdBoard + "/lists/" + c.IdList + "/cards/" + c.Id +"/archive", InputSubmit("Arquivar"))), H2( Form("post", "/boards/" + c.IdBoard + "/lists/" + c.IdList + "/cards/" + c.Id + "/up", InputSubmit("Move Up") )), H2( Form("post", "/boards/" + c.IdBoard + "/lists/" + c.IdList + "/cards/" + c.Id + "/down", InputSubmit("Mode Down") )), H2(Form("post", "/boards/" + c.IdBoard + "/lists/" + c.IdList + "/cards/" + c.Id + "/changeList", Label("cDate", "Write the name of destination List: "), InputText("dListName") ))) { }
public void Remove(Card c) { _repo.Remove(c.IdArchive); }
public void Add(Card c) { c.IdArchive = _cid; _repo.Add(_cid++, c); }
// iv - 2012.11.11 public void Add(string name, int idList, int idBoard) { Card c = new Card { Id = _cid, IdBoard = idBoard, IdList = idList, Name = name }; _repo.Add(_cid++, c); }
//iv - 2012.11.11 /*public void Remove(int id) { if (_repo.Count > 0) { foreach (var card in _repo) { if (card.Value.Id == id) { _repo.Remove(card.Key); break; } } } }*/ // 2012.10.19 - João //remove a lista de um board public void Remove(Card c) { _repo.Remove(c.Id); }
public HttpResponseMessage CreateCard(NameValueCollection content, int id, int id2) { Board td = _repo.GetById(id); BList lst = _repoList.GetById(id2); var name = content["name"]; if (td == null || lst == null){ return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } if (name == null) { return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } var c = new Card { Name = name }; c.CreationDate = DateTime.Now; _repoCard.Add(c, id2, id); //; // adiciona a lista ao contentor de listas da board var resp = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.SeeOther); resp.Headers.Location = new Uri(ResolveUri.ForCard(c)); return resp; }
// dm - 2012.10.21 //novo metodo //permite mover a card uma posição para cima public static string MoveCardUp(Card c) { return string.Format("http://localhost:8080/boards/{0}/lists/{1}/cards/{2}/up", c.IdBoard, c.IdList, c.Id); }
// iv - 2012.10.20 // novo método // permite mostrar o cartão arquivado public static string ForArchiveCard(int IdBoard, Card c) { return string.Format("http://localhost:8080/boards/{0}/archive/{1}", IdBoard, c.IdArchive); }
// dm - 2012.10.22 //novo metodo //permite mover a card para a lista indicada public static string ChangeList(Card c) { return string.Format("http://localhost:8080/boards/{0}/lists/{1}/cards/{2}/changeList", c.IdBoard, c.IdList, c.Id); }
// iv - 2012.10.20 // novo método // permite arquivar o cartão public static string ArchiveCard(Card c) { return string.Format("http://localhost:8080/boards/{0}/lists/{1}/cards/{2}/archive", c.IdBoard, c.IdList, c.Id); }