public static void StartServer(DataHeader header, int port, out Parser parser) { NetworkDataSource dataSource = new NetworkDataSource(port, header); parser = new Parser(dataSource); parser.start(); }
public void GenerateHeader(string sheetName, string[] names, Unit[] units, string delimeter = ";") { DateTime start = DateTime.Now; string sampleInput = readLine(); readLine(); readLine(); DateTime end = DateTime.Now; float deltaTime = (float)(end - start).TotalSeconds / 3; int channelCount = sampleInput.Split(new[] { delimeter }, StringSplitOptions.None).Length; DataHeader header = new DataHeader(); header.Delimeter = delimeter; header.DeltaTime = deltaTime; header.Name = sheetName; header.SourceLocation = port.PortName; header.SourceType = DataSourceType.SERIAL; header.DataPoints = new DataPointDefinition[channelCount]; for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) { header.DataPoints[i] = new DataPointDefinition(); if (names != null && names.Length < i) { header.DataPoints[i].Name = names[i]; } if (units != null && units.Length < i) { header.DataPoints[i].Units = new Unit?(units[i]); } } }
public NetworkDataSource(int port, DataHeader header) { this.port = port; this.header = header; CreateSocket(); listenThread.Start(); recieveThread.Start(); }
public void DiffrentDelimeter() { Parser parser; DataHeader header = new DataHeader(); header.Delimeter = "&"; header.DeltaTime = .0f; header.Name = "testHeader"; header.SourceLocation = ""; header.SourceType = DataSourceType.NETWORK; header.DataPoints = new DataPointDefinition[2] { new DataPointDefinition() { Index = 0, Name = "test data point", Min = new FloatRange(0, true), Max = new FloatRange(10, true), Units = Lib.RandomEnumValue <Unit>(), X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0 }, new DataPointDefinition() { Index = 1, Name = "test data point", Min = new FloatRange(0, true), Max = new FloatRange(10, true), Units = Lib.RandomEnumValue <Unit>(), X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0 } }; Lib.StartServer(header, 3000, out parser); var connection = Lib.CreateConnectionSocket(3000); connection.Send(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{5}&{7}\n")); Thread.Sleep(25); parser.UpdateBeforeDraw(); Assert.IsNotNull(parser.currentInfo); Assert.IsNotNull(parser.currentInfo.values); Assert.AreEqual(2, parser.currentInfo.values.Length); Assert.AreEqual(0, parser.currentInfo.values[0].minValue); Assert.AreEqual(10, parser.currentInfo.values[0].maxValue); Assert.That(5, Is.EqualTo(parser.currentInfo.values[0].value).Within(.0001)); Assert.AreEqual(0, parser.currentInfo.values[1].minValue); Assert.AreEqual(10, parser.currentInfo.values[1].maxValue); Assert.That(7, Is.EqualTo(parser.currentInfo.values[1].value).Within(.0001)); parser.Dispose(); connection.Dispose(); }
public InternalDataHeader(DataHeader header) { this.DataPoints = new InternalDataPointDefinition[header.DataPoints.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.DataPoints.Length; i++) { this.DataPoints[i] = new InternalDataPointDefinition(header.DataPoints[i], (uint)i); } this.DataPoints = this.DataPoints.OrderBy(item => item.index).ToArray(); this.Name = header.Name; this.DeltaTime = header.DeltaTime ?? .2f; this.SourceType = header.SourceType; this.SourceLocation = header.SourceLocation; this.delimeter = String.IsNullOrEmpty(header.Delimeter) ? ";" : header.Delimeter; }
public FakeDataSource(string filename, DataHeader header) : base() { this.filename = filename; this.latency = (int)((header.DeltaTime ?? .2f) * 1000); this.header = header; TestFileReader = new Thread(new ThreadStart(BackgroundEnumlateFileRead)); TestFileReader.Start(); readLine(); readLine(); readLine(); readLine(); readLine(); readLine(); readLine(); }
public void MultiSend() { Parser parser; DataHeader header = new DataHeader(); header.Delimeter = ","; header.DeltaTime = .0f; header.Name = "testHeader"; header.SourceLocation = ""; header.SourceType = DataSourceType.NETWORK; header.DataPoints = new DataPointDefinition[50]; float[] values = new float[50]; Random rand = new Random(); string valueString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { header.DataPoints[i] = new DataPointDefinition(); header.DataPoints[i].Index = (uint?)i; header.DataPoints[i].Max = new FloatRange((float)rand.NextDouble(), true); header.DataPoints[i].Min = new FloatRange((float)rand.NextDouble(), true); header.DataPoints[i].Units = Lib.RandomEnumValue <Unit>(); values[i] = (float)rand.NextDouble(); valueString += $"{values[i]},"; } Lib.StartServer(header, 3000, out parser); var connection = Lib.CreateConnectionSocket(3000); connection.Send(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{valueString}\n")); Thread.Sleep(50); parser.UpdateBeforeDraw(); Assert.IsNotNull(parser.currentInfo); Assert.IsNotNull(parser.currentInfo.values); Assert.AreEqual(50, parser.currentInfo.values.Length); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { Assert.That(header.DataPoints[i].Min.Value.value, Is.EqualTo(parser.currentInfo.values[i].minValue).Within(.0001)); Assert.That(header.DataPoints[i].Max.Value.value, Is.EqualTo(parser.currentInfo.values[i].maxValue).Within(.0001)); Assert.That(values[i], Is.EqualTo(parser.currentInfo.values[i].value).Within(.0001)); Assert.AreEqual(header.DataPoints[i].Units, parser.currentInfo.values[i].unit); } parser.Dispose(); connection.Dispose(); }
public static bool ReadEmbeddedHeader(string resourceName, out DataHeader dataHeader) { var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName)) using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { string result = reader.ReadToEnd(); File.WriteAllText("temp.xml", result); } dataHeader = new DataHeader(); bool couldRead = DataHeader.TryReadHeader("temp.xml", out dataHeader); File.Delete("temp.xml"); return(couldRead); }
public static bool TryReadHeader(string filename, out DataHeader header) { try { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DataHeader)); if (!File.Exists(filename)) { Console.WriteLine($"Unable to open file {filename}"); header = null; return(false); } using (var fp = File.OpenRead(filename)) { header = (DataHeader)serializer.Deserialize(fp); } return(true); } catch (InvalidProgramException e) { Console.WriteLine($"Unable to parse header file:{e.InnerException}"); header = null; return(false); } }
public DataHeader GenerateHeaderFromData() { DataHeader newHeader = new DataHeader(); newHeader.Name = header.Name; newHeader.SourceLocation = header.SourceLocation; newHeader.SourceType = header.SourceType; newHeader.DeltaTime = header.DeltaTime; newHeader.Delimeter = header.delimeter; newHeader.DataPoints = new DataPointDefinition[mapping.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < mapping.Length; i++) { newHeader.DataPoints[i] = new DataPointDefinition(); newHeader.DataPoints[i].Index = header.DataPoints[i].index; newHeader.DataPoints[i].Max = new FloatRange(mapping[i].max, mapping[i].isMaxFixed); newHeader.DataPoints[i].Min = new FloatRange(mapping[i].min, mapping[i].isMinFixed); newHeader.DataPoints[i].Name = header.DataPoints[i].name; newHeader.DataPoints[i].Units = header.DataPoints[i].Units; newHeader.DataPoints[i].X = mapping[i].position.x; newHeader.DataPoints[i].Y = mapping[i].position.y; newHeader.DataPoints[i].Z = mapping[i].position.z; } return(newHeader); }
public SerialDataSource(string portName) { this.header = null; port = new SerialPort(portName, 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); port.Open(); }
public FakeDataSource(string filename) : base() { this.filename = filename; TestFileReader = new Thread(new ThreadStart(BackgroundEnumlateFileRead)); TestFileReader.Start(); this.header = new DataHeader(); this.header.SourceType = DataSourceType.FILE; this.header.SourceLocation = filename; readLine(); //DASYLab - V 11.00.00 string lineIn = readLine(); //Worksheet name: 6by10beamlayout string[] splits = lineIn.Split(':'); if (splits.Length > 1) { this.header.Name = splits[1]; } readLine(); //Recording date : 7/1/2016, 4:52:39 PM readLine(); //Block length : 2 lineIn = readLine(); //Delta : 0.2 sec. splits = lineIn.Split(':'); if (splits.Length > 1) { this.header.DeltaTime = Convert.ToSingle(splits[1].Trim().Split(' ')[0]); } lineIn = readLine(); //Number of channels : 16 splits = lineIn.Split(':'); int numChanels = 0; if (splits.Length > 1) { numChanels = Convert.ToInt32(splits[1]); } // read the channel information lineIn = readLine(); Regex inputMappingRegex = new Regex("(?<Name>.*?)(?<Unit>\\[.*?\\])?;"); MatchCollection inputMatches = inputMappingRegex.Matches(lineIn); numChanels = Math.Max(inputMatches.Count, numChanels); this.header.DataPoints = new DataPointDefinition[numChanels]; for (int i = 0; i < numChanels; i++) { this.header.DataPoints[i] = new DataPointDefinition(); } int j = 0; foreach (Match match in inputMatches) { this.header.DataPoints[j].Name = match.Groups["Name"].Value; if (Parser.UnitTypeParseMap.ContainsKey(match.Groups["Unit"].Value)) { this.header.DataPoints[j].Units = Parser.UnitTypeParseMap[match.Groups["Unit"].Value]; } j++; } }