public List <StockDTO> GetAvailableStock() { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; List <List <String> > reader; List <StockDTO> result = new List <StockDTO>(); sql = "SELECT,, s.quantity - SUM(CASE WHEN r.quantity IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE r.quantity END) quantity, s.itemTypeId, "; sql += "s.donationId, s.depotId, s.dueDate, s.location "; sql += "FROM stock s INNER JOIN donation d ON = s.donationId LEFT JOIN release_order_detail r ON r.stockId = "; sql += "WHERE d.statusId = 2 GROUP BY,, s.quantity, s.itemTypeId, s.donationId, s.depotId, s.dueDate, s.location "; sql += "HAVING s.quantity > SUM(CASE WHEN r.quantity IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE r.quantity END) "; sql += "ORDER BY s.itemTypeId ASC, s.dueDate ASC"; reader = dbsql.executeReader(sql); if (reader.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < reader.Count; ++i) { result.Add(Resolve(reader[i])); } } return(result); }
//Sólo recupera aquellos con estado 1 (Recibido) public List <DonationDTO> GetAvaliableDonations() { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; List <List <String> > reader; List <DonationDTO> result = new List <DonationDTO>(); sql = "SELECT d.*, SUM(CASE WHEN s.quantity IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE s.quantity END) stocked "; sql += "FROM donation d LEFT JOIN stock s ON s.donationId = "; sql += "WHERE d.statusId = 1 AND d.volunteerId is not null "; sql += "GROUP BY, d.items, d.arrival, d.statusId, d.donorId, d.comment, d.volunteerId "; //sql += "HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN s.quantity IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE s.quantity END) < items"; reader = dbsql.executeReader(sql); if (reader.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < reader.Count; ++i) { result.Add(Resolve(reader[i])); } } return(result); }
public bool DeleteBeneficiary(int id) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "UPDATE beneficiary SET deleted = 1 WHERE id = " + id; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool UpdateEntityDigit(DigitVerificatorDTO digitDto) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "UPDATE vdv SET vdv = '" + digitDto.vdv + "' WHERE entity = '" + digitDto.entity + "'"; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool DeleteUser(int userId) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "DELETE FROM users WHERE id = " + userId; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool DeleteItemType(int id) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "DELETE FROM item_type WHERE id = " + id; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool DeleteDonor(int id) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "UPDATE donor SET deleted = 1 WHERE id = " + id; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool DeleteStock(int id) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "DELETE FROM stock WHERE id = " + id; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool DeleteReleaseOrder(int id) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "DELETE FROM release_order_detail WHERE releaseOrderId = " + id + "; DELETE FROM release_order WHERE id = " + id; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool PerformBackup(string fullBackupPath) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "BACKUP DATABASE " + DBSql.DATABASE + " TO DISK = '" + fullBackupPath + "'"; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool PerformRestore(string fullBackupPath) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "USE MASTER ALTER DATABASE " + DBSql.DATABASE + " SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE RESTORE DATABASE " + DBSql.DATABASE + " FROM DISK = '" + fullBackupPath + "' WITH REPLACE"; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool UpdateToStatus(int id, int statusId) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "UPDATE donation SET statusId = " + statusId + " WHERE id = " + id; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Devuelve true si no se está utilizando el perfil y puede ser eliminado. /// </summary> /// <param name="code"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool CanDeleteProfile(string code) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; List <List <String> > reader; sql = "SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE permissionId = '" + code + "'"; reader = dbsql.executeReader(sql); return(reader.Count == 0); }
/// <summary> /// Elimina el perfil según el código provisto por parámetro, incluyendo relaciones /// </summary> /// <param name="code"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool DeleteProfile(string code) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; DeleteRelation(code); sql = "DELETE FROM permission WHERE id = '" + code + "'"; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool IsInUse(int id) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; List <List <String> > reader; sql = "SELECT count(1) FROM release_order_detail WHERE stockId = " + id; reader = dbsql.executeReader(sql); List <String> item = reader.First(); return(int.Parse(item[0]) > 0); }
/// <summary> /// Elimina las relaciones: exclusiones y jerarquía de dependencias asociadas al perfil /// </summary> /// <param name="code"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool DeleteRelation(string code) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "DELETE FROM permission_exclusion WHERE id = '" + code + "'"; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); sql = "DELETE FROM permission_hierarchy WHERE permissionIdBranch = '" + code + "'"; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool SaveDonor(DonorDTO donorDto) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "INSERT INTO donor (personId, organizationId, canBeContacted) VALUES ("; sql += + ", "; sql += donorDto.organizationId == 0 ? "null, " : donorDto.organizationId + ", "; sql += "'" + donorDto.canBeContacted + "'"; sql += ");SELECT @@IDENTITY"; donorDto.donorId = dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool UpdateDonor(DonorDTO donorDto) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "UPDATE donor SET "; sql += "personId = " + + ", "; sql += "organizationId = " + (donorDto.organizationId == 0 ? "null" : donorDto.organizationId.ToString()) + ", "; sql += "canBeContacted = '" + donorDto.canBeContacted + "' "; sql += "WHERE id = " + donorDto.donorId; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool UpdateStatusToStored(int id, int statusId) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "UPDATE donation set statusId = " + statusId + " WHERE id IN ( "; sql += "SELECT FROM donation d LEFT JOIN stock s ON s.donationId = "; sql += "WHERE = " + id + " "; sql += "GROUP BY, d.items, d.arrival, d.statusId, d.donorId, d.comment, d.volunteerId "; sql += "HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN s.quantity IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE s.quantity END) = items)"; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool SaveVolunteer(VolunteerDTO volunteerDto) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "INSERT INTO volunteer (personId, branchId, userId) VALUES ("; sql += + ", "; sql += volunteerDto.branchId + ", "; sql += volunteerDto.userId != 0 ? volunteerDto.userId.ToString() : "null"; sql += ");SELECT @@IDENTITY"; volunteerDto.volunteerId = dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool SaveProfile(PermissionDTO permissionDto) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "INSERT INTO permission (id, description, system) VALUES ("; sql += "'" + permissionDto.code + "', "; sql += "'" + permissionDto.description + "', "; sql += "'" + permissionDto.system + "'"; sql += ")"; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool UpdateReleaseOrder(ReleaseOrderDTO releaseOrderDto) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "UPDATE release_order SET "; sql += "beneficiaryId = " + releaseOrderDto.beneficiaryId + ", "; sql += "comment = '" + releaseOrderDto.comment + "', "; sql += "status = '" + releaseOrderDto.status + "' "; sql += "WHERE id = " +; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool SaveProfileExclusionRelation(string fatherCode, List <PermissionDTO> permissionsDto) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "INSERT INTO permission_exclusion (id, excluded) VALUES "; foreach (PermissionDTO permission in permissionsDto) { sql += "('" + fatherCode + "', '" + permission.code + "'), "; } //se remueve la coma del final dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql.Remove(sql.Length - 2)); return(true); }
public bool SaveItemType(ItemTypeDTO itemTypeDto) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "INSERT INTO item_type (name, category, comment, perishable) VALUES ("; sql += "'" + + "', "; sql += "'" + itemTypeDto.category + "', "; sql += "'" + itemTypeDto.comment + "', "; sql += "'" + itemTypeDto.perishable + "'"; sql += ");SELECT @@IDENTITY"; = dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool UpdateItemType(ItemTypeDTO itemTypeDto) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "UPDATE item_type SET "; sql += "name = '" + + "', "; sql += "category = '" + itemTypeDto.category + "', "; sql += "comment = '" + itemTypeDto.comment + "', "; sql += "perishable = '" + itemTypeDto.perishable + "' "; sql += "WHERE id = " +; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool SaveProfileRelation(List <PermissionDTO> permissionsDto) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "INSERT INTO permission_hierarchy (permissionIdBranch, permissionIdLeaf) VALUES "; foreach (PermissionDTO permission in permissionsDto) { sql += "('" + permission.fatherCode + "', '" + permission.code + "'), "; } //se remueve la coma del final dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql.Remove(sql.Length - 2)); return(true); }
public bool SaveReleaseOrderDetail(List <ReleaseOrderDetailDTO> releaseOrdersDetail) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "INSERT INTO release_order_detail (releaseOrderId, stockId, quantity) VALUES "; foreach (ReleaseOrderDetailDTO detail in releaseOrdersDetail) { sql += "(" + detail.releaseOrderId + ", " + detail.stockId + ", " + detail.quantity + "), "; } //se remueve la coma del final dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql.Remove(sql.Length - 2)); return(true); }
public bool UpdateOrganization(OrganizationDTO organizationDto) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "UPDATE organization SET "; sql += "name = '" + + "', "; sql += "category = '" + organizationDto.category + "', "; sql += "comment = '" + organizationDto.comment + "', "; sql += "phone = '" + + "', "; sql += "email = '" + + "', "; sql += "WHERE id = " +; dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool SaveOrganization(OrganizationDTO organizationDto) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "INSERT INTO organization (name, category, comment, phone, email) VALUES ("; sql += "'" + + "', "; sql += "'" + organizationDto.category + "', "; sql += "'" + organizationDto.comment + "', "; sql += "'" + + "', "; sql += "'" + + "'"; sql += ");SELECT @@IDENTITY"; = dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }
public bool SaveReleaseOrder(ReleaseOrderDTO releaseOrderDto) { DBSql dbsql = new DBSql(); String sql; sql = "INSERT INTO release_order (beneficiaryId, comment, released, received, status) VALUES ("; sql += releaseOrderDto.beneficiaryId + ", "; sql += "'" + releaseOrderDto.comment + "', "; sql += "null,"; sql += "null,"; sql += "'" + releaseOrderDto.status + "' "; sql += ");SELECT @@IDENTITY"; = dbsql.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); }