Exemple #1
 public int DeleteRegionAlarm(string string_0, int int_0)
     string format = "delete from GpsCarRegionParam where carID ={0} and regionFeature = {1}";
     format = string.Format(format, string_0, int_0);
     SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess();
     return access.updateBySql(format);
Exemple #2
 public int DeletePathAlarm(string string_0)
     string format = "delete from GpsCarPathParam where carID ={0}";
     format = string.Format(format, string_0);
     SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess();
     return access.updateBySql(format);
Exemple #3
 public int UpdateRegionType(string string_0, string string_1, string string_2, int int_0)
     int num = 0;
     string format = "update gpsRegionType set regionDot = '{0}', RegionName='{2}' where regionId = {1}";
     format = string.Format(format, string_1, string_0, string_2);
     SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess();
     num = access.updateBySql(format);
     if (num > 0)
         format = string.Concat(new object[] { "update GpsPathInGroup set pathgroupID=", int_0, " where regionID=", string_0 });
     return num;
Exemple #4
 public int UpdateRegionType(string string_0, string string_1)
     string format = "update gpsRegionType set regionDot = '{0}' where regionId = {1}";
     format = string.Format(format, string_1, string_0);
     SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess();
     return access.updateBySql(format);
Exemple #5
 public int UpdateGisCarCommandTime(string string_0)
     string format = "update giscar set CommandEnableTime = null where carID= {0} and CommandEnableTime > getdate()";
     format = string.Format(format, string_0);
     SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess();
     return access.updateBySql(format);
Exemple #6
 public int InsertRegionIntoGisCar(string string_0, int int_0, int int_1, string string_1, string string_2)
     string str = string.Format("insert into GisCarInfoTable_Tmp(carID, wrkID, orderID, RegionDot, regionFeature) values({0},{1},{2},'{3}', {4})", new object[] { string_0, int_0, int_1, string_1, string_2 });
     SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess();
     return access.updateBySql(str);
Exemple #7
 public int InsertRegionIdsIntoGisCar(string string_0, string string_1, string string_2, string string_3)
     string str = string.Format("insert into GisCarInfoTable_Tmp(carID, wrkID, orderID, delRegionID)  values({0}, {1}, {2}, '{3}')", new object[] { string_0, string_1, string_2, string_3 });
     SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess();
     return access.updateBySql(str);
Exemple #8
 public int InsertPhonesIntoGisCar(CmdParam.PhoneType phoneType_0, string string_0, string string_1, string string_2, string string_3)
     CmdParam.PhoneTypeField field = (CmdParam.PhoneTypeField) phoneType_0;
     string str = string.Format("insert into GisCarInfoTable_Tmp(carID, wrkID, orderID, {0}) values({1}, {2},{3},'{4}')", new object[] { field.ToString(), string_0, string_1, string_2, string_3 });
     SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess();
     return access.updateBySql(str);
Exemple #9
 public int InsertPathIntoGisCar(string string_0, int int_0, int int_1, string string_1)
     string str = string.Format("insert into GisCarInfoTable_Tmp(carID, wrkID, orderID, alarmPathDot) values({0},{1},{2},'{3}')", new object[] { string_0, int_0, int_1, string_1 });
     SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess();
     return access.updateBySql(str);
Exemple #10
 public int InsertPathIdsIntoPathParam(string string_0, string string_1, string string_2, string string_3, string string_4)
     string str = string.Format("insert into GpsCarSetPathParam_TMP(carID, wrkID, orderID, PathID,NewPathId)  values({0}, {1}, {2}, {3},{4})", new object[] { string_0, string_1, string_2, string_3, string_4 });
     SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess();
     return access.updateBySql(str);
Exemple #11
 public int InsertGpsCarDeviceParam(string string_0, int int_0, int int_1, string string_1, string string_2)
     string str = "delete from GpsCarDeviceParam where carId = " + string_0;
     //string[] strArray = null;
     if (string_1.Length > 0)
         foreach (string str2 in string_1.Split(new char[] { '\\' }))
             str = str + string.Format(" insert into GpsCarDeviceParam(carId,WrkId,OrdId,DeviceId,ComNum,sysResult)  values({0}, {1}, {2}, '{3}', '{4}', '{5}') ", new object[] { string_0, int_0, int_1, str2, "1", "-1" });
     //strArray = null;
     if (string_2.Length > 0)
         foreach (string str3 in string_2.Split(new char[] { '\\' }))
             str = str + string.Format(" insert into GpsCarDeviceParam(carId,WrkId,OrdId,DeviceId,ComNum,sysResult)  values({0}, {1}, {2}, '{3}', '{4}', '{5}') ", new object[] { string_0, int_0, int_1, str3, "2", "-1" });
     SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess();
     return access.updateBySql(str);
Exemple #12
 public int InsertCustAlarmIntoGisCar(string string_0, string string_1, int int_0, long long_0, long long_1, long long_2, long long_3, string string_2)
     string format = "insert into GisCarInfoTable_Tmp(carID, wrkID, orderID, cust_carAlarmSwitch, cust_carAlarmFlag, cust_isShowForm, cust_level, cust_name) values({0}, {1}, {2}, '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}')";
     format = string.Format(format, new object[] { string_0, string_1, int_0, long_0, long_1, long_2, long_3, string_2 });
     SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess();
     return access.updateBySql(format);
Exemple #13
 public int InsertComArsgIntoGisCar(string string_0, string string_1, int int_0, int int_1, string string_2, string string_3, string string_4, string string_5, string string_6, string string_7, string string_8, int int_2, string string_9, string string_10, string string_11)
     string format = "  insert into GisCarInfoTable_Tmp(carID, wrkID, orderID, carCommunicationType, APNAddr, GPRSUser, GPRSPassword, TCPIP, TCPPort, UDPIP, UDPPort, AgentIp, AgentPort, isUseProxy,ServerType)  values({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, '{4}', '{5}','{6}', '{7}','{8}','{9}',{10}, '{11}', '{12}',{13},'{14}')";
     format = string.Format(format, new object[] { string_0, string_1, int_0, int_1, string_2, string_3, string_4, string_5, string_6, string_7, string_8, string_9, string_10, int_2, string_11 });
     SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess();
     return access.updateBySql(format);
Exemple #14
 public int InsertAlamFlagIntoGisCar(string string_0, string string_1, int int_0, int int_1, int int_2, int int_3, long long_0, long long_1, long long_2, long long_3)
     string format = " insert into GisCarInfoTable_Tmp(carID, wrkID, orderID, carAlarmSwitch, carAlarmFlag, isShowForm,AlarmFlagType,AlarmFlagEx,CarAlarmSwitchEx,CarShowAlarmEx)  values({0}, {1}, {2}, '{3}','{4}', '{5}',{6},{7},{8},{9})";
     format = string.Format(format, new object[] { string_0, string_1, int_0, int_1, int_2, int_3, long_0, long_1, long_2, long_3 });
     SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess();
     return access.updateBySql(format);