CompareValues() private méthode

private CompareValues ( double value1, OperatorConditionEnum compareOp, double value2 ) : bool
value1 double
compareOp OperatorConditionEnum
value2 double
Résultat bool
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the Where clause for specified rating filter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Query">The video selection query to filter.</param>
        /// <param name="item">The rating filter to apply.</param>
        /// <param name="ratingRatio">The rating ratio.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The data context to the database.</param>
        /// <returns>The Where clause to apply to the query.</returns>
        public static Expression<Func<Media, bool>> GetFilterClause(IQueryable<Media> Query, SearchRatingSetting item, double ratingRatio, Entities context) {
            Expression<Func<Media, bool>> Result;
            if (item.Category == "Length")
                Result = (v => context.CompareValues(v.Length, item.Operator, item.Value * 60));
            else if (item.Category == "Height")
                Result = (v => context.CompareValues(v.Height, item.Operator, item.Value));
            else if (item.Category == "Preference")
                Result = (v => context.CompareValues(v.Preference, item.Operator, item.Value));
            else if (item.Category == "Highest")
                Result = (v => context.CompareValues(v.MediaRatings.Max(r => r.DbGetValue(r.Height, r.Depth, ratingRatio)), item.Operator, item.Value));
            else if (item.Category.StartsWith("!Physical") || item.Category.StartsWith("!Emotional") || item.Category.StartsWith("!Spiritual")) {
                // All other polarity energies smaller than...
                string ItemCategory = item.Category.Substring(1);
                Result = (v =>
                    !(from r in v.MediaRatings
                      let val = r.DbGetValue(r.Height, r.Depth, ratingRatio)
                      where !r.RatingCategory.Name.StartsWith(ItemCategory) && r.RatingCategory.Custom == false &&
                      r.RatingCategory.Name != "Egoless" && r.RatingCategory.Name != "Love" && (
                      (item.Operator == OperatorConditionEnum.Smaller && val >= item.Value))
                      select 1).Any());
            } else if (item.Category.StartsWith("!")) {
                // All other energies smaller than...
                string ItemCategory = item.Category.Substring(1);
                Result = (v =>
                    !(from r in v.MediaRatings
                      let val = r.DbGetValue(r.Height, r.Depth, ratingRatio)
                      where r.RatingCategory.Name != ItemCategory && (
                      (item.Operator == OperatorConditionEnum.Smaller && val >= item.Value))
                      select 1).Any());
            } else if (item.Category.StartsWith("Intensity"))
                // The average of the 5 highest values.
                Result = (v =>
                    (from t in v.MediaRatings
                     let val = (from r in v.MediaRatings
                                let val = r.DbGetValue(r.Height, r.Depth, ratingRatio)
                                orderby val descending
                                select val).Take(5).Average()
                     where context.CompareValues(val, item.Operator, item.Value)
                     select 1).Any());
            else if (item.Operator != OperatorConditionEnum.Smaller) {
                // Standard rating filters.
                Result = (v =>
                    (from t in
                         (from r in v.MediaRatings
                          where r.RatingCategory.Name.StartsWith(item.Category)
                          orderby r.DbGetValue(r.Height, r.Depth, ratingRatio) descending
                          select r).Take(1)
                     let val = t.DbGetValue(t.Height, t.Depth, ratingRatio)
                     where context.CompareValues(val, item.Operator, item.Value)
                     select 1).Any());
            } else {
                // Standard rating filter with < operator.
                Result = (v =>
                    (from t in
                         (from r in v.MediaRatings
                          where r.RatingCategory.Name.StartsWith(item.Category)
                          orderby r.DbGetValue(r.Height, r.Depth, ratingRatio) descending
                          select r).Take(1)
                     let val = t.DbGetValue(t.Height, t.Depth, ratingRatio)
                     let val2 = t.DbGetValue(t.Height, t.Depth, 0) // '<' operator applies to both specified ratio and ratio 0.
                     where val >= item.Value && val2 >= item.Value
                     select 1).Any() == false);

            // Apply 'or' filter.
            if (item.Or != null)
                Result = Result.OrElse(GetFilterClause(Query, item.Or, ratingRatio, context));

            return Result;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the Where clause for specified rating filter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Query">The video selection query to filter.</param>
        /// <param name="item">The rating filter to apply.</param>
        /// <param name="ratingRatio">The rating ratio.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The data context to the database.</param>
        /// <returns>The Where clause to apply to the query.</returns>
        public static Expression <Func <Media, bool> > GetFilterClause(IQueryable <Media> Query, SearchRatingSetting item, double ratingRatio, Entities context)
            Expression <Func <Media, bool> > Result;

            if (item.Category == "Length")
                Result = (v => context.CompareValues(v.Length, item.Operator, item.Value * 60));
            else if (item.Category == "Height")
                Result = (v => context.CompareValues(v.Height, item.Operator, item.Value));
            else if (item.Category == "Preference")
                Result = (v => context.CompareValues(v.Preference, item.Operator, item.Value));
            else if (item.Category == "Highest")
                Result = (v => context.CompareValues(v.MediaRatings.Max(r => r.DbGetValue(r.Height, r.Depth, ratingRatio)), item.Operator, item.Value));
            else if (item.Category.StartsWith("!Physical") || item.Category.StartsWith("!Emotional") || item.Category.StartsWith("!Spiritual"))
                // All other polarity energies smaller than...
                string ItemCategory = item.Category.Substring(1);
                Result = (v =>
                          !(from r in v.MediaRatings
                            let val = r.DbGetValue(r.Height, r.Depth, ratingRatio)
                                      where !r.RatingCategory.Name.StartsWith(ItemCategory) && r.RatingCategory.Custom == false &&
                                      r.RatingCategory.Name != "Egoless" && r.RatingCategory.Name != "Love" && (
                                (item.Operator == OperatorConditionEnum.Smaller && val >= item.Value))
                                      select 1).Any());
            else if (item.Category.StartsWith("!"))
                // All other energies smaller than...
                string ItemCategory = item.Category.Substring(1);
                Result = (v =>
                          !(from r in v.MediaRatings
                            let val = r.DbGetValue(r.Height, r.Depth, ratingRatio)
                                      where r.RatingCategory.Name != ItemCategory && (
                                (item.Operator == OperatorConditionEnum.Smaller && val >= item.Value))
                                      select 1).Any());
            else if (item.Category.StartsWith("Intensity"))
                // The average of the 5 highest values.
                Result = (v =>
                          (from t in v.MediaRatings
                           let val = (from r in v.MediaRatings
                                      let val = r.DbGetValue(r.Height, r.Depth, ratingRatio)
                                                orderby val descending
                                                select val).Take(5).Average()
                                     where context.CompareValues(val, item.Operator, item.Value)
                                     select 1).Any());
            else if (item.Operator != OperatorConditionEnum.Smaller)
                // Standard rating filters.
                Result = (v =>
                          (from t in
                           (from r in v.MediaRatings
                            where r.RatingCategory.Name.StartsWith(item.Category)
                            orderby r.DbGetValue(r.Height, r.Depth, ratingRatio) descending
                            select r).Take(1)
                           let val = t.DbGetValue(t.Height, t.Depth, ratingRatio)
                                     where context.CompareValues(val, item.Operator, item.Value)
                                     select 1).Any());
                // Standard rating filter with < operator.
                Result = (v =>
                          (from t in
                           (from r in v.MediaRatings
                            where r.RatingCategory.Name.StartsWith(item.Category)
                            orderby r.DbGetValue(r.Height, r.Depth, ratingRatio) descending
                            select r).Take(1)
                           let val = t.DbGetValue(t.Height, t.Depth, ratingRatio)
                                     let val2 = t.DbGetValue(t.Height, t.Depth, 0) // '<' operator applies to both specified ratio and ratio 0.
                                                where val >= item.Value && val2 >= item.Value
                                                select 1).Any() == false);

            // Apply 'or' filter.
            if (item.Or != null)
                Result = Result.OrElse(GetFilterClause(Query, item.Or, ratingRatio, context));
